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Author Topic: Do We Start From Square 1 On The Xbox2  (Read 314 times)

Dan Wysocki

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Do We Start From Square 1 On The Xbox2
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2004, 02:58:00 AM »

QUOTE (miazmaticdotcom @ Jun 25 2004, 10:40 AM)
Read sig for my prediction  biggrin.gif

heh smile.gif im with you on this one


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Do We Start From Square 1 On The Xbox2
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2004, 02:01:00 PM »

I hereby predict that the first softmod for the Xbox2/Xenon will involve a vulnerability in the emulator that provides backward compatibility with X1 IF they decide to include it.

Uh... first of all it won't be an emulator.  Second of all, no that won't work.  The security features for the xbox2 will apply to the xbox1 shit.  Expect all game save hacks to be fixed for games like MA.


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Do We Start From Square 1 On The Xbox2
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2004, 05:01:00 PM »

QUOTE (DaShiZNiT @ Jun 24 2004, 07:30 AM)

it dont matter what its capable of, 75% of everyone here will be buying one

only 75%? tongue.gif i wouldn't be surprised if the number was closer ti 85, but i know i will be pre ordering one and getting it on launch day smile.gif hopefully it will have an awesome launch title or two. and to whom it may concern, good luck cracking the system, i can imagine that it will be dificult but you have the support of alot of people.


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Do We Start From Square 1 On The Xbox2
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2004, 07:24:00 PM »

Thats the dumbes question. Since they know that we know how to run many illegal programs they will certainly not allow more of it. I hope they dont use backwards compatibility. I have an xbox, I dont want to pay extra for something I wont use.


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Do We Start From Square 1 On The Xbox2
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2004, 08:46:00 PM »

Ok, if they decide to include it, it will be an emulator that provides backwards compatibility. How else would you run PC games (basically) on something that's much more like a Mac?

The Xbox2 content control system will be different from Xbox1 stuff, yet our good old XBEs will still look the same.  Therefore, they will have to emulate the X1 bios that does the signiature/media check. But since it will be all software and no hardware doing the job, it is more prone to exploits, buffers, opportunities to insert arbitrary code, etc.

I'll probably be wrong, but it's fun just to think about it.


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Do We Start From Square 1 On The Xbox2
« Reply #20 on: June 27, 2004, 04:23:00 AM »

QUOTE (deathx88 @ Jun 24 2004, 01:53 AM)
and think of all the hard work that everyone has done and soon it will be worthless

How will it be worthless?

All the hard work that has gone into current XBox modding has given us (and will leave us) with

1.  500+ retail games that can be backed up to disc or HDD in XBox 1
2.  1000s of hours of enjoyment over the last few years
3.  the ability to play 1000s of ROMs from older systems

Why are you so quick to toss things out the window and cry?  When XBox 2 comes out, do you think that all previous XBox games will instantly be sucky?  No!  Hell no!  When XBox 2 comes out, XBox prices should drop.  Mod chip prices should drop.... and as soon as they do, I'm buying one or two brand new XBoxes and will chip them and will keep them stored away in their packing boxes, so that when my current XBox breaks, I can simply put the HDD in the next machine and will have the ability to play an XBox for decades.  Shoot, the only reason I don't play some Atari 2600 games was because my console broke before one could easily buy a replacement off eBay) so I dumped all my games thinking it was gone for good.

XBox 2 will never kill all the hard work that went into the XBox.  That's ridiculous.  SMACK!  When you get a new car that handles differently than your old car, you need to learn how it behaves, how it handles in various situations, how far you can take it before you go over the edge.  Does that mean you are all of sudden a rookie driver again?  Does that mean you threw away all your memories and experiences with the old car just because you got a new car that is a bit different?  SMACK!


