
Author Topic: Xenon Jtag Gone Bad  (Read 177 times)

No Hands 55

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Xenon Jtag Gone Bad
« on: June 15, 2010, 06:37:00 PM »

i was trying to jtag my xenon and everything was goin fine. i flashed xell on after making sure my nand was all good and exploitable and when i tried to power on to go to xell i got nothing. no power on and now it says it cant connect when my lpt cable is plugged in but i am sure its not my lpt cable but i redid it anyways just to be sure. did i kill it? i need some serious help right now

No Hands 55

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Xenon Jtag Gone Bad
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2010, 12:09:00 PM »

well i think the heatsinks were shorting somthing out because i took them off and it started working cause i put them on before i powered on. now im getting e 79 and when i power on with the eject button it runs xell. so the xbr flash didnt go right. so wat now? just reflash original nand then flash xbr or do i need to do xell then xbr? and then once xbr is done will the 360 just boot to the normal dash or will i need to load stuff onto my HDD first?

or im thinking maybe i should erase the nand then try and reflash my old nand then flash xbr?

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Xenon Jtag Gone Bad
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2010, 04:32:00 PM »

alright thanks a lot. it is just normal xclamp fixed, hybrid fix is on its way here.

so should i erase the nand first then reflash the original back on and start from there or just flash the original back with how the nand is now? and then when i flash xbr on and that is done it should boot up to the dash right?

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Xenon Jtag Gone Bad
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2010, 06:08:00 PM »

alright thanks yeh ive done many hybrids this is the first xclamp i have gotten so im working with it till i get the hybrid. when i dumped my nand i did it 3 times and all i got was 250 error on block 241 all 3 times but the guide said dont worry about it. so when writing i got a 202 error on 241 but other than that it went fine.

Testing LPT device address:0378
Using LPT device at address:0378
Starting Block:0x000000
Ending   Block:0x0003FF
File: XBR.bin FileLen:1080000 Blocks:400
Error: 202 Programming block 241

also how do i check for bad blocks without degraded because my nand doesnt open in it and i tried the hex edit thing and that didnt work either, just makes degraded crash. so i used this app call CD INFO and it gave me 1921 for my xenon instead of using degraded. when i try and open them in degraded it just says couldnt read file

ok i messed around and got it to open in degraded and the only bad block it says is 241 which was the one the errors had. and the CB is 1921 so its exploitable

reflashed xbr and still get e79 but eject loads xell. wat else should i try? somthing other than xbr?

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Xenon Jtag Gone Bad
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2010, 10:13:00 PM »

would u be able to guide me as on how to do this? im a noob at jtagin... i got the cpu key from xell though just dont no anything about the rest. especially about freeboot

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Xenon Jtag Gone Bad
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2010, 02:15:00 PM »

well i just re-read my nand with the jtag tool and now i have 3 errors instead of 1

Testing LPT device address:0378
Using LPT device at address:0378
Flash Config: 0x01198010
Block Size: 16KB Block Limits: 0x000000..0x0003FF
File: Nand.bin
Error: 204 reading block 0
Error: 210 reading block 55
Error: 250 reading block 241

but when i run this nand in degraded it says the only bad block is 241. what should i do about this? should i fix them before i attempt freeboot?

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Xenon Jtag Gone Bad
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2010, 05:49:00 PM »

ok well i tried to create a freeboot image anyways and it wont start becasue of that error on block 0. im not sure how i am supposed to fix these blocks so help is appreciated. and in degraded it only said that 241 was a bad block not the others

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Xenon Jtag Gone Bad
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2010, 02:49:00 AM »

i tried xbr again and it still got the error writing to 241 and when i try and boot it it starts and right before the xbox 360 logo is done at the beginning it goes to e79 everytime in the same spot

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Xenon Jtag Gone Bad
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2010, 12:29:00 PM »

ok well would i extract everything from the xellous zip onto my flash drive? sorry im kinda lost with this whole usb way of doing it. and how would i flash freeboot onto my xbox from the usb?


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Xenon Jtag Gone Bad
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2010, 01:22:00 AM »

you may want to  consider using a donor nand though there are issues with this... i think ur initial dump is causing issues though it shouldnt if you used bad block mover i will try to find a good tut for you to follow...or you can just google freeboot w/donor nand...

