
Author Topic: Cheapo Hq Big Screen Pretty Cool  (Read 49 times)


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Cheapo Hq Big Screen Pretty Cool
« on: July 30, 2003, 03:53:00 AM »

Alot of people are discussing the frensel proj. kit, check this one out

Ok this is pretty cool and a cheap way to get a High quality projector:

9"-14" Trinitron/TrueFLAT/FLAT Monitor/TV
An old non working CRT projection TV set (good will, garage sale,garbage,dump)
Some TV inside knowledge
about 3 hours
a drill with phillips/strait

Now to start some general info:
1: NEW TV sets carry ~30KV (30,000 volts) to run the CRT when ON.  OLD/Broken may not discharge this, let everything sit a week
2: Most trinitron sets have service menus; research and remember
3: This is not that shit frensel kit that makes it look like your watching an unfocus picture it looks really good even during the day under some circumstances
4: You may ask why I'm writing this? because im bored as hell and its 5AM
5: This isnt a 100" display it looks great at the max about 60" depending on your tv size

Make a shiny new projection tv out of an old broken proj. set or project it on a wall/screen for under 150$

Now lets start:
A:  Your going to need get a hold of a broken projection tv set, I got one from my neighbors moving sale free, your going to need to tear it completely apart, save screws, avoid contact with the red HV line, theres going to be a huge front plated mirror DONT DROP IT, SELL IT ON EBAY FOR 100$+,  throw away all the old boards and whatever else you find in there, your just going to need the giant screen, the crts/lense (and the giant mirror if your going to fix the set.) Alright, take out the set of 3 crts CAREFULLY THERE HEAVY AS HELL(there's three Red Green and Blue believe me youll see them theyre huge) Ok now assuming you have the crts out, the mirror set aside and the front screen still intact lets goto B (a note of warning these crts will probably implode and kill you and anything within a 30' radius if you drop them like I said the tv knowledge)

B: This is the fun part, goto your three picture tubes, you have three trys here, so dont be afraid. You need to seperate the CRT from the lense  THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, that GOO I was talking about, you need to slowly seperate the tube and the lenses being careful to let the GOO get damaged (notice the crt is completely flat...). You must dispose of the old crt's properly (I threw myne in my garbage can outside my house but anyways). Now you should have a large lense with a rectangular goo formation sticking off it (if you dont sorry, find something else creative to do with three 8x mag lense). Clean up the lense nice and shiny and set it somewhere safe. (windex NOT ON THE GOO, NOTHING ON THE GOO!)

C: Hard parts done! sorta;  Now take you new flat screen tv and either, find the service menu code ( I believe all trinitron codes are PWR, DSPLY, 5, VOL +) you need to shrink the screen to the size a little bigger the the GOO.  Much easier if you are using a computer monitor obviously.  So now you should have the following done:
1:One clean projection lense with clean GOO
2:TV empty
3:CRT's in safe place away from anything the moves
4:Resized tv/monitor


D: Final part, TV UPSIDE DOWN (See note at bottom) just stick the projection GOO on the front of the screen, matching up the goo shape with the picture shape No need to be gentle pushing the goo on the screen is better (BTW the goo does come off the tv with a little windex).  Secure it in place, I recommend a piece of heavy cardboard with a hole in it matching the lense duct taped to all hell to the set with something supporting the lense, or shaped styrofoam works around the set too. Now, the lenses have a focus knob that looks like a screw usually USE IT.  Turn on the monitor/tv point it at a wall and move it until its in focus, thats the wall way, you can stick it in the original set pointed at the right angle towards that giant mirror, youll get alot brighter picture this way.  Now what to do with the other two lenses? build two more!

*Do not turn anything bigger then 14" upside down, crazy things happen, if your set turns colors upside down, you got screwed and its a cheap set.

*What you see on the wall, is exactly what you see on the monitor, thats the GOO
*Use a trinitron monitor, watch some dvds, its gonna look better then your normal tv
*A little bit brighter then frensel's kit, however useing the original tv chassis provides a perfect picture because of the "light sucking/pushing" screen
*In theory you could get 3 12" trinitron comp monitors, put a lense on each and project them at the original projection set mirror and get a really nice picture

*Not the best on the wall during the day, but perfect on a closed old projection set
*It's horizontally backwords, dont change the yoke polarity, thats no good instead experiment with different mirrors and the tv/monitor settings,
*Sort of dangerous to make

What I used:
The world first 60" projection tv: Mitsubishis 60" 1987 set
IBM 9" Cash register monitor

Please don't hurt yourself and enjoy this


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Cheapo Hq Big Screen Pretty Cool
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2003, 04:14:00 AM »

Post pictures.


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Cheapo Hq Big Screen Pretty Cool
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2003, 06:57:00 AM »

Man after hearing some people's experiences I wouldn't fuck with something like that.  I had a buddy try to fix his old 12" TV and even though it was unplugged it still had enough of a charge in it to throw him across the room.  On larger TVs or CRT monitors the charge would even be bigger.  REALLY make sure you know what you are doing before you attempt something like that.


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Cheapo Hq Big Screen Pretty Cool
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2003, 12:04:00 PM »

I'll believe it when I see it...

PICS PLEASE  :unsure:


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Cheapo Hq Big Screen Pretty Cool
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2003, 12:24:00 PM »

I got an old Advent Videobeam 710 front projection tv built in 1978 that still works well.  One of the original bigscreens, designed by Henry Kloss.  Looks good for television, but can't handle the colors and motion of newer video games.


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Cheapo Hq Big Screen Pretty Cool
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2003, 01:47:00 AM »

Ok, 1st let me say again LET ANY SET YOU TOUCH SET FOR ATLEAST A WEEK UNPLUGGED. Ok I cant take a pic of the screen because I took it down, I was using a shitty monitor and the sides werent in focus because it wasnt a flat screen, I did however test it on my 29" trinitron set and it looked great, (however Im not sacrificing my 29" set for a giant 8" part of the picture on my wall, like I said the 14" set works the best with the picture shrunk) However I do have some pictures of all the parts and safety precations from the proj. set I used.  The plans are pretty much like creating a not as bright crt projector (like $10,000 or something like that) anyways, the project is for the bored person and by putting a set upside down with the picture ultra bright will shorten the life of the crt (about 2 years I would imagine) but looks ALOT better then the frensel method. So here are some pics, theyre numbered and noted, theres another folder with the other parts that arent noted.

A little info about why it looks better:
In the frensel method your putting a magnfying lense in front of the set, within those few inches between the lense and crt, the pic quality is degraded and light is lost, by using the method, the coolant/contact goo makes complete contact with the crt, loosing no light and no quality.

This post has been edited by PENTIUM75: Jul 31 2003, 08:51 AM