
Author Topic: Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?  (Read 162 times)


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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« on: December 18, 2007, 01:02:00 PM »

Hey guys,

I've tried to look through the forums on where I can and cant post this topic, and I think I found the place!

I'm wondering what kind of mod is being used or hack to play halo 3 with either an aimbot or changing weapon bullet damage types? I'm playing some people that are hands down doing something along these lines. Although I haven't seen many, there are definately some. I'm a rank 45 and i'm decent, but there are some people just over the top good. I've played 50's that are great and then i've played 50's that are ridiculus... they are definately doing something beyond having "mad skillz"

I say one place than explained how to do this for halo 2 but haven't seen much floating around for halo 3.

If this is inappropriate even here feel free to remove, but i'd love to hear i there is a viable option yet.

thanks for any information!


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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2007, 08:46:00 PM »

The only kind of cheating I have seen in Halo 3 so far is simply the "router swapping" and people using the double shot controllers.


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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2008, 06:02:00 PM »

QUOTE(ohyeahthatsright @ Dec 18 2007, 03:02 PM) *

Hey guys,

I've tried to look through the forums on where I can and cant post this topic, and I think I found the place!

I'm wondering what kind of mod is being used or hack to play halo 3 with either an aimbot or changing weapon bullet damage types? I'm playing some people that are hands down doing something along these lines. Although I haven't seen many, there are definately some. I'm a rank 45 and i'm decent, but there are some people just over the top good. I've played 50's that are great and then i've played 50's that are ridiculus... they are definately doing something beyond having "mad skillz"

I say one place than explained how to do this for halo 2 but haven't seen much floating around for halo 3.

If this is inappropriate even here feel free to remove, but i'd love to hear i there is a viable option yet.

thanks for any information!

Seems like he's trying to ifnd out to do it himself. Then he can claim to have mad skillz.  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) If the masses dont know it but you only see a certain few doing it ,odds are you WON'T be able to get this info just by asking anywhere. You need to be in the scene or know some1 who is willing to help you. But the answer to your question is....MAYBE... Doubt with 1 post you will get the answer you want..lolololol

This post has been edited by (c)S: Jan 2 2008, 02:05 AM


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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2008, 04:46:00 PM »

hello im a member at halomods and there are only two known people able to mod h3 and theyre not sharing with anyone

p.s.dont go there asking about how to cheat on xbl or you will be banned

This post has been edited by njmbb8: Jan 4 2008, 12:46 AM


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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2008, 11:58:00 PM »

wow blink.gif


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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2008, 02:03:00 AM »

QUOTE(njmbb8 @ Jan 4 2008, 01:46 AM) *

hello im a member at halomods and there are only two known people able to mod h3 and theyre not sharing with anyone
p.s.dont go there asking about how to cheat on xbl or you will be banned

Well its the fact you only know 2 people who can mod it,I know someone as well who can mod halo 3,its not that big of a deal.


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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2008, 03:34:00 AM »

blink.gif seriously i can think about 6 gamertags who know, how to do it. BUT WHY ON GODS EARTH WOULD YOU CHEAT AT HALO! honestly you get pwnd 2 many times and cry about it so you want to reak havock by cheating and thinking your so good. your rank goes up to later be banned and kicked. or just have the account susspened and have to buy a new live account or ur stupid and now ur xbox is banned and have to get a new eeprom or cpu code or buy a new console SERIOUSLY.



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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2008, 07:53:00 AM »

QUOTE(MoonTar @ Dec 27 2007, 04:46 AM) *

The only kind of cheating I have seen in Halo 3 so far is simply the "router swapping" and people using the double shot controllers.

Doubleshot does not work in Halo3 only Halo2.  Most of the cheating can be attributed to lagging. some people have their router or computers programmed to lag at set intervals so the game doesn't change host.  It's sad really, people even cheat in the unranked matches, took all of the fun out of the game.

This post has been edited by rb8720: Jan 21 2008, 03:55 PM


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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2008, 04:37:00 PM »

Tools such as hmt,dev2ring,siapen,heck all of those things once were used for the good such as creating new levels for your old halo game that didnt have live cabilitys other than xbc well when the fun begin someone thought well im just going to be a level 50 and then it spreads and a person tells another and so forth. now we know why halo3 has a map creation tool in it. to discourage modding and cheating on halo 3


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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2008, 04:42:00 PM »

there are alot of auctions on ebay for people to level up your account. that could be it.
i have def. played some 45's that should be 20's and i think that that is the most likely answer.


