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Author Topic: A Memoir, Team Hyperx. Liteon Encryption  (Read 2207 times)


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A Memoir, Team Hyperx. Liteon Encryption
« Reply #30 on: December 02, 2009, 05:15:00 AM »

QUOTE(M0t0rPen1s @ Dec 2 2009, 12:58 PM) *

What mr Greedy doesn't know, is that there are people who like free stuff , hate microsoft & hate greedy people ( that's why they hate microsoft ) , so they will hate mr greedy as well. I wouldnt be surprised if some of them decide to take him out ( keel him .... bam ! sleep with the fishes etc. ) after all he is just a single person not some bill gates dude .

wtf how old are you? ten or somehing! motor pen1s, dickhead more like!


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A Memoir, Team Hyperx. Liteon Encryption
« Reply #31 on: December 02, 2009, 05:22:00 AM »

It was all bound to go wrong from the beginning. Many people working around the world, no-one every actually knowing who each other really are.. I can empathise but I can't help but think that someone is a little bitter.

At the end of the day a failed team is the team-leaders fault for losing control of the team. Just because you can make prompt decisions doesn't mean you can handle a team. Many skills are needed.

I agree with Geramia releasing the decryption tool to counter the foundmy plot. I would regard him/her as someone loyal to what hacking is all about.

My final point is that if Iriez is so good at leading and can make such, self proclaimed, good & prompt decisions why not make a new team and lead that one to victory, learning from the mistakes.

Did someone get taught to suck lemons?. Get used to the taste and move on.

The Dude Z

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A Memoir, Team Hyperx. Liteon Encryption
« Reply #32 on: December 02, 2009, 05:23:00 AM »

QUOTE(staveone @ Dec 2 2009, 07:15 AM) View Post

wtf how old are you? ten or somehing! motor pen1s, dickhead more like!

That's far too much credit !
He's 7 and it's pen1shead  jester.gif
motor pen1s ='s  douche bag in X-S translation!


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A Memoir, Team Hyperx. Liteon Encryption
« Reply #33 on: December 02, 2009, 05:29:00 AM »

Thanks for allowing us an insight into the hacking scene and your view on things, Iriez. It would be good to hear all sides andhave it all out on the table in the hope of regaing the passion and motivation to move on and  show MS what the digital community is really all about!!!!  

Non the less i cant help but feel the end is near.  I have to agree with sittingduck77 in that "most of us would never support capitalism in the hacking scene." As much i hate to say this I would rather give my money to MS, but if the goal is to provide a service for the community well then donate donate and more donate.

If we all payed at least once for the service you provided us with then maybe things might have been a bit better.  But in the end nothing last for ever!!!!!!



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A Memoir, Team Hyperx. Liteon Encryption
« Reply #34 on: December 02, 2009, 05:29:00 AM »

Good read...


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A Memoir, Team Hyperx. Liteon Encryption
« Reply #35 on: December 02, 2009, 05:41:00 AM »

Everyone that is good at heart may eventually be corrupted through the stressful frustrations of repeated lack of appreciation through the expression of verbal complaint, combined with the lack of income for what is realistically long, hard, work.


I worked for a big international corp for many years and there was a slow but constant decline in my motivation as the team i worked with grew but not the appreciation for my work. As a matter of fact, with more people on the team, my part of it became smaller and while it was occasionally appreciated, it came never across as praise but something that felt like the "mandatory" thing to do. Soon, i found myself receiving requests, sometimes demands from all sides. Since many people beside me felt that slow decline as well, the inter-office communication declined with it and tension grew.

So in my last two years i tried to stay away from most coworkers, shunned work or scaled it up when planning to make sure i at least got enough "free" time to work naturally, eg. be able to fullfill unplanned requests that drove our development for so long, and was working so well for a long time and which made me happy because it was work well appreciated. The rest was just a treadmill i wanted to avoid more and more. Now that i'm a freelancer all of that pressure is gone and i can enjoy my work again. But most importantly i'm a better person for it. Happier. More confident. Taking measured risks. Choosing unpaved routes.

Well, i just wanted to say i can relate to that and you said it very well. I appreciate the insider's view (one day it may be worth writing a book about it) and never knew what was going on there. I'm eagerly awaiting the LT firmware and even though i'm a little worried about what you wrote was going on, i'm confident that you (as a team) will figure it out. I wouldn't even mind paying 10 or 15 bucks per console to be able to mod it, if that means better security and longer lifetime of the firmware.


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A Memoir, Team Hyperx. Liteon Encryption
« Reply #36 on: December 02, 2009, 05:44:00 AM »

This story reminds me of the fallout that Commodore Business Machines (Commodore 64, Amiga) had... whip out the video camera and start documenting the final days of this glorious team.

BUT, on another note...

A key server is a good solution; it's only fair that all of the team's hardwork is rewarded by some form of "donation".

I'm going to use McDonald's in this analogy.

During the world financial crisis this year (2009), many food outlets started failing, except for McDonald's. As soon as the crisis hit, people looked for ways to save money but at the same time still wanted the everyday luxuries.

In comes McDonald's with the low priced (in Australia we call it Value Picks) menu items.

The population the world over was still willing to spend money if they saw value in it.

I think it applies in this case as well. If the price is right; and I mean really low "donation" price per key, then I can see droves of people using the service without hesitation.

If the price is high, then profits would be good, but the longevity of the product will be reduced as users would not see value in the service and may even choose to migrate to a different console.

It's a balancing act which needs to be done right the first time. There wont be any second chances on the next decision made by all of the current and former group members.

