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Author Topic: Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu  (Read 301 times)


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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2008, 09:52:00 PM »

QUOTE(Sircolby45 @ Jan 4 2008, 09:26 PM) View Post
Not to mention that they have always charged a high price for their products.

Like $180 for 120GB drive..................oh wait.


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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2008, 10:17:00 PM »

Looks like I'll have to be going to digital media in the future :/ I don't like Sony or the crap they've put me through (more then microsoft BY FAR)

So whos ready for the Sony reign of terror? rezonat0r sure as hell is!

Now back to my bond movie  pop.gif


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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2008, 10:31:00 PM »

QUOTE(juntistik @ Jan 5 2008, 05:53 AM) View Post

So whos ready for the Sony reign of terror? rezonat0r sure as hell is!

Don't you mean the "Blu-ray Disc Association" reign of terror?  I know, I know.  Bring facts into the equation and things aren't nearly as fun.  IMO Microsoft has put us all through quite a bit of crap by monopolizing and stifling competition in the OS and browser market for the past 15 years.  As a web designer, MS has put me through much, much more crap than Sony ever has or will.  

Lest I sound like a Sony fanboy, take a look at my member #...  I've been a diehard Xbox1 guy since 2001.


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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2008, 11:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(rezonat0r @ Jan 5 2008, 05:04 AM) View Post

Here's a wild idea:  Stop whining like babies and learn some facts.  Sony doesn't "control" Blu-ray any more than Microsoft "controls" HD-DVD.


...and yes, the war is crumbling.  There should never have been a war in the first place...

Just becuase there are a long list of assciated companies dosen't change the fact the Sony holds most of the patents pertinent to Blu-Ray technology or the fact that they recieve the Lions share of Royalties from each player or pc drive and disc pressed.


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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2008, 12:28:00 AM »

QUOTE(rezonat0r @ Jan 5 2008, 06:33 AM) View Post

The OP made a remark about Sony "junk".  Comparing Sony's game console to Microsoft's game console in terms of failure rates seems logical enough, since this is Xbox/PS3-Scene.

I think bringing up the 360 was still a bit off-base, as microsoft doesn't make DVD-players, cd players, TV's, etc. Whatever though.

QUOTE(rezonat0r @ Jan 5 2008, 06:33 AM) View Post

Why is it going to suck in the future?  DVDs have region codes, and it's not a difficult problem to overcome.  BD will be no different.

 Because I can easily strip a DVD of it's region protection, and burn to another disc, if that's the case. Aside from that, there's plenty of region free DVD players available. However, I own a PS3 as my BluRay player, which I know is region locked for movies (of course, I suppose in the same regard Sony could one day liberate it of region restrictions with a simple fw update, but whether or not this will happen is another story). A BluRay burner costs $700 right now, and the cheapest I've seen discs go for is just over $10 each, so it's not by any means cost-efficient to do so.

QUOTE(rezonat0r @ Jan 5 2008, 06:33 AM) View Post

I have not seen anything indicating one format is more reliable than another.  And BD stores 50GB on a disc; HD-DVD stores 30GB.  Wouldn't that make BD more efficient?

 I believe that 50GB is on paper, but hasn't actually been physically proven (at least it was, if this has changed, link me smile.gif ). HD-DVD has already been proven with it's 15GB/30GB versions, and the triple layer technology was possibly proven as well. Even if the latter hasn't been tested, a theoretical 51GB is better than a theoretical 50GB, right?

QUOTE(rezonat0r @ Jan 5 2008, 06:33 AM) View Post

Too late.  The media companies already have us by the balls, at least in the U.S., with perpetual copyrights and draconian fair-use interpretations. That's why need to take BD+, the insanely complex copyright protection scheme that the studios think is unbreakable, and crack the absolute SH*T out of it.  We have to prove that no amount of DRM will work.

 I believe the last time they made new HD/BR security, it was cracked faster than any previous revision.


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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2008, 03:44:00 AM »

In germany even the main tv-news (tagesschau) are reporting about the warner decision. They call it a preliminary decision in the format war, with only two labels left on hd dvd. They continue saying that consumers abstain from buying high def players in the usa because of the undecided format war, which may come to an end now.


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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2008, 05:31:00 AM »

QUOTE(joemm210 @ Jan 5 2008, 04:21 AM) View Post

they seem to be controlling the format to me by putting blu-ray into each ps3 but anyway I dont really care if they win I wont be getting either player for another 2 years anyway.

The reasons I wanted hd dvd to win:

1 Region free player
2 more internet extras on the disc,  a few movies allowed you to send a request to a friend to watch the movie at the same time
3. the picture in picture function
and 4, I really hate sony junk

Let's see if MS had put HD-DVd in 360s is that classed as controlling the war.
BR 1.1 has picture in picture
You hate Sony Junk. Not much thought gone into that last statement really. Do a few comparisons on making junk equipment with other manufacturers first. Console wise we all know which one bites the dust in the biggest numbers.
 The real reason you want HD-DVD to win is the same as lots of others on this forum you love MS and hate Sony.

We will assess the potential impact of this announcement with the other HD DVD partner companies and evaluate potential next steps.

The most significant part in the post is the one above. the implications that can be read from that one statement.

I really wish people would stop quoting this $100 HD-DVD player like it is some solitary beast on a mission. Do some research and have a look at Funais £99 BR player due out this year. Neither side is going to let  the other market a cheap player without response.


