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Author Topic: Succesful Backup Swap On 360 !  (Read 1399 times)


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« Reply #90 on: December 31, 2005, 10:29:00 AM »

did anyone hear my warning?

lasers = bad

plz don't do anything stupid and sue the person who told you about it. Then again, if you are stupid enough to let the laser refect into your retina, I consider that natural selection.


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« Reply #91 on: December 31, 2005, 12:14:00 PM »

QUOTE(TheRandomDude @ Dec 30 2005, 05:47 AM) View Post

um, I also hate to bring this up but isn't there some dangerous rays comming from the laser that are invisible to the human eye and can blind you permanently?

oh well, have fun pop.gif

If you check the laser classifications they range from Class 1 to Class 4, from harmless to most dangerous.
DVD/CD drive's lasers are usually Class 1, which are harmless to the eye and require no controls.

QUOTE(deakphreak @ Dec 30 2005, 05:19 PM) View Post

Do you know what happens when you double up dvd's in a drive?  Try it in your pc and tell me the results.

I did that once in my Pioneer 106, I was wondering why my drive was so noisy until I found out I accidently put 2 disc in. Didnt check if the disc was readable with another stacked on top, but no damage was done to the drive.


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« Reply #92 on: January 20, 2006, 05:14:00 AM »

QUOTE(TheRandomDude @ Dec 31 2005, 07:36 PM) View Post

did anyone hear my warning?

lasers = bad

plz don't do anything stupid and sue the person who told you about it. Then again, if you are stupid enough to let the laser refect into your retina, I consider that natural selection.

LOL @ natural selection  laugh.gif


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« Reply #93 on: January 20, 2006, 06:10:00 PM »

QUOTE(Spark @ Dec 30 2005, 07:52 PM) View Post

In additon, the effects would be worse on a DVD than it would a CD, as 1x DVD is the equivalent of approximately 52x CD.

And if I were you deak, I would kick your friends out of your house before they do some real damage.

Actually, the speed is the same. Its kinda like playing a 45rpm record at 72rpms. Same speed, more data.


All I can say best modchip video ever! How can you dispute that video. And lets not forget to mention that sexy piece of eye candy working the disk. smile.gif


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« Reply #94 on: January 20, 2006, 07:34:00 PM »

QUOTE(shakaru @ Jan 21 2006, 02:17 AM) View Post


All I can say best modchip video ever! How can you dispute that video. And lets not forget to mention that sexy piece of eye candy working the disk. smile.gif

ha ha ha thanks.  You see it shows the backside of the disc and everything, i got nothing to hide.  That was my wife, she was wearing a hoodie because we keep our temp down to like 50 - 60 so we can save money. We dont make a whole lot  sleep.gif


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« Reply #95 on: January 29, 2006, 02:56:00 AM »

QUOTE(quall @ Dec 27 2005, 02:42 PM) View Post

^^I'm with you. I can't believe that I read through 5 pages of pointless argumenting between members.

You got off easy... I had to go through 9 pages.. Terrible...

Now on to the actual topic. I take a few things away from this whole conversation.

1: If this works (which I am not willing to try or even attempt) then cool. It's nothing really big but then again most things start out that way. You have one neat idea and that spawns a whole lot of other great ideas. It's a neat start but the focus of this exploit cannot soley be running a backup from an original.

2: If this is a fake.. Accept this person feels better about themselves and at least had a good laugh. It might have been at your expense for believing them but at least they laughed? Nothing said/viewed/ or done in this thread will stop the scene from attempting more unique ways to bypass M$

3: What are the actual uses and benefits of this method? At this point in time? Not many. In fact it is very limited (At least at this point) in what it can do.  But if this method is proved legit and it is the spring board for another idea that actually gets us one step closer then so be it.

4: All security (in theory) is hackable/crackable/whatever phrase you want to throw out there. The problem is the sheer numbers and time. Is it plausible to do X in a given amount of time? I have no doubts the xbox360 can be cracked HOWEVER if said cracking takes a few decades (or longer if you read some articles) then what is the purpose? As was pointed out earlier in this thread, you would be amazed at some of the stupidity/laziness of some security systems. Good ideas but bad implementation.

