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Author Topic: A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire  (Read 1306 times)


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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2008, 03:20:00 AM »

QUOTE(Bandit5317 @ Jan 3 2008, 09:39 AM) *

Right around the corner? You can download HD movies cheap off of Xbox Live.

You have an extremely odd sense of what is cheap, for the price of 2 movie rentals I can get a subscription to netflix and get pretty much all the movies I could want in a month in blu ray and HD-DVD


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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2008, 04:26:00 AM »

well compared to rental fees (at least in the town in live in here in Germany) the prices of the Xbox Live Video Marketplace aren't that bad.

But aside from that: this "news article" is really just a blog entry. Maybe needs a system to tag "news" which are really just rumors or personal opinions so that readers can easily see how far they can trust what they're just about to read. I don't think staying away from all rumors and the like is the way to go but you should be able to easily tell when you're reading rumors and when not.

Concerning the blog entry: HD-DVD ftw! biggrin.gif I'm one of the many, many guys still waiting out on if there'll be a winner in this format war but I really hope HD-DVD wins. No region codes, less "security" (I really like being able to convert my DVDs into other formats so that I can use them on other devices like my PSP). wink.gif


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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2008, 05:40:00 AM »

I figure the guy who wrote that article must live in amsterdam, cause he sure is smoking the good stuff. Thats like saying the roadmap to me being president is
1 Start a campaign
2 Get everyone to vote for you
3 get sworn in

The size plus of bluray is nice, but the cheaper production of hd-dvd is more valuable IMO. the 1080i vs p is a joke of an argument, I have display devices capable of both in my home, and sources at both and there is no visual difference between 1080i + p unless you are running the movie at 1/4 speed in an action sequence to look for where pieces of the explosion go. then 1080i is a little less detailed. at normal watching speed there is no visible difference. Regular movies in the theater are played at 24 frames per second. your eyes don't require 60 1920x1080 frames a second, 30 is just as good. If the rumor of Warner going hd-dvd only at CES 2008 is true, then its over for bluray unless sony wants to drag it out as another betamax.... which of course is part of why people aren't buying standalone players.


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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2008, 07:19:00 AM »

this guy is a douche......heres a topic title for him

How To Enjoy Hi-Def Movies

buy both players.........

and just out of curiosity, didnt we just hear about triple layer hd-dvds that are the same size as blue ray what size advantage do they have now?


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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2008, 08:31:00 AM »

QUOTE(BIMPtacular @ Jan 3 2008, 02:19 PM) *
and just out of curiosity, didnt we just hear about triple layer hd-dvds that are the same size as blue ray discs
Yup, and the 3 layer hd-dvds would be 1 gb bigger than the 2 layer blu-ray discs
QUOTE(BIMPtacular @ Jan 3 2008, 02:19 PM) *
so what size advantage do they have now?
None, but Sony fanboys will say what they want. They always have and they always will.

Why should the HD format war end when it never begun. It never begun because BluRay can't fail. Why?
  • Cell
  • BluRay
  • Sony
  • Cell
HD-DVD has none of the above, so logically it is already dead. biggrin.gif



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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2008, 08:36:00 AM »

i am amazed that such a terrible piece of writing and thought was posted on cnet - probably just another PR stunt...argument makes on sense and actually it just reinforces the fact that the blu-ray camp has fear in their eyes of the impending future...

QUOTE(DMAddict @ Jan 3 2008, 01:04 AM) *

At this point I'll say forget both of them, digital HD downloads are right around the corner.  tongue.gif

i agree completely as i am not a fan of optical media at all - gotta love home media servers and the vast instant entertainment on-demand without the delay and limit of selection choice with an optical drive!


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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2008, 08:50:00 AM »

After reading though all of this, there are always going to be people who believe one format is better than another. Me personally having both formats, can hear or see no differance.

What I really want is one format, thus this will hopefully bring us cheaper movies, as HD-DVD / Blu-Ray Movies are not cheap (when compared to DVD).

I know I will be flamed for the above statement, but as it goes thats all I want, a cheap HD, format.

Digital Downloads on xbox360. They need more recent movies and a bigger selection. I hate the fact its "rental" I want to buy it!

Betamax / VHS.

Do people know why VHS won this war?
Basically due to the fact there was more porn on VHS then betamax!


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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2008, 09:00:00 AM »

Man you people are claiming cnet bias when all you people are just as bias.

