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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2009, 04:54:00 PM »

Purely damage control, regardless if the one million figure was correct or not. I suppose MS is getting a little nervous since a possible class action lawsuit is looming over their heads.


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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2009, 04:55:00 PM »

QUOTE(LeeDude @ Nov 20 2009, 10:00 PM) View Post

1 million or not... I was 1 of a LOT.  I really don't care much other way, but I've spent over 200 dollars in rock band songs and it won't let me play them. That's stupid. Period.

lol sorry had to laugh.gif


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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2009, 04:57:00 PM »

QUOTE(estoyloco @ Nov 20 2009, 03:28 PM) *

WTF do people keep getting these outrageous XBL subscription numbers from.
I've never paid over $30 for 12month+1 month card since I've owned my Xbox.

$70/yr? really? come on...

Lucky for you.  My last statement show that M$ charged me $49.99.


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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2009, 05:07:00 PM »

All I can say is I can see both sides of this long old argument.

I understand why making backups of the games you own is considered "Pirating". And I do agree with people the reason they make backups is to protect their discs from wear and tear. But this is where it gets touchy. There are people out there who make backups and sell them or they borrow games from friends or rent games from shops and make backups and won't buy the game. This is where microsoft gets annoyed.

First of all Microsoft is out there to make money. It's really a GREY area when it comes to creating backups. Microsoft can't control every single game owner to be 100% honest because like I said that you do get some that are just in it for pure "pirating" reasons.

So in order for microsoft to "Try" and control piracy they just have to do what they have to do and that means "creating, copying or making backups of games is just illegal! Copyright laws have been there for a very long time and it will never go away.

Banning people on LIVE was just another way for microsoft to control piracy and I have to admit it was a bit drastic.

That's just my opinion so I hope people don't get offended by it.

This post has been edited by stacker69: Nov 21 2009, 01:13 AM


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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2009, 05:20:00 PM »

So, will microsoft crack down on used games next, seeing as they dont see a dime from the sale of those?  call me stupid or whatever, but a pirate is no worse than someone who only buys used games.  In the eyes of microsofts revenue anyways.


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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2009, 05:22:00 PM »

So all the people they banned they are saying are pirates well evidence please piracy is a law matter and they are accusing people of breaking the law so they need to provide evidence otherwise people can take legal action against ms for accusing them of something.

this has nothing to do with the ban this is ms saying what people are.

They did target 1 million people they know it they have gone hush about it now because of the negative press they have got from it and still trying to feed the same old rubbish it helps the community and stops cheating is complete rubbish all it helps is there own pockets.

piracy isnt large scale on 360 like they are trying to make out if it was then why are the big titles still selling 3million plus in the first week and those games are also leaked early on the net.


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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2009, 05:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(The_Flash @ Nov 20 2009, 04:03 PM) View Post

My favorite is how he worked "sanctity of life" in there.  Please.  This is Xbox and video games, not a Pro-Life rally.

I'm sure us nasty pirates are ruining Live. Look at the damage we've done! </sarcasm>


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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #22 on: November 20, 2009, 06:09:00 PM »

QUOTE(stacker69 @ Nov 20 2009, 07:07 PM) View Post

So in order for microsoft to "Try" and control piracy they just have to do what they have to do and that means "creating, copying or making backups of games is just illegal! Copyright laws have been there for a very long time and it will never go away.

Except US copyright law explicitly says you are entitled to make a backup copy of software, provided you destroy or hand over the copy if/when you sell/give away the original. MS can claim it's illegal all they want, but they don't have any authority to do so.


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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2009, 06:09:00 PM »

Even if a percentage of people are not actually backing up a retail game, which they did buy, Microsoft is still making money off these people. Their making money off  these users via their Live Gold subscriptions. So by doing what they've done with this massive ban, their actually loosing xbox live renew subscriptions from these bannings.

That is unless these banned pirates go out and buy new consoles, and new live subscriptions. But that's likely not going to happen much. If these banned pirates have money to go buy a new console, well then they would of probably bought games their games to begin with instead of pirating them.

sinister slipknot

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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2009, 06:17:00 PM »

QUOTE(hawkeye06 @ Nov 20 2009, 11:43 PM) View Post

How can he say it is people that are pirating software? Maybe some people just do backups!?! blink.gif

Why should the people that do backups only be banned too and have their system corrupted?  I'm sorry but since the xbox can scratch the shit out of disks there should be some question as to whether I can make a backup of my game and not get banned to avoid forking out another $60 for a game that is Microsofts fault.

Legal backup or not, its against the LIVE ToS to modify your console, you know that when you do it, so complaining that you got banned for doing it is just stupid. If you got caught shoplifting would you expect the store to be like 'hey, i know your stealing stuff, could you please stop??', no you wouldn't. So why does so many people expect MS to not give a shit when so many games are being stolen?


