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Author Topic: Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans  (Read 1216 times)


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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #120 on: November 21, 2009, 11:00:00 PM »

Do you actually think only a couple thousand people pirate? I'm pretty sure millions of people do this. Do you actually think the justice system can actually handle prosecuting this much people at once for a petty crime that:

1- Causes nobody any harm and in this case:
2- Costs a couple of millions of dollars to a company that makes what? $500-$600 per second?

Games are still being sold, systems are still being sold. Records are STILL broken... Sure, you could argue the fact that piracy doesn't give these companies their full potential in terms of profit and revenue BUT they still make BILLIONS A YEAR because regardless pirates still buy games and support their system. What they don't do is buy crap!

What makes you think a true pirate (someone that only burns games instead of buying absolutely any) would pay a dime for a game in first place? If that were the case, all these companies would be bankrupt because everyone would buy the system and pay someone to flash their system for a fraction of what it costs to buy one of those original games and never bother with an original. Because I'm sure way above 20% of all sold 360s sold are modified to run backups! I'm pulling that one out of nowhere but, I will bet my eyes those numbers are pretty high.

Say what you will, but this industry is booming and shows no signs of stopping... and certainly if something's going to stop it, it won't be pirates. This ain't the Dreamcast we're talking about here. MS has done their homework on the matter. People that pirate do it for a myriad of reasons that don't necessarily include doing it for the hell of it:

Regional release issues (No other way to play these games in their region)
Protection of their investment in original games (kids are insatiable with discs)
Not enough money to pay for games otherwise

So before passing the hammer on everyone equally, remember: not everyone is under the same circumstances and piracy is not something everyone does because they can. Most people run to it because they have no choice. It's a product they want and it's always an option. I'm pretty sure that if games weren't as expensive and hence much more monetarily accessible to people, they would proudly make the full investment. I can't stress this enough: NOTHING beats physically owning an original! Everyone knows that!



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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #121 on: November 21, 2009, 11:01:00 PM »

QUOTE(tactical @ Nov 21 2009, 07:07 PM) *

I am hoping very expensive , very sharp Lawyers are looking into this from multiple angles.  
I'm thinking MS had a change in Management the last 8 months and the NEW guy is trying to step on the cockroaches (pirates).  The people before him had "more experience" and quietly did bans and took action so as not to WAKE the SLEEPING hornet NEST.  This NEW guy took a STICK and figured he would hit the NEST and get them to stop being Hornets(pirates).  
I guess MS will see if this NEW GUY keeps his job 1 year from NOW.

ohhh agreed.... he has to show off his nice shiney small dick to the world.
Btw i love how people who got MW2 from a VAILD retailer before its release and  STILL got banned !!!!
Ontop of that NO ONE can call anyone to fix the issue.

I simply would say.... "no more money from my pocket book"


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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #122 on: November 21, 2009, 11:55:00 PM »

QUOTE(fatvince @ Nov 21 2009, 05:55 AM) View Post

STUPID IDEAS.. You got that right. Semantics won't help you.

Way to attack my sig not my post.

Fine example of the US education system no doubt.


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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #123 on: November 22, 2009, 12:11:00 AM »

QUOTE(mat82284 @ Nov 21 2009, 03:04 PM) View Post

Microsoft attacked Gamestop for selling used games a little while back too. Microsoft is the most greedy company ever. I bet there banning/hard drive save crippling via removing console id was done on purpose to not only boost sales but corrupt the used market. Think about it, Microsoft publicized that 1million systems were banned, If people know now that there is a risk when purchasing second hand systems they will buy new instead of used. Microsoft makes no money on any used stuff, only new. Now there using the modding community to help destroy gamestop and other companies from selling used systems.

If they cared about there customers they would have two options for there customers. 1) if a disc gets scratched to were it doesnt work they replace it for a small fee. 2) or you send in the disc, then Microsoft gives you a code to download the game from the market place.

Or if they cared they would have posted a notice on with ways to detect a banned system. Maybe even something as simple as you putting in a serial number to check if its banned.

But NO! they dont do any of that, since this whole ban/timing/revoked console id happened on purpose to boost Christmas sales them greedy bastards.

Wow.. I would hate to get the same level of information you do.

Your post by the middle of the first line as it is just to wrong for words.


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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #124 on: November 22, 2009, 12:30:00 AM »

QUOTE(No_Name @ Nov 22 2009, 07:11 AM) *

Wow.. I would hate to get the same level of information you do.

Your post by the middle of the first line as it is just to wrong for words.

First off do some research before posting. Second, you need a new English teacher. Those two sentences so bad, i would guess you're age to be at least 10yrs old.

Microsoft has attacked stores for used games and they feel that its hurting there profits. Read and learn.

Even Nintendo is getting greedy.

At least someone has the guts to stand up for us consumers


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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #125 on: November 22, 2009, 12:36:00 AM »

QUOTE(mat82284 @ Nov 21 2009, 11:30 PM) View Post

First off do some research before posting. Second, you need a new English teacher. Those two sentences so bad, i would guess you're age to be at least 10yrs old.

Microsoft has attacked stores for used games and they feel that its hurting there profits. Read and learn.

Last time I checked Bungee where not Microsoft.
Second Broken link is broken

Third did you even read what the article in the second link?

Maybe I should try and speak American then.. Maybe I should but axing questions instead of posting.

Wow.. It looks like you noticed you screwed up your first post and corrected it.

Too bad I am faster then you.

Also.. When does it matter what Nintendo think.. My comments only relate to "Microsoft" not any other company related or unrelated to them on this topic.


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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #126 on: November 22, 2009, 12:43:00 AM »

QUOTE(No_Name @ Nov 22 2009, 07:36 AM) *

Last time I checked Bungee where not Microsoft.
Second Broken link is broken

Third did you even read what the article in the second link?

