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Author Topic: Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year  (Read 415 times)


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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2008, 08:11:00 AM »

Microsoft will never allow 360 games on Blu-Ray disc, it's not worth discussing.

If Microsoft go for this, it will be interesting to see how they play it. Will the Elite be the model that gets it or will that be phased out for another super sku that may even include wireless ?

Fall this year means the 65nm GPU will be available so a possibility of Microsoft actually redesigning the whole innards of the 360 before the Mini Xbox in 2009/10 with the combo CPU/GPU Valhalla chip.

Will they increase the price of the top SKU to accommodate Blu-Ray or will it be an add on ?

Is this all just rumour to stop people buying the PS3 ? tongue.gif

I think we will see tweaked SKU's at E3 this year. The 20GB will be dumped for something better like 60GB on the Pro, the Elite will be phased out if this Blu-Ray rumour is true and a new super SKU will be unveiled closer to Fall 08 that will include a 250GB plus hard drive, Blu-Ray drive and Wireless, price matching the PS3 all while the Pro has the middle ground and the arcade has the low end with their price drops. We may not like that approach but if it works for Microsoft then hats off to them. Still a big FU for the hard drive though wink.gif



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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2008, 08:28:00 AM »

QUOTE(beasty54 @ May 2 2008, 08:03 AM) View Post

With the noise the 360 already makes i just cant see a point in this. If people that already have a 360 want blu-ray, why not go and buy a PS3 because that way you have a quiet Blu-Ray player and a new console if you ever want to use it to play games. I picked up an Elite ready for the GTA4 launch and i had forgotten how noisy the 360 is (was without one for 1 month) and although for gaming it doesn't bother me mainly due to the fact i have my sound system that loud, for watching movies its out of the question.

I never understood why everyone complains about the noise so much.  How sensitive are everyone's ears???  Shouldn't the movie or game volume be up high enough that you dont have to concentrate on the noise?


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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2008, 09:53:00 AM »

QUOTE(dbldown768 @ May 2 2008, 10:04 AM) *

I never understood why everyone complains about the noise so much.  How sensitive are everyone's ears???  Shouldn't the movie or game volume be up high enough that you dont have to concentrate on the noise?

I was wondering how it would bother anyone while watching movies.  If you are going to watch blu-ray discs, wouldn't you have your surround sound cranked up?


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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2008, 09:22:00 AM »

QUOTE(dbldown768 @ May 2 2008, 04:04 PM) View Post

I never understood why everyone complains about the noise so much.  How sensitive are everyone's ears???  Shouldn't the movie or game volume be up high enough that you dont have to concentrate on the noise?

When watching a movie, like say I am Legend, on an HD-DVD you already have to turn up and down the volume because the movie already has really loud parts and really quiet parts.  The 360 running that loud doesn't help during the quiet parts.

They may release a Blu Ray player for the 360 but I don't see it as being fully necessary.  They are doing vary well with the 360 as is.  And as for the Blu Ray games, that will never happen.  I don't know the exact numbers but I'd be willing to bet that more people have HDDs for the 360 than don't and they still refuse to let the game developers require one.  Hell, R* wasn't even able to make it an optional install.


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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2008, 11:49:00 AM »

QUOTE(chronno @ May 2 2008, 11:58 AM) *
They may release a Blu Ray player for the 360 but I don't see it as being fully necessary.  They are doing vary well with the 360 as is.  

That's true,  it isn't necessary. But this is MS we're talking about, and a bluray add-on is easy money. $100 for a wireless adapter, $100 for a 20 GB hard drive, $50 for a 512 mb flash drive, why would MS pass on the chance to make a nice markup on an external drive?

Seems pretty likely they'll do it, to me.


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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2008, 11:21:00 AM »

QUOTE(dbldown768 @ May 2 2008, 05:04 PM) View Post

I never understood why everyone complains about the noise so much.  How sensitive are everyone's ears???  Shouldn't the movie or game volume be up high enough that you dont have to concentrate on the noise?

