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Author Topic: Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay  (Read 422 times)


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #60 on: November 04, 2003, 06:23:00 AM »

after some further research, it seems that our friend the savage gerbiller knows a thing or two about ebay and its scams (hence he should have known better)...

In this episode, we discover him giving out advice on how to deal with a fellow ebay scammer (near the end):

Here is another one (this time dealing with GASP! stealing guides and information):

Here is one with him giving legal advice to someone with a small problem:

And another one about his sob story (having to provide for his poor sick family and his only choice is selling guides on ebay) AHHAHAHAHA what a joke:

Anyway, our scammer is attracted to forum threads about scams...that should tell everyone something also. Feel free to discuss more, as this thread has become quite humerous.


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #61 on: November 04, 2003, 06:42:00 AM »

This last one is the nail in the coffin, I think...

apparently, he is so stupid, that he doesnt know about repairing stuff,  flashing chips at all...(would you want this clown working on your stuff??!??)

AND... he is only offering people petty cash to buy their tutorials...then he was probably planning to sell them outright for more than he paid times how ever many sold....

More of the same:



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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #62 on: November 04, 2003, 07:33:00 AM »

guys listen , td and savage stop this lil fight . If savage wants to do it let him. Td i understand your argument but who cares. Scamming people is wrong but if this man belives its legit , let him do what he wants . Both of you just back off , and settle this please.


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #63 on: November 04, 2003, 08:04:00 AM »

QUOTE (RoCk-Box @ Nov 4 2003, 12:33 PM)
guys listen , td and savage stop this lil fight . If savage wants to do it let him. Td i understand your argument but who cares. Scamming people is wrong but if this man belives its legit , let him do what he wants . Both of you just back off , and settle this please.

rock, I was just bored and posted some funny stuff, I dont think TD even cares about any of this anymore...


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Look At What This Guy Is Selling On Ebay
« Reply #64 on: November 08, 2003, 01:55:00 PM »

QUOTE (savagegerbil @ Oct 28 2003, 07:59 PM)
Lol, you make me laugh. Whats the differance between my guides and pc's/windows/unix/insert your title here for dummie's books? I have to invest thousands of dolllars of money I dont have to gain a little respect? face it, there is no difference but the reason you single me out is because I am an individual instead of a publisher and I make due with what I got.

I dont see you singling out xbox-scene, you dont think their getting payed from all the banner advertisements? I guess one could stick up for it and say they give you meaningful content. Well I see all the content is supplied by the community. So, I am up front about what I do but the subtle things people use to make money, that gets your respect. I see... TD, whats your deal? I was under the impression you were all for it.

Tell me the hypocrisy in this, you write code on your computer and compile it with an illegal sdk, and then go and point the finger at me for making my own guide with my own words (No i didnt steal anything from any forums, posts, website) what about M$? They invested a lot more time and money into developing that sdk, and developing xbox live. What was that about raping hard work?

And as for me being ghey? If your gonna insult someone learn to use the right spelling. You dont know a thing about me, your just judging me by the cover and whomever does that is a very shallow person. As far as having a "real job" I did have one once and I gave my heart and soul to it but I got shitcanned because some know it all asshole who makes $400k a year doesnt like the way I tell him what he's doing wrong on his network. You wouldnt know that I take care of my sick mother and pay my sister & her family’s bills and the only thing I can work with is a retail job. When it comes to making sure my family has a roof over their head's and food to eat then yeah, I got no shame.

The guide was based on Xlink so why the thread is in the xbconnect forum is beyond me. I guess motocross assumed it was for xbconnect, since he obviously didnt read it. Why you guys make a big deal about it is beyond me, whether they hear it from me, here, your website, word of mouth, it means more player's to join the community. But you guys dont see that do you, you just see this guy trying to make a buck and for shame! Sorry, helping people from the kindness of my heart doesnt pay the bills.

go fuck your rightious selfs

most grammatical and spelling errors, ever.

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