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Author Topic: Reverse Engineered Media Center Protocol  (Read 212 times)


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Reverse Engineered Media Center Protocol
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2007, 10:54:00 AM »

mmmmk...little clearer now. i was just seeing whether or not turning this into a standalone media center would be feasible (like using the media center connectivity as a backdoor or soemthing was possible) but of course, in dreaming, i overlooked the signature problem. my bad


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Reverse Engineered Media Center Protocol
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2007, 01:32:00 PM »

well, I'm not to good at programming, but I think I understand... or maybe not?

First of all, if you ever control the behavior of this  protocol, will be possible to use whatever you have in mind through it?

I mean, you're referring to the 360 as a Think client while in Media Center, so if you figure out how this works, will you be able to attach a non MCE computer from network, code some kind of app to allow the Xbox connect to that computer using the extender unique number, and Stream whatever you like??

If what I think is possible, in a future we'll be able to stream the Host OS and even a Guest to the 360, like a Linux image or kernel, or some app like MPClassic and all of the codecs.

What about a port of the XBMC to the 360?

Am I misunderstanding it? Am  I getting to high?



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Reverse Engineered Media Center Protocol
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2007, 04:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(bidomo @ Feb 1 2007, 03:03 PM) *
If what I think is possible, in a future we'll be able to stream the Host OS and even a Guest to the 360, like a Linux image or kernel, or some app like MPClassic and all of the codecs.

What about a port of the XBMC to the 360?
Am I misunderstanding it? Am  I getting to high?

Not that at all. Please read Charbal's post above carefully. What is being discussed in no way alters any code on the xbox 360 and will NOT allow unsigned code to run on the xbox in any way whatsoever. What he is working on is reverse engineering the Media Center Extender protocol used by Windows 2005 to remotely display an arbitrary screen. Preferably, this screen would be the UI for a PVR application. Once that has been completed, the next challenge is reverse engineering the streaming video protocol. This will allow the use of other media applications besides MCE. This is will allow other applications to use the Xbox 360 as a front end display device for their home-built PVRs. Since the Xbox would be responsible for decoding the video, this would greatly reduce the burden on the host PC.

- ed


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Reverse Engineered Media Center Protocol
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2007, 04:10:00 PM »



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Reverse Engineered Media Center Protocol
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2007, 03:39:00 AM »

Hmmm... but apart from alternative OSes (OS X, Linux...) what would stand a Windows user to gain from this? Would we gain the ability to stream .ts files from XP? Could we gain .srt subtitles support in media playback? Anything really useful?


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Reverse Engineered Media Center Protocol
« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2007, 06:33:00 AM »

QUOTE(edembowski @ Feb 6 2007, 01:11 AM) View Post

Not that at all. Please read Charbal's post above carefully. What is being discussed in no way alters any code on the xbox 360 and will NOT allow unsigned code to run on the xbox in any way whatsoever. What he is working on is reverse engineering the Media Center Extender protocol used by Windows 2005 to remotely display an arbitrary screen. Preferably, this screen would be the UI for a PVR application. Once that has been completed, the next challenge is reverse engineering the streaming video protocol. This will allow the use of other media applications besides MCE. This is will allow other applications to use the Xbox 360 as a front end display device for their home-built PVRs. Since the Xbox would be responsible for decoding the video, this would greatly reduce the burden on the host PC.

- ed

I know What a think Client is, so If I suggested XBMC (Really XBMC for PC as replacement NOT in the Xbox, but streamed from a PC), I'm no suggesting unsigned code inside the Xbox but Stream an Application compliant  with the protocol. I've even think about Medial Player Classic or something else, but If can create a replacement, you can even stream a Virtual PC (not forced to be the same as the host OS), but they're only suggestions.

Seriously man, I appreciate your help, But If you read carefully my Post, I'm thinking thin.
So you're misunderstanding me or I wasn't clear enough.


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Reverse Engineered Media Center Protocol
« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2007, 09:26:00 AM »

QUOTE(ashlar42 @ Feb 7 2007, 05:10 AM) *

... what would stand a Windows user to gain from this? ...

