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Author Topic: Official Xbl Ban Thread  (Read 609 times)


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Official Xbl Ban Thread
« Reply #105 on: November 23, 2007, 03:21:00 PM »


My 360 was banned recently from XBOX I swapped my 360 with my bro's, since he doesnt use XBOX Live...We even swapped HD's. Now my banned 360, which I gave my bro, doesnt find his PC for media sharing! The original 360 he had worked fine according to him.. Did being banned have anything to do with this??



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Official Xbl Ban Thread
« Reply #106 on: November 23, 2007, 02:46:00 PM »

QUOTE(barloue @ Nov 23 2007, 03:01 PM) View Post

is it possible that they arnt detecting us in this way at all but are actually reading the firmware. wouldnt say it is impossible as they want us to think that it is the games to stop people figuring out the right reason cause they are busy trying to figure out the games. couple of reasons

1. WE can dump the firmware onto our flashing devices so why cant they?

2. A lot of people that have been banned (including mysel) reported that thier xbox was on even though they knew it was turned off. in most cases it went on for a few seconds restarted then went on again for another few.

so is it possible that the first time was to set the xbox into mode B (like we do) but in their own way and were able to restart it and read the dumped firmware. automated computer doesnt recognise the firmware as original , resets the dvd drive back to normal and bans the xbox.

I myself leave my ethernet connected all the time as does my brother and we are both banned. know 2 people who werent banned and it just so happens that they dont leave the cable in when they dont use it.

so suppose we need to know who got banned that DOESNT leave the ethernet in when not in use or who got banned while using the xbox.

if that is the case then couldnt we just leave it disconnected when not in use so they couldnt do that?

just a thought

1: Several reasons.

Always keep in mind that despite the variation of hardware, the xbox360 is still ONE console. Microsoft, and their IT department, for both legal and practical reasons have to treat that console as a individual, and not a mixed and matched hardware prototype.

What this means, is that all of their practises, whether it be a xbox live update, features, or security implementations MUST be done consecutively for ALL hardware. The method MUST be universal.

Methods of detecting firmware are different for each drive. Some of them are impossible (at the moment) from a console side, because the code simply does not exist in the kernel. Yes, these things HAVE been looked at, very carefully. We can also log any debug commands that are sent to the drive (manufactorer cdb unlock cmd e.g.) to see how the console interfaces with the drive. This is how we have 'logs' for xbox live. This is how we see the commands that are being sent to the drive.

Now, considering that, you would need to find a universal mean's to capture flash data from each vendor's hardware. With the samsung, benq, and hitachi v78/v79 they have walled themselves in. Their own securities that were an attempt to prevent us from reading and writing to the flash, will prevent them from accessing their own hardware. Keep special note that the way WE do it, is not a traditional means. It is a specific *vendor* command (thats right, NOT microsoft code, vendor) that will allow us to unlcok. In order to use that command, microsoft would either have to own the rights to that code, or broker a special agreement with the vendor to use it. And, coming from industry standards, that will NEVER happen. No vendors will give another company their secrets, or permission to use for any reason.

That is why microsoft is currently doing what they can, reading specific disc information (Disc size, SS, DMI, PFI) and matching it against a database of known checksums. Each disc when goes to gold will be pressed. Each master press will give a different SS, possibly different DMI. Some games (halo 3 for e.g.) have up to 8-10 different variations of presses (different SS/DMI/PFI combinations). These values are recorded and stored by microsoft, and utilized as checksums against the logging methods via xbox live.

I personally believe that the criteria is very complex, and that in some situations the banning is automatic (i know a guy who saw 4 friends banned at the same time) and in some situations likely analyzed by a team before pressing that 'ban hammer'

In regards to your "2" reasoning. I have absolutly NO idea whatsoever what you are rambling about. The entire thing is false. Please dismiss such notions, as they are entirely untrue.

