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Author Topic: Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)  (Read 1761 times)


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #135 on: November 12, 2010, 05:25:00 AM »

Further to my previous post, I now have it working. Coolshrimp's excellent Jtag Tool has been updated to include fbbuild and the 12611 dash. I opened my freeboot 0.32 dump in the updated Jtag Tool, created the new image, flashed it to my Falcon and it's now working fine smile.gif

Only downside is Jtag Tool doesn't include the 'no DVD drive' fix, is there any way I can apply the fix retrospectively?


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #136 on: November 12, 2010, 05:35:00 AM »

QUOTE(mackielove @ Nov 12 2010, 01:29 PM) *

When i create the flashed image with easy freeboot. It gives me nand.bin i rename that to updflash.bin. flash it using flash360 when i try and install M$ dash update 12611. It says something like system error. contact microsoft support. Can anyone help me thanks.

Your not suppose to flash nand.bin,if you did it correctly easy freeboot will build you a image called updflash.bin.
What you need to do is put your original nand image in the easy freeboot then run the app.
I hope you didn't screw up your 360 by running the MS 12611 update.


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #137 on: November 12, 2010, 05:55:00 AM »

I broke my easy freeboot program!

It was working fine until I did a Zephyr, I forgot to check Aud Clamp and I closed out the program. Now when I select my bin file the program does nothing at all. Deleting EFB folder and extracting the rar does not help. looks like I'll have to dig through my registry or something. (windows XP)


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #138 on: November 12, 2010, 06:43:00 AM »

QUOTE(wunderstürmer @ Nov 12 2010, 01:24 PM) View Post

Hi, this is my first post.
I got a Jasper256 and XP. So I cannot use Easy Freeboot.

1. When I use 360 Flash Tool I get the 16kb Smc_config.bin.
This one doesn't work with:
fbuild -c jasper256 -d mydata update.bin
It says wrong size smc_config.bin

2. When I use the smc_config.bin from easy freeboot it works and I get the 64MB file out.
I did not try to update this with Flash360. Can I try although it is not my smc_config.bin ?

3. When I use the 16kb smc_config.bin from Flash tools and type:
fbuild -c jasper -d mydata update.bin
it works. But when launching flsh360 fromm xbox it is said that I got the wrong file size.

What shall I do ?

I tried the Coolshrimp Tool now as well. Got the same Message as with the Easy Freeboot.
Error: Unable to determine image type.
Error: Unhandled exception.
Doesn't work under XP as well ?


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #139 on: November 12, 2010, 07:10:00 AM »

Easy freeBOOT has been support for XP and improved automatic detection of Jasper Big Blocks (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

This post has been edited by WarriorSan: Nov 12 2010, 03:11 PM


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« Reply #140 on: November 12, 2010, 07:43:00 AM »

I cannot find the update. Only the one from 4 hours ago saying XP and Jasper BB is still open.


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #141 on: November 12, 2010, 08:13:00 AM »

I have posted up a detailed tutorial with screenshots that should hopefully be of help to people that don't want to use automated tools, or are not 100% sure about how to upgrade: Easily update your Jtagged Xbox 360 to Kernal / Dashboard 12611 with FbBuild 0.1

I hope its of use anyway, any problems let me know smile.gif


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #142 on: November 12, 2010, 08:27:00 AM »

QUOTE(steplay29 @ Nov 12 2010, 03:41 AM) *

in reply to my earlier question (page 7) thanks AZImmortal i have now extracted the smc.bin of which i have two smc_dec and smc_enc (both 12k in size) as to what to do now i am at a loss lol.if only i knew if jtag was done using aud_clamp_wiring.

You need the decrypted one (smc_dec.bin).  Rename it to smc.bin and include it in your files.


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #143 on: November 12, 2010, 08:53:00 AM »

thanks for reply AZImmortal.i am using easy freeboot 12611 and want to know,before i run (easy freeboot 12611) do i take my decrytped smc.bin and put it in the folder that says smc in easy freeboot along with the other smc files for jasper and falcon etc or do i delete all them files except my smc.bin.would be a lot easier if i knew if it had the aud clamp fix.

many thanks for your and anyone eles help.


