
Author Topic: Im Back Baby!..  (Read 161 times)


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Im Back Baby!..
« on: July 05, 2010, 07:04:00 PM »

ok ok, so im sure no one remembers me but whatever I am back!, i bought a 360 from my friend for 50 bucks. i thought it was a killer deal. i have the liteon drive with the 7 series firmware. I plan on flashing the dvd drive but thats in a month when i get paid haha. I know nothing about the 360 modding scene. I was pretty heavy into the original xbox modding scene tho. I never chipped mine but i softmodded it via mech assault and added a 320gb hdd. I even had a crystal blue case! haha.. anyways I was wondering, what softmods are out, I wanna do this as cheaply as possible haha(who dosent, lol)

my specs are as follows..

dashboard: 2.0.9199.0
BK: 2.0.1888.0

dvd drive:
phillips / liteon: DG-16d2s
fw: 74850c
mfg date: 6-2008

thats weird, does this mean that this was repaired or something? does this mean i cant mod it?.. i am positive that the dvd drive says 08

there are so many categories here!! i cant find the one for softmodding haha

This post has been edited by pacman24: Jul 6 2010, 02:39 AM


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Im Back Baby!..
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2010, 07:53:00 PM »

so it looks like because its updated i wont be able to do this.. dammit...

edit: since i cant do the jtag mod, what is the cheapest mod chip that will work for me?

This post has been edited by pacman24: Jul 6 2010, 03:02 AM


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Im Back Baby!..
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2010, 07:00:00 AM »

No chip needed Just flash the dvd drive with iXtreme LT v1.1 so you can play your back ups.


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Im Back Baby!..
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2010, 02:54:00 AM »

Be sure to check all the tutorials on here there is plent of them, but main facts you will want to know is

Will i have to pay for anything------Generally No, aslong as you have a pc with a compatable Sata port your ready to go

what is the latest methods----------at the time of me writing this Jungleflasher is what you will be going for, there is loads of guides to flashing but many are outdated or alot more complex than they need to be jugleflasher is the simplist/latest method

What should i be warned about before attempting this---------BACK UP YOUR ORIGINAL DVD FIRMWARE

Last one is the most important if you dont do that your screwed and will have a nice dvd player all the rest you need to know is in tutorials but make sure you get a good dump of your original dvd drive firmware i cant stress that enough if you know nothing about 360 modding that is the first thing you need to know as many people jump in and think flash firmware, great, and BOOM dead xbox with no way of recovering the lost dvd drive key

Good luck

and btw it looks like its probs already chipped if its got a 2008 dvd drive in it already and its a 2006 console somebody has already switched the dvd drive and had to dump it at some point so 90% sure its probs already banned from xbox live

but just try sticking a backup disk in it before trying to mod it yourself
its actually probs all ready modded