
Author Topic: Bridge U6t1, What To Consider?  (Read 138 times)


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Bridge U6t1, What To Consider?
« on: March 29, 2010, 01:07:00 PM »

Tomorrow it's time to install the USB SPI. I'm getting help so I have like 15 hours to decide what to do decide to leave U6T1 intact or bridge it.

Can it cause hardware error? Cause I don't want to accidentally upgrade the kernel! And it's pretty clear, if you update to latest kernel, then it's not possible to downgrade. It's vital lets say if a friend borrow my 360 and can't upgrade it.

What I think about is what I disable by bridging U6T1. That won't effect possibilities with Jtag at all? I hope not.

And I can't solder and can't disturb this guy again so I really need to be confident, what ever I choose is fine.

Technically, the bridging won't be a problem to solder. The guy is skilled so don't mind about that.



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Bridge U6t1, What To Consider?
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2020, 02:53:00 AM »

From what i have read no you don't need too bridge it because xbr uses virtual blown fuses. I did it on mine without any errors , i feel safer that's all i care about. It would cause an error if it was not modded. I also set my Gateway address in system settings to my PC ip address so it can't connect too live , it can't even find it. My Jtagged box connected to Live yesterday , i actually was testing a different one and it was all set too DHCP and my Live profile auto signed in kinda worried me , so i cracked it open and bridged that point , i was only connected for a total of 10 seconds maybe , i unplugged the cord as soon as it signed in.


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Bridge U6t1, What To Consider?
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2020, 04:38:00 AM »

I'm not even going to hook up my 360 to the internet. Maybe I do the installation and have to bridge after reading the NAND. Or can I bridge it before I use the exploit?

The guy who will help me is highly skilled so the soldering is not a problem, just that I can't expect he'll help me if I need a favor again.

1.5 hour left now. Quick answer is appreciated.



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Bridge U6t1, What To Consider?
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2020, 05:21:00 AM »

Their isn't anything wrong with hooking it up to the internet , you will want to if you are moving files to the harddrive FTP is the easiest way. And by setting the gateway to your PC you aren't hooking up to the internet only your local network.
 Just bridge the point it doesn't matter it can't hurt.


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Bridge U6t1, What To Consider?
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2020, 05:28:00 AM »

You are lovely!

I'm confident now it's going to be fine.