5: And finally to, at least a handful of people on both sides of this conversation. Does it make you sleep better at night to bash an idea on a public forum? There is  constructive criticism, encouragement, and then there is just plain rudeness. If you feel in your mind/heart that this method is complete BS then don't read it, let the simple sheep run around with heads full of grandeur that they overcame a multi-billion dollar company. Like all things on the internet eventually we learn that it's truth or we realize someone out there is really bored with their life and have nothing better to do than f@$# with other people. A personality flaw to be sure but nothing I am really going to lose sleep over.

 beerchug.gif IPB Image


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« Reply #96 on: February 21, 2006, 04:23:00 PM »

I wish you said that earlier... i wouldnt have spent months looking for a backup method if your magic pc burner can burn ms coded discs!!!   sleeping.gif

On the video, its not fake it just doesnt work, the game crashes at the menu cos it will not read data from the cdr.

The reason it continues to boot is because its buffered on the xbox.

Thats why if you play say fifa then put in PGR you have to watch the intro vid, its buffering the info on the box, if you reboot and play pgr again you can skip the vid cos the xbox keeps the cache of the last game played to speed up loading times.. IE the xbox is loading from cache not the cdr when it does try the cdr it crashes thats why the clown stops the disk instead of playig the game....

the vid is pointless and does not work



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« Reply #97 on: February 22, 2006, 11:55:00 AM »

must be really hard to understand you cannot make discs with the official ms media stamp on it


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« Reply #98 on: February 22, 2006, 04:38:00 PM »

QUOTE(Mr_Mo @ Feb 22 2006, 03:37 PM) View Post

Don't say it is impossible. How is the media stamp protected?

If it can be read by a DVD-drive, then shouldn't be able to reporduce one?

the media ID is put on the disc at the factory (this includes dvd-r discs) and no dvd burner is capable of writing this on a disc (theres no need, its always set ont eh disc at the factory)

so you would have to produce your own dvd-r discs and burn them in your homebrew dvd burner, and hope they somehow still conform to the dvd spec enough for the xbox/360 to even read them


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« Reply #99 on: February 23, 2006, 11:56:00 AM »

About the disc swapping issue: yes, this will be possible, since disc authentication is only executed directly after disc insert. But as said, it will only work for a single game, e.g., you can't swap game disc B in after disc A got authenticated (since the TOC got read).

i think it would also fail to work for games that us multiple xbes/xexs, since when a newexecutable is laoded the media check will run again


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« Reply #100 on: February 23, 2006, 12:31:00 PM »

QUOTE(lordvader129 @ Feb 23 2006, 08:03 PM) View Post

i think it would also fail to work for games that us multiple xbes/xexs, since when a newexecutable is laoded the media check will run again

everytime a (new) xbe/xex is pushed into ram it needs to get verified first. most games however have only one executable. this swap trick was just as useless as the kiosk disc anyway and I really don't understand how this can grow 10 pages. I guess most people try to grasp every single spark of hope they can


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« Reply #101 on: February 23, 2006, 03:53:00 PM »




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« Reply #102 on: February 23, 2006, 05:45:00 PM »

Well, to make my previous post complete: you will need to set bittype 'DVD-ROM' of course and burn a dual layer disc wink.gif


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« Reply #103 on: February 23, 2006, 10:32:00 PM »

QUOTE(TheSpecialist @ Feb 24 2006, 01:05 AM) View Post

I haven't tested it, but I am quite sure it won't be a problem. The kernel sets a flag that a disc is 'authenticated' after succesful authentication (executed after disc insertion). Only thing that resets this flag is a drive eject.

So, if another executable is booted from the same game, kernel will check its mediaflag, will see that it's only allowed to boot from an 'authentic XBOX dvd', will then check that 'authentication bit' it has set, will see it has been set and will then boot the executable.

I remember in the old days before pbl and the days where pbl wouldn't work on a 5530 or higher kernel we needed to sign our xbe's manually to work with the exploit. in that situation we needed to sign all xbe's on the disc to ensure not to get an error 21 after loading the 2nd xbe. I remember it specifically using topspin giving me a hard time with errors 21. (and I'm quite sure the mediaflags were allready patched in the xbe's)

It would also seem more logical to me that after checking the first xbe media flag it would set that to an 'authentication bit' since the other xbe's are on the same disc and rechecking the others seem quite useless.



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« Reply #104 on: February 25, 2006, 07:58:00 PM »

fuck me these forums used to be handy and all i get now is posts on top of posts in shite threads that have titles that will never work...


close this shit  sleeping.gif
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