How many films do you watch that have no dialogue at all and are just 2 hours of explosions and gun fights?
I only sit 5 feet away from my console and of course there are times when i dont hear a thing because of the movie/game soundtrack but What about at 1am when i'm watching a blu-ray movie? not quite sure my house mates would appreciate the house shaking at that time? I no longer use the 360 as a DVD or media player simply because its too loud if i want to watch a movie in the early hours of the morning.


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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2008, 12:07:00 PM »

QUOTE(dbldown768 @ May 2 2008, 04:04 PM) View Post

I never understood why everyone complains about the noise so much.  How sensitive are everyone's ears???  Shouldn't the movie or game volume be up high enough that you dont have to concentrate on the noise?

 If I was single, not a parent, and owned my own house, then yes, the volume would always be up. Unfortunately, I have a son that sleeps at night, and an on site police officer at my apartments who's a dick to anybody he can be. Quite often I have my volume low.

QUOTE(Hoyt @ May 2 2008, 02:42 PM) View Post

Here's the thing that should concern a lot of folks though...

If they make the drive internal then at some point they may allow developers to create games on the blu-ray discs.  Then those games would only work on the newer consoles.  I don't recall this type of thing ever being done in a consoles life span, where the earlier manufactured consoles were completely obsoleted like that.

Imaging the backlash from existing 360 owners.  It seems like it would be better for game play if they just allowed devs to require a hard drive.

What do y'all think?  Seems like the feces would hit the fan if they started making blu-ray games.

 Simply put, that will never happen. Developers wouldn't abandon the universal spec of the console for fear that the game wouldn't make the money they want it to.
 That being said, there's not much stopping a developer from taking advantage of additional features, and marketing the game as "only for this version", but let's not forget the original spec 360 already has over 20 million units sold, so if it came out today, along with a game only for the 'Ultimate' SKU, they'd be forgoing 20 million (although 20 million doesn't properly account for RRoDs and people with multiple consoles).


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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2008, 12:55:00 PM »

QUOTE(beasty54 @ May 2 2008, 06:27 AM) View Post

Maybe so but i still find my PS3 MUCH quiter when watching blu-rays than my 360 while its sat idle at the dash.

i swear you guys have the following:
1) a cubicle for a room
2) strap the 360 to your head
3) have the best hearing in the world
4) you watch silent movies
5) are just bs'ing the noise

i have a ps3 and 360. i sit about 7 - 8 feet away from the tv and consoles. sure i hear the 360's dvd drive spin up and sure, i can tell you if the system is on or not but it isn't like i can't do the same with the ps3. the ps3 drive is loud when seeking and after it is on for a while and heats up, you can hear the fans more than the 360's after they speed up to cool it down more. but, overall, it isn't going to effect my movie watching.


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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2008, 01:51:00 PM »

QUOTE(spinr34 @ May 2 2008, 08:31 PM) View Post

i swear you guys have the following:
1) a cubicle for a room
2) strap the 360 to your head
3) have the best hearing in the world
4) you watch silent movies
5) are just bs'ing the noise

1) I live an an apartment, so it might as well be a cubicle
2) Hahahaha
3) No, but as a musician, my job involves hearing more than the average person
4) I watch plenty of movies that have plenty of dialouge
5) Never


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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2008, 02:30:00 PM »

QUOTE(spinr34 @ May 2 2008, 08:31 PM) *

i swear you guys have the following:
1) a cubicle for a room
2) strap the 360 to your head
3) have the best hearing in the world
4) you watch silent movies
5) are just bs'ing the noise

i have a ps3 and 360. i sit about 7 - 8 feet away from the tv and consoles. sure i hear the 360's dvd drive spin up and sure, i can tell you if the system is on or not but it isn't like i can't do the same with the ps3. the ps3 drive is loud when seeking and after it is on for a while and heats up, you can hear the fans more than the 360's after they speed up to cool it down more. but, overall, it isn't going to effect my movie watching.

Or maybe you are deaf? Thought of that one?  Seriously why the he'll would anyone watch a DVD on their 360?  The qualitynis horiffic.