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Do We Start From Square 1 On The Xbox2
« Reply #21 on: June 27, 2004, 04:29:00 AM »

For everyone that actually buys their games, the coming of the XBox 2 will do us favors.  Think of all those games that you previously didn't want to buy because they were still $20, $30, or $40.  Well, just wait a few months and they will all be $10 or less on eBay.  Don't wait too long, or you'll find them going "rare."  There are some N64 games that are $30+.  Yikes!  I don't know about you, but I don't even have 15% of the available XBox games.  When they get cheaper, I will have more like 50% of them.


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Do We Start From Square 1 On The Xbox2
« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2004, 10:02:00 AM »



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Do We Start From Square 1 On The Xbox2
« Reply #23 on: June 29, 2004, 06:21:00 AM »

I just hope that the x2 doesn't kill the modding community like the P4 dss cards did.  

Ahh the good old days of cheap hacks & simple emulation wiped out in just a few months.  It's been almost 3 years since I got a cardswap for a P4 & people still haven't hacked it.  DirecTV, in one fell swoop, killed an entire hobby & put hundreds of thousands of "testers" out of the game (an estimated 600,000 just in North America).

I'm sure M$ has looked at that & put some pretty beefy security measures in the x2.  I hope not, but I wouldn't be suprised.

Just my 2 cents.


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Do We Start From Square 1 On The Xbox2
« Reply #24 on: June 29, 2004, 08:27:00 AM »

P5 is for their next-gen HDTV+ consoles due out next year.   You can't hack or emulate with a P4, but there are still people with the P3 (HU/football) cards that can (& do).

I agree with you on the console hack, however.  I think that M$ has their sights set on ROI & not necessarily with locking people out of making their boxes cool - after all, how many more xboxes have they sold just on word of mouth from people here?  I have convinced tons of people to buy xboxes just because mine "looks really cool & has lots of games....".

samuria squirrel

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Do We Start From Square 1 On The Xbox2
« Reply #25 on: June 30, 2004, 07:47:00 PM »

QUOTE (HSDEMONZ @ Jun 24 2004, 06:37 AM)
good point.. however.. in some respects.. we are already further ahead with "hacking" or modding the next xbox.. and it doesn't even really exist yet.  Key people are already playing with the XDK/XNA and software wise will be further along by the time the unit is on the shelf.

However.. we won't be able to run any of it until the hardware check and security are defeated via hardware hacks and a new firmware/bios.

But still.. for those not wanting to be like everyone else with a stock XBOX 2.. rest assured.. people are.. and will be working hard to give you the same choices you now enjoy on your modded xbox on a new xbox 2.

Key sceners already confirmed the info I released during the last 24 hours as being authentic. so as you can imagine.. they have access to what is needed to get the job done.

wink.gif  I totaly agree with you HSDEMONZ


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Do We Start From Square 1 On The Xbox2
« Reply #26 on: July 01, 2004, 12:14:00 AM »

Yes the P4 has been out offically for 3 years but if u think about its really only been "out" since april. because when it first came out the Hu was still running so no one spent time effort or money on the p4 when the Hu was working. Dont wory there will be a hack> and Until then there is always Dish!!!

Dishnetwork is the only way to fly.

PS Yeah i know my post is completely off topic.....


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Do We Start From Square 1 On The Xbox2
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2004, 11:13:00 AM »

QUOTE (StewPidasso @ Jun 29 2004, 12:27 PM)
P5 is for their next-gen HDTV+ consoles due out next year.   You can't hack or emulate with a P4, but there are still people with the P3 (HU/football) cards that can (& do).

I agree with you on the console hack, however.  I think that M$ has their sights set on ROI & not necessarily with locking people out of making their boxes cool - after all, how many more xboxes have they sold just on word of mouth from people here?  I have convinced tons of people to buy xboxes just because mine "looks really cool & has lots of games....".

DirecTV made themselves less vulnerable by muscling congress and other law makers into make the card readers illegal which meant they go after the people making, buying, and distrubting the card readers.  This is how they slowed down the hacking process.
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