You people are so blinded by your faith in a failing format that when it is all said and done you people will be the only ones thinking the whole world has gone mad.

In the end it will come down to one simple fact. NO DISNEY, PIXAR MOVIE WILL EVER BE ON HD-DVD. Thats it folks it will never happen. And nobody is going to back a format that will never be able to play their kids movies.

Porn is a dead point people. There is porn on Blu-Ray but who cares anyway. Most people get their porn by digital download.

But hey, if you delusional people wish to stake your claims on porn then who am I to argue. lol


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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2008, 11:09:00 AM »


HD-DVD IS CHEAPER it's a no brainer ill be supporting HD-DVD for a long time yet even though I have a PS3.

I don't like how most blu-ray movies are at least £20, you can get good HD-DVD's for £14!

I think this battle will be a long time (at least 5 years) so buy both like me and be a happy camper, I think none will give in it will be like the +/- scenario on the DVD burners.


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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2008, 11:26:00 AM »

Michael Bay is up to his shenanigans again rolleyes.gif


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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2008, 11:33:00 AM »

You all have to remember, the only difference is size.

If a HD movie was under 9 GIGS it would fit on a regular DVD.  And you would have the same quality as a HD DVD or Blueray Disc.

Size gives more to deal with.

I'm all about the size,   HD DVD can be triple layer now, the only problem with that is the players are not and are unable to read anything beyond dual layer.

Also, the more layers a disc has, the more prone it is to scratches, dust, and etc.   So, that is a risk you take.

I would personally like to see 20 GIG SD CARDS with movies on them.   If someone came out with a SD CARD player I belive this war would be over.

Any takers, lol.


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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #26 on: January 03, 2008, 11:17:00 AM »

QUOTE(the_nerdy @ Jan 3 2008, 09:33 AM) View Post
HD DVD can be triple layer now, the only problem with that is the players are not and are unable to read anything beyond dual layer.

You're either making things up out of thin air or you have inaccurate information. No one said that current players can't play HD-51 discs. I would like to see an article that states this as fact.

It was only recently approved by the DVD Forum and nothing more. HD-51 is in R&D and is still being thoroughly tested.

Also, the more layers a disc has, the more prone it is to scratches, dust, and etc. So, that is a risk you take.

How would it be more prone to scratches and dust when the spacing between the encasing of the disc and the first layer is the SAME measurement?



Going back on topic, I would have to say its a silly article to place on the front-page of Xbox-Scene (even if it was the other way around). It just seems that the news articles aren't the same anymore. It doesn't seem "professional".


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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2008, 12:05:00 PM »

Surprised no ones mentioned BD+.  Blu-ray made alot of enemies with that one.  They are a bunch of DRM wh0res over at camp blu-ray and I'm shocked anyone in the internet community, especially users at XS supports them.

pRtkL xLr8r

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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2008, 12:13:00 PM »

This is your roadmap?

I was looking for some intelligent discussion on why.  Instead, it's "How to figure this out is to pick a side," essentially.  Pick a side -- in a format war you just wrote is at a stalemate and everyone is confused about what side to pick.  So basically writing that the side to pick is the side you picked, and we should all in good faith just blindly follow you.  Without any real proof as to the aforementioned 'why.'

This guy would be better off back at his old job writing captions for missing kids on milk cartons.


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A roadmap for ending the high-def format quagmire
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2008, 11:41:00 AM »

QUOTE(steveju @ Jan 3 2008, 03:31 PM) View Post

Yup, and the 3 layer hd-dvds would be 1 gb bigger than the 2 layer blu-ray discsNone, but Sony fanboys will say what they want. They always have and they always will.

What a rediculous thing to say!

So what about the 3 layer Blu Ray discs? which are then again in turn "bigger" than the 3 layer HD-DVD's?

PER LAYER BLU-RAY has more capacity than HD DVD, End of that silly statement me thinks!!!

This article is more tongue in cheek than an official statement, a little humour nothing more.

HD DVD is already dead, dead man walking if you like, they can try and pay off whomever they like to prolong the agony, but its just a matter of time before they surrender

Furthermore, This debate has nothing to do with SONY VS MICROSOFT!

HD DVD is TACKED on to the 360, so there really is no need for xbox "fan boys" to get uppitty about it!

If the 360 was launched with a HD DVD player as standard, this whole situtation would be different, including the silly argument that the ps3 is a ripoff compared to the 360!

Consider the cost of the 360 and HD DVD addon AND the wifi addon!!!
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