
Author Topic: Globe 360 V2 - Installation Trouble Problems Failure  (Read 52 times)


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Globe 360 V2 - Installation Trouble Problems Failure
« on: August 21, 2007, 07:23:00 PM »

Does anyone have the Globe 360 V2 working on Samsung?

I installed the chip and could not get it to work. I check every single point with a meter and looked it over for 10 hours!!! (I told my pal that I was going to be done in 2hrs and a bit) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I was getting e64 with all FW boots (FW0, FW1, ORIG) with bottom right red light flashing and no eject. I thought I dammaged the DVD mainboard while installing because I could connect to the globe chip, read, write and verify the FW but the drive seemed to be dead.  I tried all kinds of firmware, all kinds of booting combinations with the buttons and no go at all. I couldn't get the 360 to boot with the disable feature (sync and pwr).

I then gave up and decided to check if the drive was salvagable and removed the globe and the drive works fine. WTF?

Can somone point me in the right direction?

My only ideas on this is that the install instructions are wrong or the globe chip was DOA.

Any help would be appreciated.


LIVE Prophet

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Globe 360 V2 - Installation Trouble Problems Failure
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2007, 03:37:00 PM »

Did you get the installation instructions from the official website?  Also, did you insulate your points with either hot glue or electrical tape?


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Globe 360 V2 - Installation Trouble Problems Failure
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2007, 07:07:00 PM »

I also installed a Globe360 V2 chip and am getting the e66 error.

I have to assume the chip is not flashed out of the bag since I see e66. Do you use the same .bin files that work with the V1 chip? Also, do you notice that the flash manager does not work until you copy the ftd2xx.dll file into the same directory that the Globe_Flash.exe program is in. I assume you are using the same flash manager from the official Globe site?

Where can I get the flash files, if they are different than V1?  Also, is there only 1 Flash Manager available?



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Globe 360 V2 - Installation Trouble Problems Failure
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2007, 09:45:00 PM »

I did not insulate my points. What points in particular? All? This is news to me, as I did not read that anywhere. What is the reasoning behind insulating the points? I followed the install instructions from Globe 360 to the letter.

More info: I am using 24ga wire for the -+ and 30ga for the rest of the points. Chip is getting power as I can connect to it. Ever single point was checked 10 times visually and with a meter.

I have the Globe app working fine and communicating with the chip TX RX.

I'm baffled. Any help would be appreciated.

This post has been edited by dirday: Aug 23 2007, 04:47 AM

LIVE Prophet

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Globe 360 V2 - Installation Trouble Problems Failure
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2007, 11:49:00 PM »

Insulating points is a standard safety precaution for any install on anything electronics.  If you do not insulate points, you risk shorting out your chip to the DVD case.