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Author Topic: Xdsl V0.3  (Read 339 times)


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Xdsl V0.3
« on: August 24, 2005, 06:49:00 PM »

Well this update has been a while coming but X-DSL v0.3 is now out  :) .

It is based on the latest DSL v1.4 and therefore inherits a number improvements since the last version based on DSL v1.01.

On the Xbox side we've improved the install scripts (no more Error creating loopbackfile: Read only file system). Also we've fixed an issue which prevented a loopback install of X-DSL from detecting a swap file on the same partition. We've added raincoat (the Xbox BIOS flasher) and a graphical utility to show the current Xbox IP address (ok it's basic but it's the first time I've use lua-fltk). The kernel has been updated to 2.4.31 which should have better xpad support and an improved framebuffer driver.

Download here

I'll be updating the documentation on the X-DSL site shortly


XDSL comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law

1) Introduction

X-DSL is a small (about 50MBs) but fully functional Linux distribution for the XBOX, based on Damn Small Linux (

2) Licence

X-DSL is more than just a software application, it's a complete Linux distribution comprising of many software packages. All the programs and libraries used by the X-DSL are protected by their respective licenses. They are all free software and most of them are covered by the GNU General Public Licence. X-DSL itself, meaning all the scripts written specially for X-DSL (init files, configuration files, etc) is covered by the GNU General Public Licence version 2, or (at your option) any later version. See GPL.txt for a copy of this licence.

3) Usage

XDSL requires a modded Xbox(see or for help on this). You can then run XDSL from a livecd. Simply burn xdsl.iso to some recordable media using your favourite cd writing software and place it in your Xbox.

When XDSL loads you will be presented a choice of video modes (640x480, 800x600, 480p, 720p). 480p and 720p require your Xbox to be connected with component cables to a HDTV. Once you have choosen a video mode XDSL will boot and you'll automatically be logged into X as the user 'dsl'.

4) Interacting with XDSL

If you have a usb keyboard/mouse and a usb connector for your Xbox they should be automatically detected. Alternatively you can use a Xbox controller to move the mouse pointer. To launch programs right click on the desktop (B on the controller) to bring up the fluxbox menu. If you need to enter any text a virtual keyboard is available from the fluxbox menu under Apps.

5) Installation

If you want to install XDSL to your Xbox hard drive you have 3 options:

Frugal install - The XDSL compressed filesystem is copied to E:\KNOPPIX\KNOPPIX. This takes up the least diskspace (50Mbs). Since the filesystem is heavily compressed it is mounted readonly so this is just like running the livecd, except all the files reside on your hard disk

Loopback install - The XDSL filesystem is installed onto a loopback file (either E:\xdslfs or F:\xdslfs). This requires a loopback file of at least 200MBs (you can choose a size upto 2GB).

Native install - XDSL will be installed onto a linux partion in the extra space on the Xbox HDD for those with hard disks bigger that 8GBs. This will keep the standard Xbox partitions (C,E,X,Y,Z) entact but will wipe all data on the F partition if it exists.

To perform one of these installations open the fluxbox menu and select the appropriate option under Apps, Tools. You will be guided through the install process.

6) myDSL extensions
If you are running from the livecd or a frugal install you can load addition programs using myDSL extensions. XDSL should be fully compatible with extensions made for Damn Small Linux. Extensions are available from or via the myDSL icon on the desktop. They should be copied to E:\ to load them when XDSL boots or E:\optional\ to give you the option of loading them via the fluxbox menu. Since each extension is loaded into the ramdisk it is recommend that you use E:\optional\ if possible to save on memory usage.

7) Backup your settings

When using the frugal install/booting from a livecd it is not possible to write any changes to the XDSL filesystem. To get around this your settings can be saved in a seperate file called backup.tar.gz. Go to Back/Restore in the desktop menu, type in hda50 and hit backup if you wish to make this file on your E drive. Once made your settings will be automatically saved on shutdown and restored on boot. To change what files are saved edit /home/dsl/.filetool.lst. None of this is necessary with Native/Loopback install methods since the root filesystem can be written to.

