
Author Topic: You Know, I Would Really Like It If Xenon Had...  (Read 82 times)


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You Know, I Would Really Like It If Xenon Had...
« on: February 11, 2005, 08:58:00 PM »

Since most of the threads here are more about speculation and whatever, and PS3 against Xenon, etc...i just gotta say, with the world swtiching to wireless networking, i think it would be majorly convenient and less useless clutter if the next generation of consoles just came with their own damn 802.11 Super G or pre-N WLAN adapter in there, with the antenna built into the frame of the case or with a detachable antenna. i mean, i have an Asus WL-330G for my Xbox, but moving it anywhere means moving my ethernet bridge and more wires, etc than i would like to. anyone else concur?

maybe it's pie in the sky to ask for a gigabit ethernet port too, but a guy can dream...


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You Know, I Would Really Like It If Xenon Had...
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2005, 10:24:00 PM »

one of the rumors I heard had the Xenon with built in Wireless...but who knows. I have the linksys wireless gaming adapter for the xbox I use for Live, and I have to say its pretty handy, it would sure be nice to have it built into xenon, although it would raise the price, but since we're dreaming, g/super g/ and future compatability with N would be great!!!!  I personally am dying to have some kind of PVR functionality built into it.