Windows users would gain the exact same benefits, but it would be harder from Windows. Instead of using the default RDP server that comes with Windows, an alternative would need to be created with the same protocol modifications as xrdp. There are a whole slew of Windows based PVR applications out there ( for example) that could benefit from this.

Even if no video is used you could have a news viewer, simple games, whatever you want to display at all. Think of the HME option on Tivo.
QUOTE(bidomo @ Feb 7 2007, 08:40 AM) *
...I'm no suggesting unsigned code inside the Xbox but Stream an Application compliant with the protocol....

Yes, exactly. Sorry if I misunderstood what you meant.

- Ed


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Reverse Engineered Media Center Protocol
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2007, 03:58:00 PM »

I'm tired of this crappy Media center add in the 360, is the worts thing I ever saw just before Felipe Calderon Hinojosa...

this crap is too far from XBMC, if this project leads to somewhere else than cracking the protocol, that would be nice, I'm not using Media center extender till it gets replaced by another app.

Come to think about the advantages XBMC has over MCE...


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Reverse Engineered Media Center Protocol
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2007, 05:41:00 AM »

QUOTE(bidomo @ Feb 9 2007, 05:29 PM) *
...if this project leads to somewhere else than cracking the protocol, that would be nice...

I don't see it leading anywhere else than that, and I don't see a need for it to. If you can crack the protocol, then you can have any other front end you want, including one that looks exactly like the XBMC front end. The big difference is that ultimately, you will have the 360 do the video decode. The Xbox 1 cannot deal with HD and the 360 can.

- ed


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Reverse Engineered Media Center Protocol
« Reply #24 on: March 16, 2007, 04:09:00 AM »

hello, i am a newbie...

I am interested in the MCX AV streaming details between the xbox 360 and the MCE.

I understand mcx ui remoting, but the protocol, where the data sending begins , there i have no idea ...
there are 2 tcp streams, which is also not clear, is the one for audio the second for video?

i am sniffing with ethereal ...
 maybe I couldn't explain my problem, but is very important for me.

so here is for example one packet... 37+ the data begins and I think there are some informations, which someone can explain me...

0000 00 0c 6e f0 c0 bb 00 12 5a 8f be 3b 08 00 45 00 ..n.....Z..;..E.
0010 01 c4 63 00 00 00 40 06 30 b1 c0 a8 b2 16 c0 a8 [email protected].......
0020 b2 1b 04 09 0d 3e 5d 86 f5 e3 cf c4 b2 84 50 18 .....>].......P.
0030 40 25 06 d9 00 00 03 00 01 9c 02 f0 80 7f 65 82 @%............e.
0040 01 90 04 01 01 04 01 01 01 01 ff 30 19 02 01 22 ...........0..."
0050 02 01 02 02 01 00 02 01 01 02 01 00 02 01 01 02 ................
0060 02 ff ff 02 01 02 30 19 02 01 01 02 01 01 02 01 ......0.........
0070 01 02 01 01 02 01 00 02 01 01 02 02 04 20 02 01 ............. ..
0080 02 30 1c 02 02 ff ff 02 02 fc 17 02 02 ff ff 02 .0..............
0090 01 01 02 01 00 02 01 01 02 02 ff ff 02 01 02 04 ................
00a0 82 01 2f 00 05 00 14 7c 00 01 81 26 00 08 00 10 ../....|...&....
00b0 00 01 c0 00 44 75 63 61 81 18 01 c0 d4 00 04 00 ....Duca........
00c0 08 00 00 04 40 02 01 ca 01 aa 00 00 00 00 45 00 [email protected].
00d0 00 00 58 00 62 00 6f 00 78 00 20 00 33 00 36 00 ..X.b.o.x. .3.6.
00e0 30 00 00 00 c8 d0 40 0c 74 b0 70 01 ec 50 40 0c [email protected]@.
00f0 74 c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 t.............@.
0100 01 80 ff ff ff ff 92 48 00 00 ff ff ff ff 92 48 .......H.......H
0110 00 00 ff ff ff ff 92 48 00 00 ff ff ff ff 92 48 .......H.......H
0120 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 29 50 ff ff ff ff 92 48 ......@.)P.....H
0130 00 00 ff ff ff ff 80 00 00 0d 00 00 00 00 01 ca ................
0140 01 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 03 00 01 00 ff ff 92 49 ...............I
0150 00 00 92 1f 0e 00 70 01 ec 50 70 01 ec b0 00 24 ......p..Pp....$
0160 00 00 00 00 02 40 00 00 00 01 ff ff ff ff 92 48 [email protected]
0170 00 00 ff ff ff ff 92 48 00 00 ff ff ff ff 92 48 .......H.......H
0180 00 00 ff ff ff ff 92 48 00 00 ff ff ff ff 02 c0 .......H........
0190 0c 00 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 c0 38 00 04 00 ............8...
01a0 00 00 6d 63 65 63 61 70 73 00 40 80 00 00 6d 63 [email protected]
01b0 72 64 68 62 00 00 40 80 00 00 73 70 6c 61 73 68 [email protected]
01c0 00 00 00 80 00 00 68 70 6d 72 65 63 76 00 40 20 ......hpmrecv.@
01d0 00 00 ..