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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2008, 02:02:00 PM »

QUOTE(madsci1016 @ May 2 2008, 10:38 AM) View Post


The format war is over. M$ picked the wrong side. It would be foolish not to adopt the next major standard in media distribution, even if your long term goal was for mass streaming content distribution. Why keep your product lacking features that will give consumers a reason to buy a competitors product instead?

i agree that internal is most likely never going to happen! just because hddvd is dead doesnt mean ms wants to make a whole new sku. one reason would be it would confuse idoits that know nothing about hd and just want to buy a games console  ms wont want new idoits going to sony because they cant work out what 360 they need lol

then theres the customers that brought the hddvd drive i'm sure after the upset of it dieing they would rather just buy a new addon then a whole new 360 its kind of like them saying yh ur hddvd drive is dead guess what so is ur 360 now so best you buy a new one with blue ray! and would they?  after everything  my money is on these customers going to sony

so i think as a company if they do release blue ray its going to be an addon to tell customers we couldnt help what happed but we will do are best to keep you happy lol


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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2008, 02:17:00 PM »

QUOTE(xsirxx @ May 2 2008, 01:30 PM) View Post

Or maybe you are deaf? Thought of that one?  Seriously why the he'll would anyone watch a DVD on their 360?  The qualitynis horiffic.

how do you go from being deaf to the 360 having bad video quality?

anways for something a little on topic. it is very possible for an external bluray addon. even though ms actively denies it that doesn't mean shit. they want to take the focus away from movies and focus on games. that is where their console is its strongest at. also they got the whole 'digital distribution' business they want to push. however, that doesn't mean they won't/can't eventually add a bluray addon. if the demand is there, it'll happen. also, as far as internal goes, never.


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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2008, 03:03:00 PM »

The 360 is way to loud, even without using the dvd drive. If they manage to build a 360 that's as quiet and reliable as the PS3 I would most likely buy it at once...


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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2008, 02:44:00 PM »

QUOTE(spinr34 @ May 2 2008, 09:31 PM) View Post

i swear you guys have the following:
1) a cubicle for a room
2) strap the 360 to your head
3) have the best hearing in the world
4) you watch silent movies
5) are just bs'ing the noise

i have a ps3 and 360. i sit about 7 - 8 feet away from the tv and consoles. sure i hear the 360's dvd drive spin up and sure, i can tell you if the system is on or not but it isn't like i can't do the same with the ps3. the ps3 drive is loud when seeking and after it is on for a while and heats up, you can hear the fans more than the 360's after they speed up to cool it down more. but, overall, it isn't going to effect my movie watching.

1. I live in quite a small room in a house shared with mates
2. If you say so
3. Not at all
4. Not all films are full of explosions
5. Why would i?

I agree what you say about the PS3s fan when it kicks in, it is actually louder than ive ever heard the 360s BUT ive only had my PS3 do this twice and both ocassions were while playing games.

Theres no need to keep arguing about it, whilst playing DVDs late at night and using the sound from the TV the 360 is still VERY noisy and obviously a hell of a lot louder if playing a game late at night. The PS3 on the other hand isn't silent but its very close while playing a DVD or Blu-ray. Obviously these opinions are mine and mine only so maybe its different for other people depending on how and where the consoles are sat but i have had 3 360s now (latest being an Elite) and all 3 have been so loud they are no good for anything other than games .... not saying thats a bad thing though.

This is starting to turn into one of those pathetic 360 vs PS3 threads again so lets get back to the upcoming (maybe) blu-ray 360.
I personally dont see the point in a whole new unit unless there is a SERIOUS redesign of the whole thing. With the CPU and GPU being incorporated into one chip hopefully the cooling system can be drastically improved and a quieter exhaust system can be used. If this is the case i would certainly be interested in a new system if MS decided to incorporate a wireless adapter as well.


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Another Manufacturer Says Xbox 360 Blu-ray Coming This Year
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2008, 04:04:00 PM »

I don't believe this the HD-DVD drive took months to design and manufacture I'm sure maybe they will use the same design I don't know but HD-DVD aint been dead that long and MS stated they are concentrating on the download and IPTV services.

Maybe they are working on one but the HD-DVD drive didn't sell a lot they said that and I'm guessing it won't be internal until the Xbox 480 or what ever it's gonna be called.

I'm just glad I got both players really sure HD-DVD is dead but the drive still works so I can get movies for it smile.gif then when they run dry I can just buy some Blu-Rays for my PS3.
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