
Author Topic: How To Build A Working Iso From The Extracted Files Of The Kiosk Demo?  (Read 112 times)


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put all the files together in a folder and use C-XBox Tool 2 and select create an iso and pick the folder with the files and click start it will do the rest


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How To Build A Working Iso From The Extracted Files Of The Kiosk Demo?
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2006, 06:45:00 PM »

you're thinking way too complicated.

standard ISO9660 with joliet and level 2 filenames (31 characters) will work fine, no need to fuck with special formats.
same goes for cd-r, burn a mode 2/XA disk.


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How To Build A Working Iso From The Extracted Files Of The Kiosk Demo?
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2006, 01:36:00 PM »

You are all thinking wrong.
Do not ask for help with how to make this disc. Do not come on here saying you downloaded it
Its no different from coming here and saying you downloaded a game.
the disc is copyright
From earlier posts
As I see it anyone helping someone to get the ISO working, downloaded etc is in trouble here. That includes the kind of post above.
Discuss the implications but start threads on the line of I have the Kisok disc but need help to get it working and expect sanctions
This is copyright material and its a fine line here. Its not a back up of an original game you own its piracy and will be treated in the same way as someone coming on here and saying
" I downloaded a game but I can't extract the rar files"
The poster and the helpers will have their accounts suspended and banned.