
Author Topic: Firmware Update - Bricked 360? Help  (Read 154 times)


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Firmware Update - Bricked 360? Help
« on: May 18, 2006, 04:29:00 AM »

Hi All,

Firstly... I'm no pro... but im not a n00b either, i found the whole firmware update very easy, lets put it that way. Hope that give an idea of what i can and cant do.

I followed the tutorial from start to finish and completed all of the steps...

I managed to backup th firmware and that stored safely on 4 differant devices (you can never be too sure).

When i backed it up i noticed it got to 100% and started again.. it did this about 5 times, is this normal? i gather that just each bank it was backing up?

I then booted into windows and examined the floppy disk and lone-behold a 256k bios fine sitting on there called ORIG.

I then opened this with win hex... and located offset 4000 and copied all of the text between 4000 and 4200.

I then proceeded to open extreme.bin in win hex... located the above offsets and pasted into them. (Maybe ive got this bit wrong or put code in wrong place).

I then flashed the bios from the dos bootable floppy... it went ok... said each bank was ok and overall 100%fine.

At this point i re-assembled the 360 fully, i should of tested it first.... but halfway through putting it back together... i remembered that id forgot to plug sata back into to xbox dvd drive, so i took it all apart again and attached cable, forgot to check if power was securely connected (should of been i never touched it).

I proceeded to re-assamble the whole unit for the second time... at this point it was very late 3am GMT. and i didnt have the xbox connected to the tv... but anyway i turned xbox on and the green ring comes on as tho everything is ok and after about 5 seconds it was giving one red flashing light. bottom right i think.

I was too tired to persue it any further at that time.

Any suggestions people? bare in mind xbox wasnt connected to pc/tv at this time. - but av cable was plugged into the 360.

One thing i should mention is that when i plugged in sata cable to motherboard i yanked a little too hard and xbox fell off my bed and landed dvd drive down... it fell about 1ft. I cursed about 10 times and then picked it up... it wasnt that much of a bang - could this of caused it? i know it has not helped.

I did also remove the black screws which apparently hold the heat sink on? thios was before the unit fell... is it only these screws that hold the heatsink on? as it seemed pretty secure with these out.

Just need some advice or direction - i can follow any instructions pretty well

thanks for your time all.

its much appreciated - and i mean that!

 unsure.gif  unsure.gif  unsure.gif  unsure.gif  unsure.gif


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Firmware Update - Bricked 360? Help
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2006, 04:33:00 AM »

get those screws back in!

other people have had red lights from loose heatsinks


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Firmware Update - Bricked 360? Help
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2006, 04:43:00 AM »

everything was re-assambled at this point, screws and everything.

wonder if its dislodged or something.

but when i put those heatsink screws back in then they probably wouldnt of lined up and screwed in if heatsink wasnt in the correct place


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Firmware Update - Bricked 360? Help
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2006, 09:21:00 AM »

Hi all

i managed to get home for a hour, have to leave in 30 mins again... but it starts to boot up you can hear the starting sound and see the MS logo starting to form on the tv screen.. stays on for about 5 seconds after powering on the unit.. then it goes to an error screen - giving e65

would this happen if flash was bad or secret jey wasnt in right place? or is it more likely that i took the black screws out and heatsink is loose or something?

the fans where pretty loud when i turned it on i noticed, this only happend first time i turned it on tried it about 5 times


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Firmware Update - Bricked 360? Help
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2006, 09:45:00 AM »

flash it with your backup original firmware and see what happens


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Firmware Update - Bricked 360? Help
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2006, 11:07:00 AM »

I will buy your brick !


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Firmware Update - Bricked 360? Help
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2006, 11:10:00 AM »

E65 is a jacked up dvd firmware error, it and E64. As far as I know. The one I had that was E64 I could reflash.
The E65 one I had to pull the chip and put in a socket and run the bin through my $500 programmer.


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Firmware Update - Bricked 360? Help
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2006, 12:12:00 PM »

Hi Guys/Gals.

Here's the situation so far...

Took 360 fully apart and dissconnected and removed the dvd drive totally... 360 boots up fine and reaches dashboard, no problems what-so-ever (it says openeing at the bottom of the screen, even though dvd drive isnt even connected. - did you guys know it could boot fine without the dvd rom drive attached?

I then plugged the dvd drive in and booted 360... it started to get tot he 360 logo (about 5 seconds after powering on and then went to the error screen).

Its as if the drive has no power at all... so i switched off 360 and lifted dvd rom drive out... i turned the cog underleath the drive to release the dvd tray.. i pulled it half open... as i was thinking when i power on 360 it will close the drive if theres any power to it.... so i plugged drive back in and turned on 360... nothing happend the tray stayed half stuck out, so i pressed the eject button on the 360 mobo and nothing, its like the drive is totally dead...

so i then thoght hmm if its totally dead then surely i wount be able to read/write the firmware... so i tried and bingo it worked, i can read and write firmware to this drive... so it cant be dead? does anyoned know if the drive its self has an open or eject button on it so i can test the power and rule out the 360 mobo eject button?

im really baffled, would a dodgy flash cause this???

so when in 360 drivr seems dead, wont open or anything, wen connected to pc i can read/write firmware to my earts content tried it 6 times. - flawless... at this point dvd drivr is getting power from 360 then.

i wonder if the eject mechanism is shot or something, but if that the case that surely that wouldnt cause the 360 to give the error screen? surely it just wouldnt work when i opened it?


so if i boot 360 with no dvd drive - 100% fine, boots and says opening!
if i boot 360 with dvd drive connected to power only - 360 does same ... boots and says opening
if i boot 360 with dvd drive hooked up to both 360sata and power... the xbox gives the error screen, and the drive cannot be ejected and doesnt seem to have any power.... but why can i still read/write firmware?

sorry if ive kept repeating myself, just stressed and flumuxed


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Firmware Update - Bricked 360? Help
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2006, 01:55:00 PM »

any idea's people? got the dvd drive in bits now, doesnt seem to do anything when 360 is switched on, draw doesnt close, no digns of laser or any moise, but yet i can flash/read firmware

totally confused