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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2009, 06:41:00 PM »

QUOTE(sinister slipknot @ Nov 21 2009, 01:17 AM) *

Legal backup or not, its against the LIVE ToS to modify your console, you know that when you do it, so complaining that you got banned for doing it is just stupid. If you got caught shoplifting would you expect the store to be like 'hey, i know your stealing stuff, could you please stop??', no you wouldn't. So why does so many people expect MS to not give a shit when so many games are being stolen?

Actually in the USA the rules for shoplifting are different per state, but when i worked at a grocery store we caught lots of people shoplifting and you know what. We were told to walk up to them and ask them to put back what ever they had in there pockets and to leave the store. Thats it. It's not a crime until you leave the front door. If the police came in and tackled/arrested you in the store the police would be in trouble. The law states in order for it to be shop lifting you have to leave the store.

The reasons stores tell there employees to confront them, 1) it saves money on police cost, 2) it costs to much labor to pay security/bosses to sit around babysitting them for an hour or so. 3) legal costs if someone gets hurt. The risk is just way to high for the type of item being stolen from a grocery store.

When i worked at bestbuy, the policy was the same. We were told to confront them in the store. This works 90% of the time. The guy will just hand over the product and leave. This keeps the guy out of jail, and the store from loosing more money than the product is worth.

You shouldn't post saying stuff like that unless you actually know what your talking about. Different countries have different rules, so if your not in the USA, then i wouldn't expect you to know that and don't take offense to my post, but if you do live in the USA do some research first.

As for lives TOS, that does hold people accountable, but in the USA the law comes first and the part of the TOS that states backing up there games is illegal becomes VOIDED in the court of law because federal law states you're allowed one legal backup. Its just like California. It's legal for California to sell medical marijuana, but Federal Law Government over rights that Law and the people who dont listen to the law will still have to pay with jail and fines.

This post has been edited by mat82284: Nov 21 2009, 02:46 AM


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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #26 on: November 20, 2009, 06:49:00 PM »

QUOTE(The_Flash @ Nov 20 2009, 03:03 PM) View Post

My favorite is how he worked "sanctity of life" in there.  Please.  This is Xbox and video games, not a Pro-Life rally.

lol that made me think of this


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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #27 on: November 20, 2009, 06:53:00 PM »

QUOTE(mat82284 @ Nov 21 2009, 09:41 AM) *

As for lives TOS, that does hold people accountable, but in the USA the law comes first and the part of the TOS that states backing up there games is illegal becomes VOIDED in the court of law because federal law states you're allowed one legal backup.

The TOS doesn't just say "hey, backups are illegal k".

It says something to the effect of modification of the console will result in being banned from xbox live etc.

Nowhere in the TOS will it mention backups.

Make all the backups you like, you seem to be entitled to it. You just cant use them.

I'm willing to bet your so called federal law doesn't say that everyone is entitled to make 1 backup AND modify hardware to be able to use it. There will be no voiding of TOS.


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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #28 on: November 20, 2009, 07:33:00 PM »

You know the only part, outside the HDD issue of corrupting saves and stuff, that really bugs me big time is that M$ keeps talking about piracy and modded systems and all that junk. How about all of us who own a system that isn't banned and bought MW2 to play online and all of those f*&$ing @$$wads who use modded controllers because they suck so bad at multiplayer FPS are still online. At least I can say I wasn't harming anyone online with a back up nor was I hurting anyone's online experience. Seems like the modded controller people need to be punished as much or more than any of the modders with back up games. If M$ lost money from people not re-upping their XBL gold accounts, I wonder how many didn't re-up due to not wanting to play games like WaW and MW2 and Halo 3 because of people with modded controllers. Seems like M$ is worried more about themselves and the end effect on just them and not the people who make online gaming less fun for many others.

Long live the pirates! All who feel so much better about their rapid fire controllers for games like MW2 PISS OFF!!!!! I hope M$ gets around to banning not just their systems, but their MAC address, credit card, email, gold account, home phone, cell phone, Windows OS, lunch card, bus pass, paypal account, allowance, driver's license, and anything else that they can possibly take away.


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Microsoft's Xbox Live chief on bans: not 1 Million
« Reply #29 on: November 20, 2009, 08:27:00 PM »

there have been a few reports of unmoddified systems that have been banned and when these people called in to M$, they were told that having illegal game save data, illegally obtained out of region content, or nonapproved storage devices cinstitutes a ban as well.

the only way for them to know this is if they are somehow probing systems, except if your on live with illegally obtained region content.  isnt this illegal in some way ?  either way, you dont need to modify your system for any of these instances to work. but the simple fact that they dont have to give you a reason for being banned as it states when you try to log in on a banned system, it simply says the system is modified and has been banned, but many peeps didnt modify the system and are denied an explan ation
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