
Author Topic: Help For Flashing Sammy Drives  (Read 36 times)


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Help For Flashing Sammy Drives
« on: February 04, 2007, 10:08:00 AM »

Hi everyone im sure im in the right forum, not sure if anyone will find this useful or not but would like to share with you this little peice of info..

I was flashing a samsung ms28 and after trying the following steps (with a VIA 6421 PCI) it would not flash the samsung drive.

When ive been reading these forums and other sites everyone mentions UNPLUGGING ALL PC DVD/CD ROM Drives

But what i found was when they were all unplugged but the SATA drive it detected the drive but came up with the error "port 9000 a0" i think.. but it wouldnt initiate the backup or flashing of the drive..

I tried the unplugging method... but because it was the only drive it would automatically start reading out the rom when i pressed enter at command prompt with "mtkflash r /m file.bin"...

just for laughs i decided to plug in another drive (thus displaying the selection screen) and from then on it all came together..

So in a few easy steps i would suggest

1. Keep a PC DVD-ROM drive plugged in (but unplug all Hard Drives just to be safe!!)
2. make sure either your xbox360 is turned off before switching on PC (or if you use a connectivity kit the power or sata cable is disconnected before switching on the PC)
3. turn on pc
4. boot from either floppy, or USB stick (recommended) or other forms
5. at command prompt power on drive (either via connectivity kit or 360)
6. type mtkflash r /m file.bin and press RETURN/ENTER key
7. disconnect power to drive
8. press option for VIA device (making sure it is the one for your SATA drive)
9. power on Drive

flash should be read out, to what is needed then to flash drive with new firmware, i always reboot pc before flashing firmware back..

1. Keep a PC DVD-ROM drive plugged in (but unplug all Hard Drives just to be safe!!)
2. make sure either your xbox360 is turned off before switching on PC (or if you use a connectivity kit the power or sata cable is disconnected before switching on the PC)
3. turn on pc
4. boot from either floppy, or USB stick (recommended) or other forms
5. at command prompt power on drive (either via connectivity kit or 360)
6. type mtkflash w /m newfile.bin and press RETURN/ENTER key
7. disconnect power to drive
8. press option for VIA device (making sure it is the one for your SATA drive)
9. power on Drive

should start flashing banks

after its completed plug into tv and test it..