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #144 on: November 12, 2010, 10:11:00 AM »

Was wondering if any one could clear this up for me? I did 4 xenon with easy freeboot and not a single problem. Flawless. I have some zephyrs that I'm going to do and the 1st one I tried I used easy freeboot, selected aud_clamp, chose my original NAND dump from the zephyr, then entered my CPU key. Everything seems do go fine. It's says everything was created right.  I go to flash the newly created updflash.bin thru USB with flash360. All is good. Turn on the console...E79. Tried another zephyr, same thing. this is baffling. I ended up having to use donor NAND with easy freeboot. In putting my CPU key. Then flashing my kv and config with NAND pro to get them to work. What am I doing wrong? Got that to work with the 2 diodes on top of mobo. Tried using aud_clamp wiring on bottom of mobo and that wouldnt work. I hope this makes sense and someone can help cause I'm stumped. Thanks


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #145 on: November 12, 2010, 11:02:00 AM »


I have just flashed a Jasper 512mb using the below method but it will work for all other boxes also.

How to install:

You will need fbbuild 0.1, Freeboot 0.032 (you only need this for ibuild.exe), (this contains the new dashboard files), Dashlaunch 2.04 (You only need this if you already use an old version to autoboot to your dash)

1.  Copy flash360 to a usb stick and run on your JTAG if you already have flash360 on your xbox hard drive then run it from there,

2. Make a dump of your NAND (I did not do the full dump).

3.  If you don't alread have your CPU key then do the following - Power off the console, plug in either a component or composite video lead, then power on via the Eject button. Note down your CPU Key.

4.  Extract fbBuild 0.1 to a folder on your PC, and place your flashdmp.bin from step 2 in the same folder.

5.  Find ibuild.exe from freeboot 0.032 and copy that to the fbbuild 0.1 folder in step 4.

6.  Hold down shift and right click on the ibuild 0.1 folder, select "open command prompt here". At the command prompt type  ibuild.exe x -d temp\ -p CPU_KEY -b DD88AD0C9ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA flashdmp.bin (replace CPU_Key with that you got in step 3)

7. Extract the contents of the 12611 Dashboard to the data folder in the fbbuild folder.

8.  Also copy crl.bin, crl.bin.meta, extended.bin, extended.bin, kv.bin, odd.bin, odd.bin.meta, secdata.bin, secdata.bin.meta, smc.bin, smc_config.bin from the temp folder created in step 6 to the data directory. If you are missing some of those files, you should be able to find them in the Donor NAND's archive.

9.  At the command prompt type fbBuild.exe -c MOTHERBOARD -d data -b DD88AD0C9ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA -p CPU_KEY updflash.bin. (replace CPU_Key with that you got in step 3),( replace motherboard with either XENON, ZEPHYR, FALCON, JASPER, JASPER256 or JASPER512).  This will create a file called updflash.bin

10.   Copy updflash.bin either to a USB stick.  Or copy it to the flash360 folder on your xbox hard drive.

11.   Now flash the NAND with flash360.  I chose to keep my existing kv file.

12.  When finished and you click a button the xbox will shut down.  Now unplug the power and leave for a couple of minutes.

13.  Reconnect.  the first boot will go to a black screen for about a minute so dont worry.

14.  Set up the xbox to your settings.

At this point you will not have Avatars or full Kinect Functionality.

15.  Now download the dashboard 12611 system update and copy to the root of a USB stick.

16.  Power down the xbox and plug in the usb stick in the back.  Switch on and say yes to the update.

NOW THE DASHLAUNCH UPDATE (only need if you are already using dashlaunch)

17.  From the Dashlaunch zip you will find a folder called installer.  FTP this to the xbox and run and it will update your old dashlaunch to work with the new dash.

Hope this helps people.

This post has been edited by qualar: Nov 12 2010, 07:06 PM


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #146 on: November 12, 2010, 12:11:00 PM »

Thanks to the Tutorials I get closer to the error:
1. My key is correct. Tested several ways.
2. I downloaded several dumps with flash360
3. Ibuild is set up proberly (tested several times), but when I start Ibuild I get the error:
Unable to determine image type
Error: unhandled exception.

So it must be the image or Ibuild on XP.

Any Ideas ?


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« Reply #147 on: November 12, 2010, 12:14:00 PM »

on running step 6 i get this error


ibuild 0.05 - coded by ikari

ERROR: File "temp\smc.bin" could not be opened.
ERROR: I/O error.


where am i going wrong.


