
Author Topic: Help With Converting Dvd To Mpg - Rename Vob?  (Read 94 times)


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Help With Converting Dvd To Mpg - Rename Vob?
« on: January 20, 2009, 01:29:00 PM »

I'm sorry if this has been covered over and over.  I honestly tried many searches but didn't find what I was looking for.  Feel free to point me to a thread if one covers this topic exactly.

We have a huge selection of kids DVD which I want to rip and store on my computer so my kids can view them on the 360 via streaming through Media Player 11.  My computer is XP and my wife has a Vista Notebook.  I read in many posts that guys can take a vob file and rename it to a mpg and it will play fine.  Does this only work connecting via Media Center and not via sharing in Media Player 11 cause I can't get it to work on my XP machine but it will work if I connect to my wife's notebook via media center.  Using her machine is not an option since it's not always in the house.  It sucks because my machine already has a bunch of vob files on the HD from making backups of discs.

I guess ultimately I need to take my DVD collection and rip it to a format which the 360 can easily read via sharing in Media Player 11.  We do not have HD so just regular quality is fine.  Also if there is an easy way to then take the file and re-burn it onto a dvd for car trips and stuff that would be a bonus.  Kids and the original discs are a destroyed original waiting to happen.  The fewest steps/programs as possible would be great.  I already use DVDshrink and handbrake on occasion so I'm somewhat familiar with them.  Would just need the particulars for settings if those are what I should use.  You guys have been great with information so far so thanks in advance for any help on this issue.