8) Enabling the apt package utility

If you are running from a loopback or native install you'll probably want to re-enable the debian package utility apt to allow you to install a huge range of programs from the debian repository. It is also recommended you restore the GNU Core Utilities. Both of these tasks can be done from the Desktop menu.

Once this is complete you can then install programs via the command 'apt-get install myprogram'. You may wish to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list beforehand to point it to the debian testing repositary (comment out the existing lines with # and uncomment the testing lines). 'apt-get update' updates the list of available programs and 'apt-cache search myprogram' searches for a 'myprogram' in the debian repository.

9) FTP install
If you don't wish burn XDSL onto a cd and have the ability to ftp to you Xbox, it is possible to simply copy across the required files. Extract all the files from the iso and copy them to the following locations:


These are case sensitive. Then create a file E:\linuxboot.cfg with the following content

title XDSL
kernel KNOPPIX\linux24
initrd KNOPPIX\minirt24.gz
append root=/dev/ram0 init=/etc/init rw video=xbox:640x480 frugal quiet kbd-reset

Finally if you are not using the Cromwell BIOS copy default.xbe somewhere where you can run it from your Xbox.
Then run Cromwell/default.xbe to boot XDSL. If you then want to peform a loopback/native install simply select your desired option in the Apps, Tools menu.


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Xdsl V0.3
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2005, 06:57:00 PM »

One issue people should be aware of when upgrading is that the file which specifies what to backup (/home/dsl/filetool.lst) has been renamed to /home/dsl/.filetool.lst. This is to keep it hidden to prevent accidental deletion. If you are using a frugal/livecd with a backup file then it is recommended you backup your backup.tar.gz (save a copy as backup.old or something like that). Then when you upgrade make sure all the entries you want to keep from /home/dsl/filetool.lst are copied to /home/dsl/.filetool.lst.


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Xdsl V0.3
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2005, 07:01:00 PM »

Sounds good!  Keep up the good work.


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Xdsl V0.3
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2005, 09:34:00 PM »



Changes for 1.4:
1. Added "minimal" boot option - will use Minimal theme
2. Added "lowram" boot command, this is not an option parameter use instead of "dsl" like fb800x600. This will boot with most "options" turned off and use the new "minimal" option.
3. Moved desktop doc apps from tools and wmix from xmms to the desktop section of the menu.
4. pppdial now has its own wmnet
5. Added "Upgrade to GNU Utilites" to the menu tools section. This also does an md5sum check on the download and install of gnu-utils.dsl
6. Upgraded the dpkg-restore script to now md5sum check the download before proceeding with the installation.
7. Removed the "Enhance" option from the hard drive install script. Now, use, instead the new menu option to upgrade.
8. New "install" boot command. Based somewhat on lowram, boots to a CLI installation menu.
9. New dslinstall CLI menu, for hard drive, frugals, pendrives, floppies
10. New mkfloppy script used in the above and now also on the fluxbox menu
11. Re-organized "tools" section of fluxbox menu.
12. Fixed the emelfm bug causing disabling of some icons. Fixed now, with updates to .emelfm/buttons and .emelfm/filetypes
13. New F3 screen displays new boot commands and options.
14. Added new Wallpaper/Background selector GUI. Desktop > Wallpapers
15. Cleaned up bashburnrc leftovers
16. Removed Xcrusier, XPacman, & Toys
17. Added Ace of Penguins:  Canfield,Freecell,Golf,Mastermind,Minesweeper,Pegged,Solitaire,Taipedit,Taipei,T
18. Enhanced "frugal" installs giving dsl user write access to /cdrom
19. Fixed dsl-embedded (Qemu) to allow uci type extensions.
20. Fixed dynamic extension icon display on hard drive installs.
21. Fixed emelfm toolbar open xterm bug.
22. Dropped wmxmms.
23. Added new DSL xmms skin.
24. Updated "Getting Started"