[email protected]

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A Memoir, Team Hyperx. Liteon Encryption
« Reply #37 on: December 02, 2009, 05:45:00 AM »

I guess this means delays for LT..! I find it a rediculous idea that MS won't patch the holes in the hardware / software. It might take them a little longer not knowing exactly what the holes are, but Im sure a multi billion dollar company can afford to hire 5 or so experts to try find holes and thus fix them. On top of that, whats to stop MS just creating a whole new drive, or changing the process of DVD key verifying itself with one on NAND. Couldn't they just add the encryption method used the NAND to secure the DVD key on the DVD drive?


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A Memoir, Team Hyperx. Liteon Encryption
« Reply #38 on: December 02, 2009, 05:51:00 AM »

QUOTE([email protected] @ Dec 2 2009, 11:45 PM) View Post

I guess this means delays for LT..! I find it a rediculous idea that MS won't patch the holes in the hardware / software. It might take them a little longer not knowing exactly what the holes are, but Im sure a multi billion dollar company can afford to hire 5 or so experts to try find holes and thus fix them. On top of that, whats to stop MS just creating a whole new drive, or changing the process of DVD key verifying itself with one on NAND. Couldn't they just add the encryption method used the NAND to secure the DVD key on the DVD drive?

you mean encrypting it with the CPU key? because then it would have to be transmitted over the sata port for decryption, and well then we could sniff it, protecting the firmware+ some static encryption within the drive is the only real way to protect it, such as how they are doing it with the latest liteon drives, but as you can see... perfect security can be hard to achieve, skilled people trying to break the system will eventually find holes that otherwise would have been oversights or thought non-exploitable.

Littlejonny is back

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A Memoir, Team Hyperx. Liteon Encryption
« Reply #39 on: December 02, 2009, 06:00:00 AM »

Iriez you certainly have a way with words.  There were many people that left "the scene" as a direct result of certain fellow hackers power and money tripping, some with good intentions, others without.  I myself was one of those that left for a time to pursue full time employment outside of my hobby.  I hope that all potential trolls read your artical as it covers a very brief history of the last several years of Xbox/360 hacking development and provides an excellent understanding as to reasons behind descisions made in many sectors.

Anyone thats been a real part of the scene will know that you have only scratched the tip of the iceburg with the amount of politics assotiated with this "scene" *ahem* "industry".  It's true that many of that are passionate about what they do have come to depend on this as income (time=money and vice versa, we all need to eat), or as I like to call it, a profitable hobby.  Without income, then development is stagnent, so it makes no surprise that money has become a major propelant to the "scene".

I have been waiting a long time for someone to come forward and say what you have said in words that I could not compose myself effectively.  Well done!  As many arguments as I have had with both C4e and Geramia (and others :0) about relevency, public knowledge the fact that there is no such thing as a 100% xbox live safe hacked firmware, I also still respect them for the fundamental work they have both done, but not to forget the extensive ground work that many many others have also done, and continue to do.

-------------ready to delete on request--------------
If the non team player you refer too is who I think it is (correct me if I am wrong, I refer to TS / Hitachi days )....... then even more kudos to you for kicking him off the team, he was exceptionally smart and a potential asset, but when glory and money was available had the ethics and inteligence of a retarded nazi.  He stole and traded code and secrets so much that I had to publicly question his personal hacking ability, however I will admit his unethical secret trading did get the job done faster, albeit many got burned.  I wont name names...although google shows someone that clearly hates me for exposing them tongue.gif .  It was good to seem him dissapear!
-------------ready to delete on request--------------

Finally... for the n00bs that are freaking out and cant be bothers reading Iriez's well written expose' and ask stupid questions about firmware releases:  The vendors will respond with blocks, the scene will continue, hacks will be released, and the vedors will respond again .... its simply a matter of time, motivation and talent (and money tongue.gif ).

As both Nintendo and Microsoft spokespeople have quoted me:  "It's cat and mouse"  It always has been, this is just another mile-stone in a fast evolving industry. smile.gif


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A Memoir, Team Hyperx. Liteon Encryption
« Reply #40 on: December 02, 2009, 06:12:00 AM »

HEYYYYYYY a very long post you made!
I promise to try to help in the evening to all, contact a revervese coder to do something promised "THE LEGEND" you remember that? wink.gif


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« Reply #41 on: December 02, 2009, 06:16:00 AM »

soooo..... can i has LT?

[email protected]

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« Reply #42 on: December 02, 2009, 06:18:00 AM »

Iriez has produce a well scripted piece of writing with the soul purpose of softening the blow of a charged service for the DVD key and software. Persuasive techniques have been used throughout with the overall point being that they want money. Search google for persuasive writing techniques, read a little about them and reread the "memoire", you will see exactly what I mean.

I can't really see this idea working anymore, at least not for the current xbox drives. It won't be hard to work out the encryption used in the new firmware, someone will

1- get their key off a DVD drive
2- send the drive into the service and recieve a newly flashed drive
3- They will do the current pin lift method to dump the firmware and key
4- Having the DVD key of the drive will allow them to work out the algorithm used to encrypt the drive (there are programs which solve mathematical algorithms, especially easy if you have the encrypted and unencrypted key)
5- release a program which does this for you and a version of the new firmware.

In the highly unlikely event this doesn't happen, I guess the 0800 disk will be the new staple for using games, minus xbox Live.

This post has been edited by [email protected]: Dec 2 2009, 02:22 PM


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A Memoir, Team Hyperx. Liteon Encryption
« Reply #43 on: December 02, 2009, 06:20:00 AM »

Thankyou for the insight. Was a good read!! smile.gif



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A Memoir, Team Hyperx. Liteon Encryption
« Reply #44 on: December 02, 2009, 06:33:00 AM »

Well, whoever this Sir Iriez is and whatever he does/did
(from the chaotic writing above it seems to me - nothing)
I hope it doesn't affect the upcoming iXtreme LT release ;-)
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