
Author Topic: Crazy Idea Dont Flame Me Plz  (Read 232 times)


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Crazy Idea Dont Flame Me Plz
« on: January 10, 2011, 12:46:00 PM »

hi guys i want to reflash my hitachi drive with LT+ but i sold me pc i use to flash me xbox sometime back now all that we use in the house is lappys but non have a sata external i know you can buy a  PCMIA VIA card with VIA VT6421 Chipset to do this.

what i wanted to know was i have a external caddy which carrys any sata HDD you want
for extra storage would it be possible to use the motherboard connections out of the external caddy with the sata connection hook that to my 360 drive use the power of the 360 and hook up to my lappy via the usb the caddy has on the back it also uses a external power supply not like some that power up through the usb ????
plz dunna flame me  its just a mad idea that would seem to work as the lappy should pick the hitachie drive up the same way as a hdd or dvd/rw
im using this LOOOOOOL

Update connected all to pc used jungle usb drivers
now started JF query it and got this

Found 0 Com Ports.
Found 2 windows drives C: D:
Found 1 CD/DVD drives D:

Scanning for hardware changes
Found drive C: - Hard Drive.
Found drive D: - CD/DVD.
No Hitachi drives were found!
Scanning for hardware changes
Found drive C: - Hard Drive.
Found drive D: - CD/DVD.
No Hitachi drives were found!
Scanning for hardware changes
Found drive C: - Hard Drive.
Found drive D: - CD/DVD.
Found drive E: - CD/DVD. <--- Hitachi found
Scanning for hardware changes
Found drive C: - Hard Drive.
Found drive D: - CD/DVD.
Found drive E: - CD/DVD. <--- Hitachi found
E:\ [HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR3120L0059] returns Inquiry
0000: 05 80 00 32 5B 00 00 00 - 48 4C 2D 44 54 2D 53 54 ...2[...HL-DT-ST
0010: 44 56 44 2D 52 4F 4D 20 - 47 44 52 33 31 32 30 4C DVD-ROM GDR3120L
0020: 30 30 35 39 30 42 4D 41 - 42 20 20 20 30 36 2F 30 00590BMAB   06/0
0030: 31 2F 32 34 20 20 20 00                           1/24   .        

so far all ok

1hr later

well guys after a bit of thinking i sorted it restored fw and updated to LT-Plus 1.1
log below well it saved me going out buying more hardware using this caddy that was just used for a hdd lol
hope someone else gets help with this method

JungleFlasher 0.1.78 Beta (182)
Session Started Mon Jan 10 17:10:14 2011

This is a 32 bit process running on a 32 bit CPU
portio32.sys Driver Installed
portio32.sys Driver Started, thanks Schtrom !
Found 2 I/O Ports.
Found 0 Com Ports.
Found 3 windows drives C: D: E:
Found 2 CD/DVD drives D: E:

Restoring Stock f/w to Hitachi 0058/0059 by Ram Upload Method via WIN32 API
Dumping Flash:................................Loading firmware from buffer
Inquiry string found
Identify string found
Drive key @ 0x4F00 4D9F48519F1F73A600418C3B7396B310
Firmware Osig: [HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR3120L0059]
Firmware is:  Stock                          
Key database updated

Drive is rev 0059
Restore Aborted
Dumping f/w of Hitachi 0058/0059 by Ram Upload Method via WIN32 API
Drive is rev 0059

Dumped in 1360mS

Hitachi Dump file saved to Hit-OFW.bin
Loading firmware from buffer
Inquiry string found
Identify string found
Drive key @ 0x4F00 4D9F48519F1F73A600418C3B7396B310
Firmware Osig: [HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR3120L0059]
Firmware is:  Stock                          
Key database updated

Loading Hitachi Dump to Source Buffer
Flashing Hacked f/w to Hitachi 0058/0059 by Ram Upload Method via WIN32 API
Dumping Flash:................................
Drive is rev 0059
Loading firmware from buffer
Inquiry string found
Identify string found
Drive key @ 0x4F00 4D9F48519F1F73A600418C3B7396B310
Firmware Osig: [HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR3120L0059]
Firmware is:  Stock                          
Key database updated

Drive is Stock, rev 0059
Auto-Loading firmware file C:\Users\Parent\Desktop\JungleFlasher v0.1.78 Beta (182)\JungleFlasher v0.1.78 Beta (182)\firmware\LTPlus-59-1.1.bin
MD5 hash:  e7c86ba77cd6f78295d4d037cc32df5f
Inquiry string found
Identify string found
Drive key @ 0x4F00 00000000000000000000000000000000
Firmware Osig: [HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR3120L0059]
Firmware is:  LT-Plus 1.1                    
11 Sector Differences Found
Flash Stability Test
Flashing Sector 9003F000
Dumping Sector 9003F000:....
Read back & compare completed, Flashing Stable!
Repairing Test Sector.
Flashing Sector 9003F000
Done !
Flashing Sector 9003E000
Flashing Sector 90003000
Flashing Sector 90005000
Flashing Sector 90006000
Flashing Sector 9000A000
Flashing Sector 9001C000
Flashing Sector 90027000
Flashing Sector 9002E000
Flashing Sector 90033000
Flashing Sector 90034000
Flashing Sector 90035000
Done !
Write verify test..
Dumping Flash:................................
Read back & compare completed, Write Verified!
Flash Complete !

well there you go if you broke or sold pc this is a simple free method of flashing a drive with a laptop with no PCMIA VIA card port

cheers jay (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)


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Crazy Idea Dont Flame Me Plz
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2011, 08:21:00 PM »

Lol nice find! This actually might help me b/c the pc I use to flash my xbox's with is actually my bro's, and he might be taking it with him when he moves out. I think i have one of those caddys somewhere...

Actually, now that I think about it, would an xsata work? I bought one of those back when modding files on the HDD was the only thing people knew how to do. It has a sata connection and a mini-usb connection on there... This would be amazing if it could work through an xsata.


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Crazy Idea Dont Flame Me Plz
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2011, 03:39:00 PM »

this is awesome, I've seen a couple of setups trying to flash via a laptop, but by far non were as easy as this.
Great post, thumbs up  smile.gif

My caddy does have a power supply through usb though


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Crazy Idea Dont Flame Me Plz
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2011, 03:26:00 PM »

Lol, it's crazy ideas like this that inspire people to keep messing around until they've got a fix.  Good work, definitely useful for those without towers.


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Crazy Idea Dont Flame Me Plz
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2011, 12:18:00 PM »

great job!

very clever method!