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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2008, 05:48:00 AM »

dry.gif If you look at things objectively, we really have no control over what format is released to consumers, it is all up to companies like Warner who put media on the market. Whether it's Blue Ray or HD format, we, as the consumer, buy what is available. These companies try to make us believe we are in a war that it is up to the consumer only to rape our wallets! That is the only reason to tell us we are in control. To be in a real format war is to release all media on both formats and truly let the consumer make their choice.

To back this statement up, think about how most consumers buy product. Most consumers find themselves ignorant to what they are buying and find themselves in a place like circuit city asking someone else what they should buy only to find the movies they enjoy are not on the format they just purchased. Rumors and word of mouth spread like a virus, complaints of this nature become rabid destroying credibility. As a result, people are reluctant to buy anything because they are truly satisfied with the format they already have, which is DVD and do not want to participate in a prefabricated war (Beta and VHS was a true war due to the nature of the beast, anything born is a war! Anything beyond is a mutation!).

Why did Warner make the move? They were the wild card! Media companies are scared because they know they screwed up. Warner knows it. Consumers are confused into believing standard DVD format is fine with their current HD setup. It is up to Warner to stop this so called war to save the High Definition Disc format.

Why does the High Definition Disc format need saved you ask? Well, it has competition, competition no one will acknowledge, Flash Memory Drives AKA Usb Stick! In 2009 Samsung will release their new chip that can access up to 69GB of memory in one chip. That means a USB stick drive that can hold massive amounts of data. In line with the new standards for Nano Technologies, 45 nm technology, means certain death for the inefficient Laser disc media. This will happen rather quickly as the conversion has already started, consumers are buying up USB Sticks at a rather fast pace. This seems to be the popular choice in the so called format war.  tongue.gif

What should HD Dvd do? Well this is my answer. As DCHM (or whatever it is) is all about stopping us from ripping media, burning High Definition a difficult process. As of right now, there is little or no way to capture High def content unless it is over the air. Over the Air is becoming less used and I foresee a spike in cable and/or satellite sales when the digital switch gets flipped in 2009 (2009 seems to be an interesting year for technology). HD Dvd should dump a bunch of stock in Any DVD as Blue Ray can be ripped, then produce low cost stand alone and PC burners and quickly jump on the laser disc out party as Blue Ray will be producing High cost Burners and Low cost Players. Just my 2 cents.

Flame AwaY!!  pop.gif


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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2008, 06:49:00 AM »

If Toshiba lose the confidence of it's backers the only switching done will be by Toshiba. Much like when they caved in to price pressure to get into bed with Vestel.
It's a matter of how long companies hold their nerve.


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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2008, 07:35:00 AM »

2 adult entertainment. Sony has already stated that adult movies will never appear on blu-ray so that left the adult entertainment industry to pick hd-dvd as thier hd format. adult movies account for a third of dvd sales, thats a huge market for 1 format. Also this will help drive hardware sales simply because if you want to watch your favorite star in hd you have to go hd-dvd.

To my recollection, was tht one of the reasons why VHS won over Betamax beacause you could only get porn on VHS?  dry.gif

I havnt got either HD DVD or BluRay players, as i'm still waiting to by a new HDTV (one tht supports 1080p, my current one dusnt), I would prefer just to get the 360 addon

I personally prefer any other format than what Sony introduces....Yeah i admit i dont like Sony, mainly cos it killed my fav console ever..the Dreamcast R.I.P

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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2008, 08:43:00 AM »

QUOTE(spliffbizzie @ Jan 5 2008, 03:14 PM) View Post

2 adult entertainment. Sony has already stated that adult movies will never appear on blu-ray so that left the adult entertainment industry to pick hd-dvd as thier hd format.  adult movies account for a third of dvd sales, thats a huge market for 1 format. Also this will help drive hardware sales simply because if you want to watch your favorite star in hd you have to go hd-dvd.

i dont think the wars over i think its just beginning  wink.gif

Sony said they won't be producing any porn. This may come as a shock to you, but Sony is not the only BR producer. Porn is and has always been available on BR. Seriously, this should be at the beginning of every BR vs HD-DVD thread in large print until everybody gets this through their dense heads.....


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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2008, 11:47:00 AM »

I absolutely love how people get facts wrong about VHS & Beta, follow it up by telling us how they logically decide one format is better, based on the fact that they have some long standing prejudice against Sony, tell us they support HD-DVD then cream it off with
" I don't own either"
Reality check
If you don't own either then you don't actually support either format.


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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2008, 12:02:00 PM »

QUOTE(Chancer @ Jan 5 2008, 08:23 PM) View Post

Reality check
If you don't own either then you don't actually support either format.

Slightly incorrect, i found myself buying a lot of hd-dvd's as gifts, and my brother bought an hd dvd player as a gift for another brother.  We would have bought an hd dvd player but the $1600 for the sharp aquos and $300 for an xbox is enough spending for now, and we plan on getting an hd dvd add on for 360 not blu ray.  In this case i would say that we support hd dvd even though we don't own one yet.


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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2008, 01:34:00 PM »

Well for those who support HD-DVD, They posted their info on the press release page.. Call Them And Complain And Let Them Know How You Feel..

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Warner Bros. Home Ent. Group
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Toshiba Reacts to Warner's Announcement to go Blu
« Reply #29 on: January 05, 2008, 10:05:00 PM »

weird  blink.gif
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