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Author Topic: Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?  (Read 145 times)


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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« on: December 08, 2002, 09:33:00 PM »

LOL, the newbies here sure are funny. This the third topic directed towards me by peeps with less than 15 posts.

As of right now, playing with a modchip enabled on Xbox Live succesfully for more than a day is impossible. Did I say it will always be impossible? Nope.

Read before you post.


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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2002, 10:12:00 PM »

geez, shanafan, you must feel really special for all the attention you're getting! i dont know why they insist on hating you so much. they just cant handle the fact that after all the begging they did to mommy to get them a mod they cant play online anymore. PLEASE people, go cry somewhere else because im sure all of us, shanafan especially, are tired of hearing it. either shut up and wait until there is fix, or shut up and get a new xbox. but either way, SHUT UP!  flamethrower.gif


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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2002, 05:14:00 AM »

Yup. I dont think man has been on the moon either. It was all one big scam. Theres so many things involved that we dont even know about. Such as the large radiation fiedl you would have to pass through which would easily penetrate a space shuttle/rocket. among loads of other things. Watch one of those documentrys and listen to the experts its so obvious. Why havent we gone back again?? after so many years...hmmmm. anyhow this is a xbox forum so fcuk it smile.gif


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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2002, 01:06:00 PM »


i thought shanafan's mommy bought him his xbox....judging by the immature posts he lets loose with.

actually, i've been reading a ton on the xbox-scene forums and most all the "experts" are rude and egotistical.  how old are you guys?  12???

you're either way too young or you're maturity has not caught up with your age.

anyways....every forum i've ever belonged to has newbies who as dumb and repetative questions.  better not do it here or you'll get flammed right off the bat.

i know, one day i'll be back at this forum asking some questions and no one will answer me b/c i spoke badly of the "experts" here.  well, too bad for me, i guess.

i just couldn't take shannafan and objese (whatever) trashing EVERYONE they reply to.

i guess this is the only pond where they can be big fish...

good luck newbies...and to the 'experts'....remember when you were a newbie...if you're ego will let you.



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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2002, 01:28:00 PM »

(Points above)

LOL, make that 4 newbies with less than 15 posts who flame me. I think chumboy is just jealous of all the knowledge opjose has and wishes he was just like him. And perhaps he is jealous of my knowledge too since he lacks intelligence.


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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2002, 04:41:00 PM »

just because you post doesn't make you a genius.  Quality of posts would be a better measurement.  Also, I am funny though aren't I Shanafan?  When you say something is impossible it means that it will never happen.  Open a dictionary asshole.  The word impossible is directly related with present and future tense there genius.  By the way what is that stupid picture of that chick as your icon?  A picture of you you when you get your much anticipated sex change?  You have no life do you?  When I slam you I think it actually bothers you?  How can someone like myself bother you when you don't even know me?  It's funny the more I offend you the more you need to get defensive.  My job is done. Hahahahahahahaha.  Can't wait till theyu bring out a mod that will go online.  Who knows when but it will happen, and you'll be eating your words.  Now, on the other hand, if it were up to you nothing would ever happen because your a noob trying to be a pro.  What major accomplishment have achieved in the world of xbox hacking in're lifetime.  That's right. Nothing.  Good luck to you moron.


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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2002, 05:22:00 PM »

lol rotfl.gif
good point though, I get tired too if people regarding themselves to be pro, only because their lives exists of posting in a forum. Most irritating however is the fact that (most of) these socalled pro's don't even contribute, they only repeat what has been said before, or flame newcomers. I thougt that wasn't what these forums were about...
Now don't get all offended, cause I know there are a lot of people who do help, but this Anna Kournikova fanboy sure doesn't
(b.t.w. don't mind my grammar or typos as I'm Dutch)


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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2002, 06:18:00 PM »

So if someone gets their post count up, that increases their credibility and intelligence...? wink.gif


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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2002, 06:29:00 PM »

LOL, you guys sure are funny here.

Did I say that the more posts you makes you more intelligent?

Did I say that I am so more knowledgeable than anybody else?

When people flame me, should I get more defensive?
Of course not. Getting more defensive would be sinking down to the low levels you people live on. I don't need to curse and call someone those stupid sexuality names. Why? Easy, I more mature than you. If someone is going to flame me, I am not going to sit here and just ignore it. I always will reply when someone flames me, but I will always be cool about it.

BTW frenzitti (I think thats it), at the current time, playing on Xbox Live with a modchip for more than a few days, is impossible. Yes, it is impossible again at the current time. A hundred years ago, the ability to fly to the Moon and even fly across the ocean was impossible because of the current technology. But hopefully in the future, someone will figure out how to break the Xbox Live banning issue. I personally don't care because I do have two Xboxes with one for Live (I buy them with my own money). If someone was able to break the ban, it will just show that MS isn't untouchable and perhaps they will allow modchips on.


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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2002, 06:34:00 PM »

BTW, the reason I made the newbies comment was because the 5 people who have verbally flamed me, all have less than 15 posts here. Its called a coinsidence. This is a mature board and when people flame me, it makes the board look bad. And, you certain people may think plain JOKES are too harsh, well, no one is forcing you to be here. Then go to the official Xbox boards and read a bunch of false garbage. But, its better you just take the jokes with a light heart, and read about the great Xbox knowledge that is posted here.


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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2002, 08:25:00 PM »

QUOTE (shanafan @ Dec 10 2002, 02:29 AM)
LOL, you guys sure are funny here.

Did I say that the more posts you makes you more intelligent?

Did I say that I am so more knowledgeable than anybody else?

It was implied.. You sure are funny..

(Points above)

LOL, make that 4 newbies with less than 15 posts who flame me. I think chumboy is just jealous of all the knowledge opjose has and wishes he was just like him. And perhaps he is jealous of my knowledge too since he lacks intelligence.


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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2002, 08:27:00 PM »

QUOTE (shanafan @ Dec 10 2002, 02:34 AM)
BTW, the reason I made the newbies comment was because the 5 people who have verbally flamed me, all have less than 15 posts here. Its called a coinsidence. This is a mature board and when people flame me, it makes the board look bad. And, you certain people may think plain JOKES are too harsh, well, no one is forcing you to be here. Then go to the official Xbox boards and read a bunch of false garbage. But, its better you just take the jokes with a light heart, and read about the great Xbox knowledge that is posted here.

                                    There you go again..



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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2002, 08:56:00 PM »

There you go again.

BTW, the reason I made the newbies comment was because the 5 people who have verbally flamed me, all have less than 15 posts here. Its called a coinsidence.

It's funny how people will read half of what you say and then make comments without knowing the other half of what you said. Do you know what a coinisdence is?


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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2002, 05:43:00 PM »



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Shanafan Why Would You Say It's Impossible?
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2002, 07:24:00 PM »

I have more than 15 posts, I'm smart.

I don't see where you are going with that. How bout them apples?
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