Maybe its discussed already in the forum or somewhere else, can you tell me the links...
or where I can get informations.
it would be great...



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Reverse Engineered Media Center Protocol
« Reply #25 on: April 17, 2007, 07:22:00 PM »

Some of you guys are reading my mind.

Thin Client Xbox360 -> Dynamic Application Implementing Protocol(s)

This would be very interesting, something I have done before with success.
I wrote Appletalk Remote Access. Before IP. Appletalk bridge over analog modems.
Appletalk had a routing protocol, simple by todays standards. All Reveng. Empirically.

With the upcoming update to the Dash, and the new FIRE under MSs Ass to
compete with TIVO ( Video on demand, MPEG2 ), I see some interesting times
ahead. Tivo hack, XB360, Playstation3 ( get off your asses sony ). The Replay is
done(for)). Scheduling service goes down soon. If you could reverse that protocol
(ethernet) you could make some money, by keeping peoples machines alive.
There are lots of ReplayTVs out there. There are FREE sources of TV Schedule
info. Set your DNS for the sun.

Please Excuse my Tangent for a moment ( I have a lot to say here )
I have been working on ReplayTV to TIVO functionality. A translational
router, so to speak. Ever hear of Open the correct ports,
then ask and you shall receive. I believe this is possible to serve. The
TIVO is ready to give.

I am here because I started breaking the xb(2pi) protocol. Not happy with the
reluctantly given functionality. We shall see after the update.

Maybe we should all get connected, the programmers that is. Lets get something
going. I see a central hub that dynamically selects the appropriate protocol pair to
supply the higest quality video from one type endpoint to another.

Unfortunately, having to decompress then recompress video results in mush.

Tivo = Mpeg2 ( with a tiny amount of effort )
ReplayTV = Mpeg2 ( again, slightly tart flavored )
Xbox1 = Mpeg with XBMC reads the above.
PS3 ??? ( slight feelings )
XBox360 = ??? I hear Mpeg2 , Mpeg4. Dare I hope?

Mpeg2 Sucks, but, well it's kinda universal.

Baby Steps.

Email me please all programmers and reveng scientists.
jeffwalker with at and then jeffwalker and then dot org.

Big money? I think. Am I altruistic? Lets put it this way:

I want a ferarri, then we give it away. Did I type this out loud?

Whoops, there goes my chance at infamy.

Gonna do it anyway.


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Reverse Engineered Media Center Protocol
« Reply #26 on: May 08, 2007, 12:57:00 AM »

I am curious where this project stands?  Is it still in development?


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Reverse Engineered Media Center Protocol
« Reply #27 on: May 10, 2007, 08:13:00 PM »

QUOTE(nickolasj80 @ May 7 2007, 11:57 PM) View Post

I am curious where this project stands?  Is it still in development?

It's still ongoing.  Jay Sorg (the lead xrdp developer) has been working on the xrdp side of things and has made some progress but there are still some protocol incompatibilities to work out.

 - Charbal
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