
Author Topic: Orig.bin And X51a.bin Excatly The Same?  (Read 22 times)


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Orig.bin And X51a.bin Excatly The Same?
« on: December 28, 2006, 10:31:00 PM »

Sorry if this is a waste of time, but I tried a few different words in the seach bar, but didn't find anything....

Finally got my computer to 'see' the xbox360 drive

had to pull out the ide cables (obviously the sata as well), boot the pc first, then the xbox360.  At the command prompt, then plug the sata cable into the xbox360 drive, run mtkflash r /m orig.bin

After that, I turned both off, plugged my 2 sata hd back in and made many copies of orig.bin  Just for interest sake, I decided to open the hex editor and view 51a-ms25.bin, xrtrem51a.bin and orig.bin  I noticed that all the these files are excatly the same between 4000 and 4200

Shouldn't my orig.bin be different that the other two?  It is not a mistake, I have all three opened in teh same parent window of the hex editor.  Having 4000-4200 highlighted in each, I see no difference between them.

I extracted the 'fw' directory to a different location, opend the two previous .bin files and the orig.bin off my usb thumb drive (aside from coping the orig.bin I haven't done anything with it).

Should I try to backup the xbox original firmware again just to make sure or does this sound right?

Here is what I got from the dos prompt originally (all the while, the xbox light was flashing contanstly untill I turn the xbox off):

Port: b800, Master/Slave a0
flash type: SST(SSTxxxxxxx)
Reading........Finished!  Datasum 0507, OPCSum 0

Please reboot PC

With make xtremefirmware.bat, I chose A and ms25 (whatever that selection asked for)

I have a toshiba/samsung f/w=ms25, ver a, dec 2005 drive
mobo has a via8237 chipset

I figured I would try to be as specific as possible (hence the long message)



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Orig.bin And X51a.bin Excatly The Same?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2006, 12:09:00 AM »

Got the original firmware again.   I think the problem was that I was searching for 4000 - 4200 in dec mode and not hex mode.  Now I see that the the 51a-ms25.bin, xtrem51a.bin and x51a.bin are all just periods in those sections listed above.

I guess it makes sense that the orig.bin and x51a.bin are same now in those values seen through the hex editor (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Yikes, slight mistake on my part.  I think it's time to goto sleep now (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
