
Author Topic: Guide/tut/update Wanted  (Read 64 times)


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Guide/tut/update Wanted
« on: October 08, 2006, 03:32:00 AM »

Been away from the forums for awhile but I'm about to buy my X360 so I'm trying to get caught up.
It seems as though there is a way to edit the firmware of the DVD drive in order to play backups of your games. I imagine it's fairly complicated, and then you also need to make backups of the games which I'm sure is a task in itself.
Could someone who has been following this write either;
A: A tutorial including all hardware/software needed in order to mod/make backups playable on a 360.
B: As with the XBOX, there are maybe different methods. Some newer some with certain pros/cons,
    if someone could make a list of up to date "versions/methods" that would be helpfull.
C: A tutorial for how to backup your games, and what is needed for that (hardware/software etc)

I'm sure its all here in the forums, spread out over multiple pages in multiple threads. But to save myself (and others) countless hours of searching (which I've done for the first xbox) Hopefully we can get something good in this thread and get it pinned.
In the meantime I'll be searching and adding whatever I find to this thread.



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Guide/tut/update Wanted
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2006, 07:15:00 AM »

Sorry to sound annoying, but don't be so godam lazy! There's plenty of tutorials in the DVD sub forum of the 360 section. Hell there's even a 360 tutorial section on the main site.

Grr people that say they have been "out of the scene" long annoys me sometimes because they think someone can just do everything for them, then they realise there's all manner of drive versions and firmware versions for the 360 so they need to do there own research themselves in order to determine what is right and what not to do.

Sorry again I'm not normally like this, I just hate the "out of scene" excuse.


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Guide/tut/update Wanted
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2006, 08:24:00 AM »

Most of those tutorials do already exist... this is not the appropriate forum for them, so they're else where (where they belong).

some of those things you're requesting don't have any information to be worth writing a tutorial.

This is the general forum... there's no modding here... go find the right forums if you want your tutorials.

If you still have questions, go post in the newbie forum.