This post has been edited by warl0ck: Nov 12 2010, 08:25 PM


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #148 on: November 12, 2010, 12:21:00 PM »

QUOTE(SNAAAKE @ Nov 12 2010, 06:56 AM) View Post

anybody know when that "bestpig"(lol) fb maker might be out?

and that bridge point, is that in the bottom or top of the motherboard?

Soon before you know it ... ppl who find commandlines/readme's difficult and lobby noobz should probably wait for the new freeboot-toolbox

QUOTE(Tag234 @ Nov 12 2010, 09:00 AM) View Post

I just used the 12611 update to enable kinect and avatars WITHOUT having the resistor removed or the bridge installed. Worked fine, all homebrew still works. I still definitely recommend protecting your efuses tho.

1 Problem:
Anyone else have their Avatar Clothing break after going to 12611? It worked fine on 9199, but in 12611 they all disappeared and when i goto edit my avatar, it says i must log onto live for the clothes to work.

Any way around this?? I checked and the XUIDs still match up

Yes true, you should be able to do the avatar upd as it's just adding SW to an already hakd OS (For want of a better term) As for the clothing: That will be a problem as M$ have added online update to the avatar 'wardrobe' which must be substantial as it even has it's own loading animation.

We could work on making it offline, But you will have to copy from an online box. (Maybe I'll do a tut on this if I get time)

BTW Removing R6T3 is a tried and true way of preventing accidental blowing of efuses. Otherwise refer to syntaxerror's post (Nice photos btw)

QUOTE(Ednometry @ Nov 12 2010, 01:36 PM) View Post

Wow wasn't too sure what to expect but I got it working on my CYGNOS 360 V2 REV F/ jasper256 system... it worked the first time until I ran the updater from the usbstick then it gave me an e71... reflashed it to my last freeboot then tried again it took 5-6 goes at it with e71's and e75's but it finally took... all I can say is don't use the cygnos utility to flash it, use the flash360 and then remove the usb drive before turning it back on... when it finally worked the intro came up and it already had the avatars working as they were hopping around the menus...

Always use Flash360 where ever possible on cygnos, (It may vary slightly on FW revision, but flash 360 shud always work) Yeah don't forget to remove USB devices as some stuff up SMC timing or something. Otherwise you can use their toolbox BUT for some reason their zeropaired tool only seems to do XBR etc.. (Unless u do specific build..)

QUOTE(Redsquirrel @ Nov 12 2010, 06:23 PM) View Post

See I'd love to update but bit worried with all this ap2.5 stuff. I've got no intention of playing fable 3, but am a little worried if more
games start using it and hence it might get a bit risky. Id rather not get an offline ban.

also, i did a friends jtag but bridged the r3t6 resistor. will he be able to update ok? he would have to send it back to me otherwise.

As of now AP 2.5 games (so far will boot w/o TU updates etc..)
Being a JTAG, Ban isn't too much of an issue (depending on how the image is built) You might want to keep an eye on Xval, (EG; After adding TU ... OR New game with latest wave ...)

I reckon removal of resistor is safer than bridge  .... (But that's just me, plus it doesn't even matter unless it's specific mobo (See syntaxerror's earlier post)

I haven't had time enough to play with this yet .....

Manual Freeboot toolbox is a good way to setup ur folders  wink.gif
@least untill the new one comes-out tommorow (or whenever ...)

Thankyou Inspiration .....

QUOTE(warl0ck @ Nov 13 2010, 04:44 AM) View Post

im stuck on step 6, when i run the code in cmd i get a popup box saying


" The procedure entry point AES_cbc_encrypt could not be located in the dynamic link library libreay32.dll"


originally i had an error that libeay32.dll was missing so i downloaded it and placed it in the same directory as ibuild.exe


can someone tell me where i am going wrong?

Yeah try downloading another version  of the .dll (There are lots of dodgy/incomplete ones out there ..)



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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #149 on: November 12, 2010, 12:37:00 PM »

Thanks for the tutorial, quick question...
Can I extract the smc.bin and smc_config.bin from the dump I take in step 2 and use those files instead...?
It's because I'm using a variation of the the aud_clamp method that instead of having to do the whole remapping of the smc files, I could just use the one that I know works...

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