
Author Topic: Should It Be Buffering For This Long?  (Read 84 times)


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Should It Be Buffering For This Long?
« on: July 08, 2008, 06:26:00 AM »

I have recently converted from a wired network, to a wireless network, and along with that upgraded pc so I now share my media via WMP11 instead of the stand alone WM connect I used to use.
My connection to the network is via the official MS wireless adaptor for the 360, and then a belkin g router, which is wired directly to the desktop.

Okay, so thats my set up, and I must say I am completely happy with Internet speed and the speed of navigating and streaming music. However, when I access my video library it seems to struggle.
All my vids are avi's, mainly divx or xvid. They are all recognised and will play okay, so no codec issues. However, when I select one, I have to wait approx 3-5 mins for the movie to buffer, these are only approx 700mb avi's.
Then once they are playing if i skip chapters , or scan through to fast, i get regular buffering of a minute or so each time. My wireless worked very quick and hardly ever had it buffering, which has left me wondering......

Is this normal for wireless streaming of movies on the 360?
Would it be better if I was streaming WMV's or just the same?
Should I get a better router? Is there any settings I can play with to improve it?
Does my PC activity slow down my transfer speeds, ie, should I stop pretty much all tasks when im streaming?

Sorry for the newbish questions, just fairly new to wireless but I was sure that the quality should be on par with wired, certainly for simple sharing like this.