QUOTE(BenJeremy @ Nov 23 2007, 03:02 PM) View Post

Quite true. At least two of the more recent "releases" needed fixes, so I'm sure COD4 is not the ONLY culprit, and there may have simply been a timed check of the game, a procedure sent downstream when the game "checks in" to Live. The "waves" thing is indeed a smart tactic, and everybody needs to keep in mind that they are using this tactic - your ban has little to do with what you are doing at the time of the ban, and not getting banned for some is a big "YET", not a sure thing.

It is most likely that your Xbox 360 gets "tagged" by the server at one point in time, followed by a ban at a later point in time. This is done to create disinformation in the ranks fo the underground, and obfuscate the real trigger. The first thing that needs to be established is if Microsoft found a way to detect hacked firmware directly, or if they are using an indirect method.

As I stated last time this happened (The "First Wave"), bannings of people using MS28 drives pretty much precludes direct detection, since Firmguard prevents accessing the firmware on a normal Xbox 360 - it's essentially a black box. It was subsequently determined that Microsoft was accessing the game discs in such a way that revealed, indirectly, that the firmware was hacked, and the game disc was not original.

Primarily, "Round 1" exploited non-stealthed discs, and a quirk in the Hitachi firmware that gave up the special sectors in one big "fetch" that should have not worked (a bug that exploited both the quirk in the firmware and the unique sector layout of the backups). Since then, we've gotten the iXtreme firmwares, which protect against much of this.

The missing piece, however, is that backups cannot be perfectly validated without a database of some sort to insure they are "perfect" data copies of the originals, at least as far as anyone accessing it through a hacked drive can tell... as I stated in a previous post, no firmware can validate this, because it would require a large database that gets updated with new releases, and there's no practical way of doing this in firmware (and firmware cannot access the internet, so an online database is not possible).

Lately, the release groups seem to be incredibly inept. If they can't do the job right, they should stop doing it altogether, because it seems like every other release is NOT a data perfect copy of the original. It might be that Microsoft planted these bad releases themselves or it might just be that the moron making the backup is incapable of drooling without his mother's help. Whatever the case, if you need to backup your games, use your Xbox 360's drive to do it, or get a Kreon (with a couple more models added, there's no reason not to have one). Microsoft knows what the correct data CRCs are, they can easily use signed code downloaded to your system to check it against the disc you are running, and only your diligence and care can prevent Microsoft from detecting you.

Yes, I think that COD4 is definitly not the only 'recent' one that may have mismatching data. Also, most of the 'groups' that release such things do use the SH-D16x drives, but there ARE things that can cause complications, and alter data. If anydvd is running, it will cause the drive to freak out. Reading too fast can throw errors, etc.

PS- Nice to see you around smile.gif
QUOTE(getRAWed @ Nov 23 2007, 03:13 PM) View Post

The CoD4 my friend downloaded from the scene passed all checks in Schtrom.

Read what ben said. He explained it thoroughly enough.

QUOTE(grillo2k3 @ Nov 23 2007, 04:56 PM) View Post

They cant check the game data (crc) it would take to long for them to check plus the log is the same they are checking the same things PFI SS DMI the only thing thats f'ing things up is that the DMI PFI & SS are mixed and dont match the retail copy also I would like to know if you use the stealth files from one and use them in a other game would it still boot i.e. cod4 stealth in a AC game?

Yes and no. I cannot go into full details, because i simply dont want to hand MS information as to how the firmware works. They can make their IT department disassemble it to find out whats going on.

You can use a valid SS from any release, and your game should boot. However, there ARE checks between dmi, pfi and video that will not allow you to boot if there are descreptancies.


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Official Xbl Ban Thread
« Reply #107 on: November 23, 2007, 03:23:00 PM »

OOPS, Kinda posted something simialr to what IRIEZ just posted. had to edit this post... Listen the him.. knows what he is talking about..