Maybe I should try and speak American then.. Maybe I should but axing questions instead of posting.

Wow.. It looks like you noticed you screwed up your first post and corrected it.

Too bad I am faster then you.

Also.. When does it matter what Nintendo think.. My comments only relate to "Microsoft" not any other company related or unrelated to them on this topic.

Actually if you read the article correctly, they talk about halo  (which is a Microsoft exclusive) no one else sells that game, that's Microsoft being greedy.

You really need to learn ENGLISH! It's not called American. Go get an education if you plan to be on English websites.

For the record!

Bungie used to be owned by Microsoft and just recently Bungie split ways. I'm sorry but halo was released in 2001. That was when Microsoft owned them. Bungie became Bungie LLC In 2007, and I'm sure Microsoft still owns stock in them. Do your research before posting.


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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #127 on: November 22, 2009, 12:49:00 AM »

QUOTE(mat82284 @ Nov 21 2009, 11:43 PM) View Post

Actually if you read the article correctly, they talk about halo  (which is a Microsoft exclusive) no one else sells that game, that's Microsoft being greedy.

You really need to learn ENGLISH! its not called American. Go get an education if you plan to be on English websites.

This is not an English website.. Its an American one..

Second.. I got my education and if I want more I will go it on my own terms thank you very much.

The article that actually worked had mention of more than just Halo and it is the same stuff coming from different people who have have their opinion on the pre-owned market. Not once have I see "Microsoft" comment on this topic.

The industry as a whole has their own opinions on this topics and it comes up every few month and then dies down again.

I stand by my comments and what every use of the English language I feel like.
Its not like I will offend Her Majesty the Queen if I bastardize some sentences now. Its not like I loyal to her anyway.


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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #128 on: November 22, 2009, 12:56:00 AM »

Sadly it seems we have the self entitled give me generation well represented in this thread.


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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #129 on: November 22, 2009, 01:01:00 AM »

QUOTE(swaneejuggalo @ Nov 21 2009, 11:56 PM) View Post

Sadly it seems we have the self entitled give me generation well represented in this thread.

Its like those people who moan they where arrested for stealing.
They like to blame everyone but them selves.

If you cant do the time don't do the crime.

You where told modding your 360 was at your own risk and now you want to complain about it.


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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #130 on: November 22, 2009, 01:55:00 AM »

QUOTE(CzarMike @ Nov 21 2009, 11:05 PM) *

I bought a used 360 that was banned by the previous owner, where are my rights?

I now have a console that cannot accept the hard drive that I bought, and I can't get game updates to make them compatible with the steering wheel that I also bought, to play the racing games that, you guessed it, I bought. Basically MS is punishing the world for buying used equipment.

Banning people on Live is one thing, a no brainer, but disabling physical features on someone else's property is worth of a hefty law suit.

Imagine if they are allowed to go through with this; it would set a legal precedent allowing any company to cripple or kill your equipment, simply because you (or any past owner) made a modification. If I modify a legitimate piece of software to run scripts or function with a newer OS that it isn't programmed for, I would risk having my fucking hard drive disabled!

This issue isn't about cheating or pirating, it's about greedy corporations fucking consumers.

thats the risk YOU take buying a used system... as much as the get RROD and the banning, you'd think people would wise up and just get an Arcade system


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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #131 on: November 22, 2009, 02:06:00 AM »

QUOTE(en3myx0fxg0d @ Nov 22 2009, 05:28 AM) View Post

Heres a splittin-hairs type of argument. everyone seems to be very focused on the "pirating" aspects of a modified firmware. well what if you've never played a pirated game, what if you did it because the DVD was failing or not working properly (i'm speaking in the strictest hypothetically). So modified does not equal pirate. its my hardware I can do as I please, if we're to throw out the Xbox live terms of service. My computer if I want to overclock a CPU or graphics card I can regardless of how the manufacturer sent it to me its MY stuff now. Now they can choose to say hey something went wrong with it you went outside our specs we can't help and thats fine, thats the risk i took.

An interesting argument is Water pipes commonly known as bongs. now of course everyone says immediately its a bong its for pot. well that my end up being the case but they are sold as "water pipes" which allows them to be sold at all. now what you choose to do with that once you purchase it is entirely up to you. I know it all comes back to the TOS but as with most cases its YOUR stuff nothing illegal has been done until you steal that first game.  

Im sure alot of people will be able to put holes in this so fire away.

Sure it is your stuff, but the dashboard code is M$ stuff...if they detect you have modified your 360 (Which is explicitly against their TOS), they equally have the right to modify THEIR dashboard code to strip it of the modified consoles code signing rights...

Nothing has actually been done to the console except the striping of it's signing rights which causes the other effects


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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #132 on: November 22, 2009, 02:12:00 AM »

QUOTE(Mr.RedRing @ Nov 21 2009, 05:26 AM) View Post

..and unsurprisingly, they didn't mention anything about crippling Media Center.

haha, as if its not crippled enough!


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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #133 on: November 22, 2009, 03:26:00 AM »

Microsoft is crapping their pants right now. And no, I'm not banned. M$ screwed up BIGTIME. Banning from LIVE (which is shite anyway) is fine, but don't cripple hardware functionality. That's just messed up.


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Microsoft Reacts to Possible Class-Action Lawsuit over Bans
« Reply #134 on: November 22, 2009, 04:23:00 AM »

QUOTE(No_Name @ Nov 21 2009, 12:44 PM) View Post

Basically they marked your console as untrusted so all content signed to that console is blacklisted for any other console and its fair in my book.

That's fair enough regarding saves not working on other boxes. I'm not buying that for hdd installs though, they NEVER worked on anything other than the box they were installed with anyway.
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