
Author Topic: Color And Darkness Issues  (Read 124 times)


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Color And Darkness Issues
« on: December 02, 2005, 02:16:00 PM »

Anyone know why the streamed media to the 360 looks dark and goes to the extreme when displaying red hues?

I looked around the dash board and dont see any settings for it.

(Have Insignia (Best buy brand) 26" HD LCD.)
I know the first responces will be adjust your TV dude! but this does not help me.
The Tv is already maxed for brightness and contrast, but more importantly. The HD LCD looks fine when hooked to my Computer.

Now I read on xpMCE forums that ATI cards tend to be dark and have the Red Hue issue, but for computers you can just go into settings for the card and adjust it.

Any thoughts?