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Author Topic: Maybe M$ Will Be Fooled Into Parting With The Key?  (Read 357 times)


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Maybe M$ Will Be Fooled Into Parting With The Key?
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2005, 03:55:00 PM »

QUOTE(XBoxgeek @ Dec 28 2005, 10:18 PM) View Post

As you are new here you may not know that the search function does not work on this site. Nevertheless It does get old seeing the same questions over and over.

BTW welcome  biggrin.gif

im not exactly new, just been away and cant recover my old account.

i guess it must have been in one of my 'away' periods i missed the search go offline, but still google SITE: search?

someone could just add a google "search this site" bar to the page to save bandwidth

Back to the topic---

Use a bit of the old common sense before posting stupid ideas in tech areas; save your rambling for IRC tongue.gif


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Maybe M$ Will Be Fooled Into Parting With The Key?
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2005, 10:30:00 PM »

QUOTE(cobra2002 @ Dec 28 2005, 11:32 PM) View Post

MS would then be making no money from the developers, and so would be forced to stop the production of the console, which they currently sell at a loss.

no company has ever made a profit on the system, look at neo-geo... that's what happens when you try to get a profit on that stuff....

now back to the discussion, no m$ would never ever be "fooled", unless bunny decides to crack this in 2 days, which he won't because he's undoubtedly been "asked"(read they said help us secure this new one or we will sue you for cracking the old one) and he's most probably signed a confidentiality gag order where bill gates himself will bust down bunny's door and cornhole him for 2 hours, and then pop a cap in his ass (no pun intended).


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Maybe M$ Will Be Fooled Into Parting With The Key?
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2005, 03:27:00 AM »

QUOTE(shakaru @ Dec 23 2005, 02:08 AM) View Post

And even after all that, it would be under more gaurd than a 5 year olds ass at Neverland Ranch (wait, thats not too convincing now that I think of it.)

ROFLMFAO laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif


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Maybe M$ Will Be Fooled Into Parting With The Key?
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2005, 10:17:00 PM »

I think the public release of the key is all part of MS's plan... Once they break even and start making profit/ the price to manufactor the console goes way down and they can start making money off the console it self then they'll want people to buy it - even if it's not used as they intended. Or they'll release an unlocked version (maybe more expensive, possibly revamped - Big HDD, HD-DVD, Pc functionality - AS one version was supposed to be, ect) that they'll sell for more (or it least so they make a profit) $$$....

Makes sense to me...


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Maybe M$ Will Be Fooled Into Parting With The Key?
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2006, 12:37:00 AM »

QUOTE(whosyodaddy1019 @ Jan 13 2006, 05:57 PM) View Post

M$ will probubly never make a profit off the hardware. Where they make there money on the 360 is from the licensing for the games.

Thats obvious.  They did it with the xbox, and now with the 360.  Didn't really need to drag up a 2 week old thread to state this either.


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Maybe M$ Will Be Fooled Into Parting With The Key?
« Reply #20 on: February 02, 2006, 01:42:00 AM »

ok so what do you guys think?
m$ signs the dvds used by developers?
m$ signs just the one xex, xbe,exe for the demo's and new games?
you can make a copy of the signed file right?
but the last update stopped letting us edit the kiosk disc right so that would mean for the demo makers too right?
wouldent that be too much of a hassle for m$ sign every months demo plus every new game plus every update plus every dvd with playable demo (if ever made.... like the robots dvd movie with demo for xbox)

ok well i dont think its in the dvd's.
do you think they would give the sig to the dev's?
someone has to have access to the sig ph34r.gif .... millions of xbox's and games rely on that risky to leave it in a computer or virtually somewhere... if it was lost there would be no way to make games... right?

flame me if you wish for i know nothing of encryption and such thus these are just my thoughts and opinions.

i think the dev's have the sig ...didnt they have all the stuff for the xbox? or no?

is there a one in a trill...gazillion chance that if you modify a signed xex the sig it produced might be accepted by the 360?

just some thoughts........


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Maybe M$ Will Be Fooled Into Parting With The Key?
« Reply #21 on: February 02, 2006, 01:58:00 AM »

Oh, this takes me back to the days when I lurked watching opjose, heinrich and other people who knew what the hell they were talking about mull over the same things with the first Xbox.

More findings, less speculation please.
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