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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2008, 06:11:00 PM »

dude back b4 i retired form modding i modded halo 3 and so did the rest of team advent. so there are rely alot of people that know how 2 mod halo 3.  most people just got bored with halo modding.  i still do it on ocasion for fun but i refuse to release mods any more.  plus there are so many other games to mod and have fun with like fable or half life.

so halo 3 modding not that hard


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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2008, 09:18:00 PM »

QUOTE(bdd @ Jan 23 2008, 07:11 PM) *

dude back b4 i retired form modding i modded halo 3 and so did the rest of team advent. so there are rely alot of people that know how 2 mod halo 3.  most people just got bored with halo modding.  i still do it on ocasion for fun but i refuse to release mods any more.  plus there are so many other games to mod and have fun with like fable or half life.

so halo 3 modding not that hard

very hard, they hash all the map files on the disc, they werent hashed on H2, and the only maps "moddable" on H2 were DLC ones... as mentioned, they have cheats allowing lagging, but no where near as much as H2 was... modding and cheating are very different things... even in the end, i believe H2 had hashed maps, which wouldve been the solution the FIRST time around. lets face it, your a tool and havent "modded" anything, nor has anyone else, with the exception being the bungie team.

This post has been edited by joes240nismo: Feb 20 2008, 05:19 AM


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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2008, 12:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(bdd @ Jan 24 2008, 02:11 AM) *

dude back b4 i retired form modding i modded halo 3 and so did the rest of team advent. so there are rely alot of people that know how 2 mod halo 3.  most people just got bored with halo modding.  i still do it on ocasion for fun but i refuse to release mods any more.  plus there are so many other games to mod and have fun with like fable or half life.

so halo 3 modding not that hard

QUOTE(joes240nismo @ Feb 20 2008, 05:18 AM) *

very hard, they hash all the map files on the disc, they werent hashed on H2, and the only maps "moddable" on H2 were DLC ones... as mentioned, they have cheats allowing lagging, but no where near as much as H2 was... modding and cheating are very different things... even in the end, i believe H2 had hashed maps, which wouldve been the solution the FIRST time around. lets face it, your a tool and havent "modded" anything, nor has anyone else, with the exception being the bungie team.

Yea the people not from Halomods that are claiming to "know ppl who mod halo 3" are full of it. Modding Halo 3 is NOT easy and only a select few(about 6-8 ppl) have the ability to slightly "mod" halo 3. There are a few known mods on youtube and such however these were done on a development xbox that is incapable of going on live. The only other "mod" is forge modding which also can only be done by this select group of modders. Forge mods can be used on a retail xbox and online, however it is only used in forge and custom maps and cant be used to cheat.

P.S. joes249nismo, All of the halo 2 maps are moddable.


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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2008, 12:43:00 AM »

QUOTE(ohyeahthatsright @ Dec 18 2007, 03:02 PM) *

Hey guys,

I've tried to look through the forums on where I can and cant post this topic, and I think I found the place!

I'm wondering what kind of mod is being used or hack to play halo 3 with either an aimbot or changing weapon bullet damage types? I'm playing some people that are hands down doing something along these lines. Although I haven't seen many, there are definately some. I'm a rank 45 and i'm decent, but there are some people just over the top good. I've played 50's that are great and then i've played 50's that are ridiculus... they are definately doing something beyond having "mad skillz"

I say one place than explained how to do this for halo 2 but haven't seen much floating around for halo 3.

If this is inappropriate even here feel free to remove, but i'd love to hear i there is a viable option yet.

thanks for any information!

LOL Halo 3 is a hack fest. If someone says it isn't then they don't know anything about online or multiplayer games.

For starters Peer to Peer is like what, a mistake of the PC Gaming world from like 15 years ago and the dumba$$ed console makers are still using it? For those that don't know Peer to Peer means a players machine is the host of the game rather than a secure server with security and unreleased server coding. An example of a "secure" game would be World of Warcraft, Diablo II, etc. While they do get hacked they are much harder to hack because they are on a dedicated server run by the company who released the game. Although these types of game hosting are much better, even one of the more secure games like Dark Age of Camelot saw upwards of 3000 accounts banned over 1 night because of cheating and exploits.

Computers used to be more easily hacked because well, they are computers and can run 3rd party software. As you probably already know Xbox 360, Playstation 3, etc aren't "consoles" anymore they are just sophisticated gaming computers. (ala USB ports, hardrives, etc).

An example of a Peer to Peer game (like Xbox 360 multiplayer games) would be the first Diablo or pretty much any of the games that were originally released on  They are a freaking hack fest simply because any script kiddie can get their hands on the game code and manipulate it plus Bungie claiming they are "autoscanning for cheating" is bullshit. How? If they were going to waste the resources to "autoscan" every console on xbox live for cheating then they could have saved money and just had dedicated servers with security measures.


I'll give you some EXAMPLES of what most any script kiddie (jeuvaniles with knowledge of code manipulation) can do to a peer to peer game. Hell pretty much any idiot could do these if they had the will.  

