
Author Topic: No Dvd Drive, No Cpu Key, Can I Apply 30ms Patch?  (Read 207 times)


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No Dvd Drive, No Cpu Key, Can I Apply 30ms Patch?
« on: November 05, 2010, 06:22:00 PM »

run Flash360 and backup your nand on you your HD or usb key , somewhere you can get it then you will have a full nand dump not sure how your going to get the key, but you will have a full nand dump


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No Dvd Drive, No Cpu Key, Can I Apply 30ms Patch?
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2010, 01:04:00 PM »

You could use "XellLaunch" to launch xell from NXE/FSD/Xexmenu. Xell will give you your cpu key.


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No Dvd Drive, No Cpu Key, Can I Apply 30ms Patch?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2010, 01:10:00 AM »

Thanks for the suggestions.  I was able to boot to Xell.  I figured out the problem was that it wouldn't display Xell over HDMI.  I just found the DVD drive (I took it out 'cause it stopped reading discs but it still works for the system needing to see an open drive) and plugged in component cables instead of HDMI.

Unfortunately Xell didn't give me my cpu key.  It showed some errors that I can't get now 'cause now it won't even boot to Xell.  Just shows no video.  It can boot normally though.
I tried piecing together the cpu key from the first bunch of rows Xell shows you (the 3 and 5 or 4 and 6 thing) but that didn't give me 32 characters which the freeboot toolbox maker wanted.

Edit: OK I got my cpukey from the fusesets.  The wording in the thing I was reading was just bad.  I think I still need the nand to install dash launch though don't I?

I'll try to dump my nand with flash360 I guess.  I think I saw a way to get your cpu key from your nand dump.  I'm just frustrated now 'cause to top it all off the HDD I had all my games on decided to stop working as I was doing this.

How can I tell if I have XBR or Freeboot?  And can I see what Freeboot version I have?  Somebody else did the jtagging for me and he's not very reachable for communication.

My system dashboard when I go to console settings -> system info shows that it's 8955, does this mean there's no way I could have freeboot and that I can't apply the 30ms patch?


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No Dvd Drive, No Cpu Key, Can I Apply 30ms Patch?
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2010, 01:20:00 AM »

Well I found this- http://www.se7ensins...-with-flash360/
So I did that, but I told it to keep my original kv 'cause flash360 told me it wasn't recommended to use a different kv than what I had originally.
Now when I turn my 360 on it's two flashing red and two flashing green alternating (two on top, two on botton)