
Author Topic: Post All .xur Forms Please :)  (Read 84 times)


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Post All .xur Forms Please :)
« on: January 13, 2006, 01:18:00 PM »

Ok, I'm in need of some new forms, but I'm not sure what's on the HDD, only what the Kiost tells me :/.

Ex: 230_HealthWarning.xur = health warning located on HDD.

Here's what I've found out from the Kiosk.

Path=230_HealthWarning.xur ;A health Warning.

Path=SystemSpecs.xur ;A menu showing the difference between Premium and Core systems.

Path=WhichSystem.xur ;Asking you which system to compare (I think)

Path=generic1.xur ;2 images, one on the top left(half height) one banner(on top left deside 1st image), text below image 1.

Path=generic2.xur ;Basic image beside text area.

Path=generic3.xur ;3 windows with frames, text1; Head, text2-7; images headers+footers.

Please post if you know ANY thing else about the's or have more to add! I'll update list as soon as possible!

Note: I'de really like to get my hands on the "Select a Game" catagory wink.gif