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Xenon Jtag Gone Bad
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2010, 11:43:00 AM »

QUOTE(xmugen360 @ Jun 19 2010, 02:22 AM) View Post

you may want to  consider using a donor nand though there are issues with this... i think ur initial dump is causing issues though it shouldnt if you used bad block mover i will try to find a good tut for you to follow...or you can just google freeboot w/donor nand...

ok thanks i will try and find a donor nand. hopefully this will fix the problem

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Xenon Jtag Gone Bad
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2010, 12:44:00 PM »

ok i download freeboot all in v.03 so it has everything i need i am just having trouble with the instructions. the first thing is Boot into Xellous, access it over your Browser. i just dont understand what this is asking me to do. then it says i need to boot in flash360 but thats a .xex, does that open in xellous? im just really confused right now so if any1 could help would be appreciated

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Xenon Jtag Gone Bad
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2010, 06:13:00 PM »

i just redid everything and did it all without xell or xellous and flashed xbr and i got it to boot with the 8955 kernal. weird thing is it still gave me a error on block 241. not sure what i was doing wrong before but i guess i did somthing right. nw just got to figure out all the menus and loaders and stuff lol


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Xenon Jtag Gone Bad
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2010, 03:21:00 PM »

QUOTE(No Hands 55 @ Jun 18 2010, 04:49 AM) View Post

when i try and boot it it starts and right before the xbox 360 logo is done at the beginning it goes to e79 everytime in the same spot

I have been searching for several days trying to find solution to my problem.  This thread comes as close to my issue as I can find.  Here's a little history on what I've done/tried.

This falcon console came in a shipment of broken consoles I received a couple months back.  BEFORE any type of jtaging was done to it, sometimes it boot up to dash long enough to start a game and make it to the "Press Start" screen and then freeze up.  After a power cycle, it would show E79 and sometimes E71.

I had already JTAG'd  a couple other consoles and I was pretty confident that there were some bad blocks in it.  I had read that Xellous will remap those blocks while writing the freeBOOT image to the nand.  So I proceeded to JTAG it, dump the nand, write free60.bin to it get my CPU/DVD keys.  It booted into Xellous just fine and I was able to read the fullnand via firefox.  However on the tv it screen to show bad blocks at 20f, 24b, and 25b.  I wasn't worried cuz the tut I used said to only worry about the 1st 2mb of the nand read. (C1.bin file)

I got my full flashdmp.bin file (made a few copies and compared via hex editor with no differences found) wrote the C1.bin to 1 of these files and proceeded to make my freeBOOT image with the Bestpig toolbox.  Still working on this with no problems.  Renamed it to updflash.bin put it on root of a usb drive and plugged it into my xbox.

Booted up the xbox and xellous found the update and updated.  xellous found the same bad blocks (20f, 24b,25b) and moved them to the end of the nand.  Powered down removed usb drive.  Powered back on lights turn green and start to spin around the ROL and about half way thru the xbox logo screen it stops and goes to a black screen showing E79 (and obviously 1 red light too)

I found a tut showing how to use a donor nand (the 1st falcon I did has the same CB version 5761) so  proceeded to follow it by extracting the key vault from orignand.bin using 360 Flash tool and then injecting it into donor nand.  I erased the entire nand before rewriting the donor nand to the nand.  I received error 202 erasing block 24b and 25b. (I kinda expected that though)  Before writing the donor nand, I read all 3 bad blocks, zeroed them out and then rewrote them to 3FF, 3FE, and 3FD.  Then I wrote the donor nand to the nand.

While it was writing, I tried to create my freeBOOT image using Bestpig toolbox using my new "donor nand" dump.  It stopped at 38% and said something like nand dump not extracted properly.  So I used the orignand.bin file to create my freeboot image.  It made it just fine.  Booted console to xellous with new "donor nand" and updated to freeBOOT via usb drive.  and same issue....starts to boot up, shows xbox logo and then goes to black screen with E79.

I have also tried resistors instead of diodes, used a plain wire, 100ohm. 330 ohm, and 470 ohm resistors for the bridge between j2d2.4 and j2d2.7.  and many different combinations of the above options.

I'm tired of struggling with this console...but I would really like to get some money out of it too.  So any help someone can give me would be appreciated.  I'm even willing to paypal someone some money if their solution fixes it.  Cuz this console is basically free money to me since it's been laying around collecting dust for 4-5 months.