Changes for 1.3.1:
1. fixed Apps > Tools > Mirror Selector
2. Added a new Dillo icon for better alignment
3. finally found and fixed those "coninue" typos
4. fixed incorrect heading for CDW in hosting aterm
5. Changed menu entry from "Icons Only" to "Icons/Align"


Lots of changes for 1.3!
1. Created an Icon layout manager for xtdesk.
2. Improved icon and menu persistence with extensions.
3. Created a GUI date/time tool. System>Set Date Time
4. Created a frugal grub install script.
5. Replaced rxvt with aterm and added transparency xshell options.
6. Updated naim.
7. Replaced Bash Burn with cdw.
8. Changed filetool.lst, xfiletool.lst, and webdata.lst to be hidden.
9. Reduced iso by stripping libraries of debug symbols
10. Many typo's have been fixed
11. Fixed 2button mouse bug
12. Adding users capability is now defaulted
13. Fixed xvesa "leftovers" bug when choosing lower resolutions
14. Fixed eth0 disable upon use of pon
15. Fixed the null menu bug upon loading certain menuless extensions
16. Deprecated the "ci" extension type
17. Added persistence to embedded user.tar.gz for uci types
18. Internet man page lookup bug fixed
19. New default theme
20. Fixed permissions in dsl-embedded for Linus files
21. Fixed reset noload flag for hard drive installed root mydsl-loading


Changes for DSL 1.2.1:
1. Restored GNU tar command
2. Updated xzgv with security patch
3. Corrected boot logo screen


Changes for DSL 1.2:
-- New .dslrc to save local mirror and protocol.
-- New GUI Mirror selector for .dslrc, Apps->Tools->Mirror Selector
-- Enhanced mydsl boot time option to accept a directory
-- Enhanced backup/restore now defaults to /home/dsl and
-- with xfiletool.lst to specify files and dirs to exclude from backup
-- Enhanced ndiswrapper,prism2, iwconfig GUI's for public access points
-- Enhanced mydsl to prevent non-DSL user corruption
-- Enhanced frugal and pendrive scripts to allow updates
-- Updated monkey webserver to 0.9.1
-- Updated busybox to 1.0
-- New boot logo screen.
-- New default theme, Tree_and_Moon


Changes for DSL 1.1:
-- New boot time option "secure" will prompt for passwords for root & dsl
-- New boot time option "protect" will prompt for an encryption password and then triple des encrypt the backup file
-- New boot time option "host" to pass hostname. Use as boot: dsl host=web123
-- Added webdata, a triple des secure backup/restore to remote ftp server
-- lspci now display textual description from pci database
-- Added button to emelfm "Add2Filetool" to easily select and add files to the filetool.lst. Works from CLI as well
-- Updated word view, excel view, and powerpoint view to accept spaces in filenames -- note only these MS utils will support this feature
-- Corrected group bug in /usr/bin/rebuildfstab
-- Changed typos in Getting Started
-- Created work-around for the improper interactions of just a few programs with restarting xtdesk from within emelfm
-- dsl-embedded upgraded to qemu-0.7



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Xdsl V0.3
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2005, 11:16:00 PM »

And a question!

I love the new release so far, but is there any way to update Firefox to the newest version? It still sucks seeing Firefox take up so much space in RAM, especially when it damn-near freezes loading large high-res pic-heavy pages


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Xdsl V0.3
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2005, 11:41:00 PM »

Sorry, now I'm having a real problem and I cannot edit the post above.

When I do a loopback install, I get an error: "Kernel panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel."

Here's my linuxboot.cfg

title XDSL Loopback install
kernel KNOPPIX/linux24
initrd KNOPPIX/ird-loop.gz
append root=/dev/ram0 init=/etc/init rw video=xbox:800x600 quiet kbd-reset

Is there something wrong?


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Xdsl V0.3
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2005, 11:27:00 AM »

Bump in hopes someone can help me. I've redone the loopback a few times to the same result. Does the loopback just use a different location than /etc/init?


