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Author Topic: Games List  (Read 374 times)


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« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2004, 07:33:00 AM »

Thanks.  I bought my XBox about 20 months ago.  If the "step" between the XBox and XBox 2 is as dramatic as any of the previous steps (ie. SNES to N64, PS to PS2, etc.) and there are that many launch games, I'd probably spend $500 on a console and 5 games.  Personally, I don't think the step is going to be that big though.  These console games are already close to the PC brothers.  If there is no real breakthrough in the PC gaming arena, then there shouldn't me much of a breakthrough on the console side.


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« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2004, 08:30:00 AM »

QUOTE (Lord_Revan @ Jun 27 2004, 08:58 AM)
its supost to get a final fantasy oh ya smile.gif

i read this also, that would be great smile.gif


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« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2004, 09:58:00 AM »

Wow funny you should say that about the "jumps".  Playin N64 really shows me the advance that was seen in PS2 and Xbox (and gamecube meh).  With 256megs and 3 3.5GB Cpu's, I dont really know what to expect.  Photo-realism?  No, of course not, but with games like Ralisport and Gotham2, and now the amazing looking Riddick, it doesnt seem that far off.  I read a magazine article not too long ago where NVidia claimed that photo realism was 10 years off.  I believe total 3d will be, but photo-realism?


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« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2004, 02:34:00 PM »

We'll need to see something better than 1080i to experience a photo-realistic video game not to mention media that holds a hell'a lot more than 9 GB.


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« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2004, 02:42:00 PM »

Personally, I hope it doesn't ever get that advanced.  Lobbyist in the USA are already fighting with Congress about content of a lot of today's games.  I think it would be pretty easy for kids to take this stuff too seriously (more than they do now) if game images were truely life-like.  I think it could easily start putting serious weight into what these lobbyist are saying.  We'll see.  As a law enforcement officer, I see kids every day who have no respect for the law and no respect for the well-being of others nor their property.  Right now, there is still a discernable difference in the real world and images seen through video games.  As that difference gets smaller and smaller, we might see more Columbines.



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« Reply #20 on: June 27, 2004, 04:01:00 PM »

QUOTE (PolarBearWY @ Jun 27 2004, 11:42 PM)
Personally, I hope it doesn't ever get that advanced.  Lobbyist in the USA are already fighting with Congress about content of a lot of today's games.  I think it would be pretty easy for kids to take this stuff too seriously (more than they do now) if game images were truely life-like.  I think it could easily start putting serious weight into what these lobbyist are saying.  We'll see.  As a law enforcement officer, I see kids every day who have no respect for the law and no respect for the well-being of others nor their property.  Right now, there is still a discernable difference in the real world and images seen through video games.  As that difference gets smaller and smaller, we might see more Columbines.

I think your view is misconceived. You only see the bad kids because you are called in because those little bastards set a bag of shit on fire on someones yard, or they stole a car or something. You dont see the good kids like me, I only break liek 3 lawas a day. One of which is speeding but I make sure its not qrecklessly, and I do run the occasional red light only AFTER coming to a complete stop and looking to make sure its safe. Some of the red lights around where I work take up to 10 mins to change and I dont have time when I go on break to go eat at my grammaws and make it back with interuptions like that. Most kids are good kids, tho there are bad kids like the ones you deal with.


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« Reply #21 on: June 27, 2004, 05:00:00 PM »

I said ten years.  PolarBearWY do you think 9GB of data will mean anything in ten years?  I dont think media will even remotely resemble what  we think of it today.  In twenty years weve gone from the 8-track, to cassette, to video cassette, to cd, then dvd (yes also laserdisc but cmon).  The speed of technology is always increasing exponentially and in ten years it will mock what we see today as it always has.  The next step will not be as huge as the last (cassette to cd), it will be so massive it will shrink our belief in what is real.  We will be able to hold the library of congress on a peice of matter the size of our pinky and laugh about it.  What im saying is that games will move on to something other than pixelated stuff on a screen.  It will be full 3-D in the center of your living room composed of holographic images and smell technology not to mention sound that will be in your ears instead of speakers surrounding you.  There wont be a need for xbox live because there will be a reciever inside of your eardrum and your voice will be recognised by a chip sitting on the back of one of your molars.  What im saying is that ten years, though not a long time in our lives, is a vast expansion of time as far as technology is concerned.  When I was in high school, nobody had a cell phone.  That was roughly ten years ago.  Do you have a cell phone?  Did you see the XS poll of all the kiddies that have them?  Did you ever picture yourself playing almost every single video game since 1978 on a box the size of your VCR?  I didnt.

As far as the other subject, I believe people decide early in life who they are and who they want to be.  I dont think video games shape anyone.  If you have a clear grasp of reality and understand consequences of your actions, then you will make the right decision.  Lobbyists?  Well Im an adult and will watch and play what I want.  They wont tell me what I can and cant play because there wont be a game that will exclude adults. Kids?  There are some games that I dont think kids should play for very good reasons.  So what?  Thats what law is for.  I wouldnt want my kid driving a virtual car down a virtual street and get into a virtual wreck, but Id find that fun as hell.  Law will evolve with technology for the most part.

You said you personally hope it wont get that advanced?  Well put on your seat belt because its going to get JUST that advanced.  Pong was in 1979.  Halo is in 2001.  Do the math.


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« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2004, 05:33:00 PM »

Damn, I knew someone would come in here and sum it up.  Thing is, it took him two words and it took me two paragraphs.  Go figure.

*sorry I got off topic.  Now back to next gen games.


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« Reply #23 on: June 28, 2004, 04:00:00 AM »

Dont' misunderstand me.  I'm not on the side of the politicians.  I know I only visit the lives of the bad ones, but it don't take that many bad ones to screw up the view others have.  How many bad ones do we need for people to start becoming concerned?  for parents to step in?  for schools and teachers?  for politicians?  1 in 100?  1 in 250?  It doesn't take many.  And if it ever comes to the politicians taking control, one can't forget that they are representatives of the people, and most of the people aren't well-educated and most of them have not raised kids in this generation.  We'll have millions of voters with opinions that shouldn't have opinions.

Yeah, I know you said 10 years.  It doesn't matter how many years.  That's the tech we need.


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« Reply #24 on: June 29, 2004, 06:52:00 PM »

this from an xbox website which i cant name saying dark sector is for the xbox Dark Sector


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« Reply #25 on: June 29, 2004, 07:01:00 PM »

I'm itchin for a nice new generation of Road Rash.  They could almost expand it to a near role-playing like game.


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« Reply #26 on: June 29, 2004, 07:38:00 PM »

amped 3


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« Reply #27 on: July 02, 2004, 09:32:00 PM »

yeah, just dont let them fly by too fast, youll miss alot of great games in the process ^_-


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« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2004, 12:33:00 AM »

MechAssault 2 is actually titled MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf and is scheduled for a Jan 05 release on the Xbox. But seeing as how 90% of games dont seem to hit their projected dates, you might as well just forget about it till its on store shelves. Like I'm doing for HL2 and D3.



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« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2004, 03:38:00 AM »

what about WRC? isnt their licence to sony out 31st dec. 2004?
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