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Author Topic: 256 Megs Of Ram  (Read 556 times)


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256 Megs Of Ram
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2004, 07:44:00 AM »

As most people have said, the dedicaed hardware architecture of a games console is alot different than a PC, so RAM is used in very different values compared to a PC... 256 MB of RAM in a console is almost like having 1 GB of ram in a PC...

Hmm I wonder if/when devlopment consoles are rolled out (not the specialized PowerPC's, actual DevKit Consoles) they will have 512MB of ram or something ?


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« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2004, 08:51:00 AM »

You guy forget that these people are out for money. Less ram = lower building prices even it is like 10 bucks... think of how many consoles they make. All the systems need to do is be able to compare to its "brother" systems. M$ knows what they're doing. If they feel that games would need more ram, then they would supply. As for Doom3, your pc is continuesly running background programs, lagging your computer, those specs are the norm. Xbox runs no other programs while games are playing, therefore the need for uber amounts of ram isn't needed.


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256 Megs Of Ram
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2004, 10:50:00 PM »

in short... A PC has to process millions of things that an Xbox doesn't have to process... for example a Ghz processor in a PC would be roughly the same as having a 386 in your Xbox...
RAM isn't much different, but one thing you can be sure of. MS will not leave their new baby short of power. I would expect to see more than 256 in it and then I would also expect to see tonnes of GC style expansion ports on the console too...
I'm sure MS are figuring out the BS of making us pay the additional costs to keep their base cost down.


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256 Megs Of Ram
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2004, 11:36:00 PM »

I keep trying to explain this to people. "But the PS2 is only 294mhz with 32mb ram!
That sucKs" I hear that all the time.


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256 Megs Of Ram
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2004, 12:39:00 AM »

man.... its going to suck waiting for a price break before buying the xbox2, maybe ill just corner bill g-te$ in a dark alley and make him give me one.


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256 Megs Of Ram
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2004, 09:44:00 AM »

They'll probably make it 512 just so no one complains about it being too little. Right now its a 50-50 whether it's going to be 512. They are getting advice from game developers.


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256 Megs Of Ram
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2004, 10:05:00 AM »



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256 Megs Of Ram
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2004, 06:35:00 PM »

QUOTE (browndanielusn @ Jun 25 2004, 07:05 PM)
regardless of how much ram the xenon has every single person reading this forum will go out and buy one cool.gif

i agree, i think the system will be in big trouble if its ends up costing more then $300 (us) at launch (obviously i am talking about the core system and not a bundle) i have no  problem investing 300 into an xbox2 knowing it will be worth every penny, however i'm not sure i'm willing to spend more then that, and i'm sure lots of other people feel the same way. someone already mentioned they have a price target they have to meet, and i think you you hit it right on the money (cheap pun intended)


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256 Megs Of Ram
« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2004, 02:37:00 AM »

You guys forget they might not include a hard drive  and that cuts the cost down a lot.Then u have to think 512 of ram is only about 140 dollars currently. near the end of 2006 it should be about 100 or so for half a gig of ram. Plus look at it this way if the ram is ddr2  not dual channel or even dual channel  then it would be more then enough ram.By the way chances are friendtech will offer a xbox 2 with more ram then the normal xbox 2 when it comes out.

also id just like to say off topic that the nvidia 6800 ultra kicks the x800's ass in the amount of pipelines and the memory bandwidth and also the core speed. the x800 is like 412 mhz core nvidia 6800 ultra is 400 mhz core and like 1100 mhz memory speed compared to the x800's 950 mhz. so right now nvidia is better but expensive.


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256 Megs Of Ram
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2004, 04:14:00 AM »



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256 Megs Of Ram
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2004, 04:34:00 AM »

QUOTE (Foe-hammer @ Jun 23 2004, 08:28 AM)
Then why will Doom 3, for the pc, probably recommended atleast 512 megs of ram?  While i understand the high resolution of a pc monitor needs more ram, the xbox 2 will also support higher resolutions as a standard (not just an after thought like it is for the xbox) for its games.

Even the lead developer from Tecmo said the limiting factor for ninja gaiden was the xbox's 64 megs of ram, so it must be an issue.

Why does Doom3 PC possibly need 512 MB memory?  Because it is running on a Windows machine.  Windows does not manage memory well.  It never has.  Boot your PC and check out your memory reserves.  Windows reports that it is using nearly all your memory (no matter how much you have) before it even starts running a program.  The OS of a PC uses about 85% of your memory with a 512MB system.

Video resolution has nothing to do with system memory.  I don't know where you took your PC 101 class, but go retake it.

The article I read quoted the designer as having said he was limited by memory for ONE THING he wanted to do.  I believe it was switching weapons during attack combos.  Even if he was limited by memory -- who cares.  The 64MB were obviously not limiting enough.  The game is incredible.


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256 Megs Of Ram
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2004, 03:19:00 PM »

QUOTE (PolarBearWY @ Jun 27 2004, 01:34 PM)
Video resolution has nothing to do with system memory.

I beg to differ.


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« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2004, 03:40:00 PM »

I beg to differ too. Also I think 7 gigs of ram and a 10 gig hard drdive dedicated to swap space is needed. The ULTIMATE system.


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256 Megs Of Ram
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2004, 07:40:00 PM »

QUOTE (PolarBearWY @ Jun 27 2004, 01:34 PM)
The article I read quoted the designer as having said he was limited by memory for ONE THING he wanted to do.  I believe it was switching weapons during attack combos.  Even if he was limited by memory -- who cares.  The 64MB were obviously not limiting enough.  The game is incredible.

You're taking his words out of content, or misunderstood what was said.  When he (the lead developer at team ninja) was asked why weapons couldn't be switched on the fly, he said it was do to the xbox's 64megs of ram, and even if there was more ram available it would have probably been used somewhere else in the game rather then for weapon switching on the fly.  So obviously there was more than ONE thing he wanted to implement in ninja gaiden that he could not due to memory constraints.  That being said, i agree, ninja gaiden is amazing.


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256 Megs Of Ram
« Reply #29 on: June 28, 2004, 03:53:00 AM »

All I was trying to say is that you can't compare system requirements of a PC with a console.  128MB RAM in a console is more than comparable to 1GB+ in a PC.  

Take a look at the games of the PS1.  The processor is a 32-bit R3000A RISC running at 33.8688 MHz.  Show me one PC that could have played those games with that quality without at least 3 times the CPU power and 8 times the memory.  I don't know how much memory the PS1 had, but I'm guessing no more than 4 MB.
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