
Author Topic: Connection Troubles  (Read 76 times)

Lord Magnus

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Connection Troubles
« on: June 26, 2005, 02:04:00 PM »

Hello mate, hope I can help a little.

Tell me more about your setup, how do you have your internet going to your xbox ?
Any router?

What I would do, is call the ISP and tell them you're trying to set up your xbox, and that you need your primary and secondary DNS numbers. Then in your evox dash, on the network section, key those numbers in.

Also, if you have a router, you'll have to make sure it's working in DHCP mode, for that you'll need to know what is the number (Internal IP) of the router/gateway in order to enter the config section.

Sorry about your post, I couldn't read it since that forum required me to subscribe when I tried to read it. Would you mind posting the thread here, and telling us how is your network setup ?

Good luck.

PS: Also, i've seen lately several threads about xbc, could it be that the servers aren't working as they're supposed to ?
Ever been successful in playing on XBC before ?

Also, I'd suggest to try XLINK Kai, neat little proggy.


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Connection Troubles
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2005, 04:00:00 PM »