For example in some games you have invisibility. All that bonus amounts to is a graphics file on the hard-drive or CD that is the invisibility "skin". (a skin is basicly the paint job on a character model in a game.) If someone wants to be able to see invisible people all they have to do is open that graphics file in a graphics editing program and change that skin from the transparent scheme to a bright orange. I've made skins for Unreal Tournament many times and its easy as pie to do.

Can people do that in Halo 3? I'd bet its 99% likely. If if that graphics file is stored on the Halo 3 CD its not like people can't burn their own CDs. Pirated games are the reason gaming companies have invented the CD or Serial Key system. When there wasn't one (as xbox live doesn't have) all a person has to do is get a burned copy of a CD to play. If you can burn a CD you can manipulate what you burn on that CD meaning just because the game requires a CD doesn't mean it can't be manipulated.

Just about every first person shooter I know of for the PC has an aimbot cheat which basicly means if you can get your crosshairs pretty close it will automatically aim for the head. All this amounts to is a 3rd party program that intercepts the signals coming over the internet to the game. Your console gets a signal that says your crosshairs are on their head. (For example the red circle in Halo 3 with the Sniper Rifle). If you aren't on their head you get a different code. All that happens is when you manage to get your crosshair on them the 3rd party program intercepts the code that says "Player X is aiming at the torso of Player A" and the 3rd party program automatically adjusts the crosshair to the head of Player A and boom you've got a head shot. In Unreal Tournament this program is a readily available and well known exploit and you don't have to be the host of the game to use it.  

Ever been playing Halo 3 with someone that was so pitiful at aiming that they hit everything but you 90% of the time they are firing their weapon but all of a sudden bam its a no scope head shot from half a map away? Thats because they suck at aiming and are barely able to get their crosshair on you for it to intercept you as a target, but when they finally do its BOOM! an instant headshot.

People can also use lag to manipulate your accuracy. Whether they are the host or not. In Dark Age of Camelot, which was played on a secure server hosted by Mythic the majority of the bannings came from "lag casting."

All people did was play the game in windowed mode and then drag the window on their PC when they came across an enemy player. This dragging caused their machines "conversation" with the secure server to lagg for just a couple of seconds. This couple of seconds of lag means that the servers tells your machine that they are still out of your casting range. However in that 2 seconds they have actually run up close to you on their machine. So when the server finally gets in sync with their machine it lets them cast on you, but because of the delay you still get the "target out of range" message until the server gets their toons location, computes it and then sends it to your machine. Effectively this gave them a 2 second or so window to get off the first spell or even run away before you realized what happened.

People can set timing on their routers etc to lag for just a second and while it looks like a good shot on your box it actually isn't because their character in reality isn't where its being shown on your box. If you've ever wondered why someone could take so much damage and then watched the movie of the game later and said "Man I could have sworn I was hitting that guy" but the movie says you weren't then you've experienced this.  Sometimes its unintentional but the thing is if its unintentional then they are probably just as hindered by it as you are.

If someone wants to purposefully get around having their intentional lag mess them up all they have to do is just interrupt the "outgoing" signal from their router, not their incoming. So they effectively see everything that is actually happening but their machine doesn't actually update what they are doing to everyone else. Even a half second delay can mean them stepping to the side causing you to miss (which isn't updated on your machine) but because they are still getting incoming they still see your actions in real time.

Its 99% the same thing as "lag casting' that I described in Dark Age of Camelot. They are using the same principle to get a half second advantage on their opponents.

All of which is $hi++y and anyone who does it should be punched repeatedly in the nu+z.



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Halo 3 Multiplayer Cheat/aimbot?
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2008, 01:12:00 AM »

QUOTE(joes240nismo @ Feb 20 2008, 05:18 AM) *

very hard, they hash all the map files on the disc, they werent hashed on H2, and the only maps "moddable" on H2 were DLC ones... as mentioned, they have cheats allowing lagging, but no where near as much as H2 was... modding and cheating are very different things... even in the end, i believe H2 had hashed maps, which wouldve been the solution the FIRST time around. lets face it, your a tool and havent "modded" anything, nor has anyone else, with the exception being the bungie team.

Actually modding Halo 3 wouldn't be as difficult as these people here are leading everyone to believe. If you have a flashed 360 it wouldn't be very hard. Just take the Iso image on your PC and go into the map files on the disk and change whatever values you want(autoaim, projectile type, rate of fire). Then you can resign the file. Halo 2 required you to resign the file and I assume it would be the same with Halo 3. The thing is I do not feel it necessary nor fun to do so.

In conclusion, the people who say it can't be done are full of it. I know it can. If modding games wasn't possible then how do the custom Guitar Hero disks for 360 exist? Fact is you can boot the disk even if you change map files and you can still get on live if the files are resigned which isn't very difficult to do.