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Xdsl V0.3
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2005, 12:15:00 PM »

QUOTE(Serebrus @ Aug 26 2005, 07:31 PM)
Bump in hopes someone can help me. I've redone the loopback a few times to the same result. Does the loopback just use a different location than /etc/init?

I'll see if I can recreate the problem here. I'm surprised this is happening though since I tested the loopback install a number of times with no problems. It should be running /etc/init. The error message suggests a problem with the initial ramdisk ird-loop.gz.


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Xdsl V0.3
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2005, 12:19:00 PM »

QUOTE(Serebrus @ Aug 26 2005, 07:20 AM)
I love the new release so far, but is there any way to update Firefox to the newest version?

Look in the mydsl repository. There's a GTK2 version of firefox 1.0.4 available in the GTK2 section and I made a GTK1.2 version of firefox 1.0.4 which is in the myDSL testing repository here.

This post has been edited by friedgold: Aug 26 2005, 08:17 PM


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Xdsl V0.3
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2005, 12:48:00 PM »

QUOTE(friedgold @ Aug 26 2005, 08:19 PM)
I'll see if I can recreate the problem here. I'm surprised this is happening though since I tested the loopback install a number of times with no problems. It should be running /etc/init. The error message suggests a problem with the initial ramdisk ird-loop.gz.

I've just tried a loopback install and it worked fine for me. I deleted my E:\KNOPPIX folder and E:\linuxboot.cfg. I then booted from the Live CD and chose Loopback install. I choose to install to E:\. The installation complete successfully. When I rebooted, I ran Cromwell and selected the fatx option X-DSL booted up fine.

So you'll need to give more info on what you are doing:

1)Are you installing from the Live CD or did you copy X-DSL across via ftp
2)Are you installing to E or F?
3)Does E:\KNOPPIX\ird-loop.gz exist?
4)If you had a previous version of X-DSL installed did you remove it's files first?
+anything else that might be appropriate


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Xdsl V0.3
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2005, 12:32:00 AM »

I have done an FTP install, and the loopback is on E: as well. I overwrote and deleted all of the old XDSL files as well.

And E:\KNOPPIX\ird-loop.gz does indeed exist.


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Xdsl V0.3
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2005, 10:23:00 AM »

QUOTE(Serebrus @ Aug 27 2005, 08:36 AM)
I have done an FTP install, and the loopback is on E: as well. I overwrote and deleted all of the old XDSL files as well.

And E:\KNOPPIX\ird-loop.gz does indeed exist.

Well I can't recreate your problem here. I did exactly the same as you (deleted everything to do with X-DSL, ftp'd the new files over, ran loopback install from the menu, choose install to E) and it worked perfectly for me.

Could you try booting X-DSL then running (from a xterm) sudo mkxboxboot -loop. This runs the script which makes the initrd directly. When you do that are there any error messages? If you reboot after running that command does the loopback install still fail to work?


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Xdsl V0.3
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2005, 11:05:00 AM »

What it sounds like you did is attempt to overwrite the current XDSL files instead of deleting everything and replacing them.. Which friedgold did mention.. delete everything affiliated with XDSL on your xbox.. Cromwell loader the linuxboot.cfg everything..


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Xdsl V0.3
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2005, 09:35:00 PM »

QUOTE(Keo-Keo @ Aug 27 2005, 07:09 PM)
What it sounds like you did is attempt to overwrite the current XDSL files instead of deleting everything and replacing them.. Which friedgold did mention.. delete everything affiliated with XDSL on your xbox.. Cromwell loader the linuxboot.cfg everything..

That's what I thought it was at first, so I did delete everything and re-FTP everything back over...

I'm thinking now that it as something to do with UnleashX, and will try FTP through XBMC

But first, I'm going to redownload the ISO to ensure that was not the problem and do the whole process over.


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Xdsl V0.3
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2005, 10:32:00 PM »

They don't allow editing here. It's CRAZY!

Anyway, whatever redownloading fixed, it sure fixed the problem.
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