
Author Topic: Help Rebuilding Nand Dump  (Read 80 times)


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Help Rebuilding Nand Dump
« on: March 06, 2010, 05:54:00 PM »

Hello everyone.

I was wondering if someone could help me rebuild/re-encrypt a nand dump from another console.

Here's the story. I got three Xenon mainboards (boards only) that were RROD. I fixed all three. Since there were no DVD drives included, I needed to get the DVD key for each one.  I followed the instructions (backed nand 4 times, loaded xenon hack) and got all three DVD keys, restored original nand dump.  
(all three same CB version, same dash)

The jtag cable I built works very well, never times out (it's only 6" long). For all three boxes, I dumped 4 nand images, they all matched.

One of the boxes is screwed up, I am pretty sure it is the nand dump (even though all dumps matched).

I have the dumps from the other two boxes.

Is there a way to get the non working box fixed by using a good dump from another box. I have the CPU key & all the other keys for the non working box. I don't know if I can re-encrypt the nand using the non working box's CPU key after editing the DVD key and other id's, serial no, etc.

If someone can show me where to get the info, or guide me through it I would appreciate it very much.

These things seem to RROD so often, I wanted to have at least one spare (or Two) lying around.