Im sorry but what in the world was BARLOUE talking about? Do half of these people bother reading or at least skimming the 1st few pages and see what has been said prior to seeing the last page? Reset you're fw back to normal? uhh, WTF? So how do you explain the people still playing Offline or on xlink/xbconnect with their modded consoles. Makes me think "Does he even mave a modded console"?   Why is every1 quic to blame the FW and claim that "they didnt do their job right".Oh STFU!!

If people are so unhappy with it, why dont you make you're own version that will live up to your "downloading everything from the net and never getting caught by M$" standards. I for one am VERY GREATFUL that people like C4E , GARYOPA , and the rest of the scene who have made it possible to help us save money by protecting our investments buying the game and having it in pristine condition to be able to trade in the future or keep in mint condition in your library. STOP PASSING THE BLAME ON THEM! Its your own mistakes in the way you aquired the gamnes that has led to this outcome. No1 forced you to download the game and play it online, So suck it up like a man and move on. Blaming every1 else and not seeing your own mistakes will lead you to the same outcome in the future.

This post has been edited by (c)S: Nov 23 2007, 11:39 PM


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Official Xbl Ban Thread
« Reply #108 on: November 23, 2007, 03:54:00 PM »

I pressume that everybody opening their xbox 360 and changing the firmware, was aware that there was/ is risks of some sort of ban.

Same as to downloading illegal backups that they do not own the copyrights to.

Do they also know the term fraud  when they send the units back to the shops or M$.

And Yes  I have done the above 2 and was banned.  Tough luck to me.,  because I knew the risks involved.

Will I buy another 360? yes    Will I mod it?  no need now as i have a modded unit,  now I can try b4 I buy.


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« Reply #109 on: November 23, 2007, 03:54:00 PM »

Does the system that stores achievements obtain any other information such as time/date, game disk info and console key, then push that data to xbl after the console connects to live. People claim they only play "backups" offline and have not played "backups" in some time then login much later and get banned.  Could the system look for achievements from the same disk image but different consoles achieved at same time?  After this has occurred numerous times they would be able to track who has played on an illegal image then go back and ban them.

Ive noticed that it also records games I have played even if I have not unlocked any achievements my online profile shows games that i have played. Information like this could be a key component if used by Microsoft.  It would explain the randomness of the bans and even support claims of false bans,  there would be a very small probability of this happening to people  who have unmodded 360's but like to use rental services. With a system like this they have a high probability of banning people who are downloading illegal copys because the more copys that are played the higher chances you will be banned.

I have prolly over thought this and there are flaws in my logic, but Ive really tryed to wrap my head around the problem how and why the randomness of the bans.


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« Reply #110 on: November 23, 2007, 03:59:00 PM »

I am banned but my error codes don't match the usual ban code that I know of.
My error code is:
W: 0000 - 000B
X: 0000 - F001
Y: 00C2 - 03C0
Z: 0000 - 0000


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« Reply #111 on: November 23, 2007, 04:31:00 PM »

when people read that, and abide by it, then threads like this can be re-opened. I expect the moderators who posted in this thread to moderate and not contribute to the problem.

At no point, will Xs becoming the clearing house  for information on WHAT pirate releases/games are ok, and which aren't. We also will not be the clearing house on which pirate release groups are puting out good images, and which aren't.

Make your own backups, from your own originals, and use the awesome tools made by the smartest people in the scene. Everyone else, pretty much got, or will get what they deserve.

No one gives two shits on what you think is or isn't hypocritical about this site, and/or it's policies. Those policies have kept this site on the side of the angels, and have kept this bast repository of info afloat.

The new extension to the XS rules, listed in the link above is all the wiggle room we are allowing the pirate kiddie morons to "research" their problem.

The alternative, is to remove the extension, go back to the original policy, and worse, further restrict discussion about anything that smells like it isn't a backup from an original disk made by the poster. I don't want that, no one else wants that either I'm sure.

Guys like Chancer aren't the problem, he's more than happy to help people with their problems, and see them get resolved. However, if you can't meet him half way and at least pretend to read the rules and follow them, all you'll get is his undivided attention. (or that of the other staff)
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