
Author Topic: Newsflash - Straight From MS  (Read 86 times)


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Newsflash - Straight From MS
« on: November 15, 2002, 05:38:00 PM »

and absolutely nothing that we didn't know before.


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Newsflash - Straight From MS
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2002, 05:40:00 PM »

On the contrary, I have not seen THESE FACTS posted ANYWHERE HERE. This ends all the spurious nonsense about server errors and other such hope that folk are clinging onto. If your machine has been detected as modded, the MS have SOMEHOW zapped it and are happily certain that it will NEVER be useable. If anything, now is the time to stop wasting energy on other flase theories and begin working on what we suspoected, but NOW KNOW

Deacon brown

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Newsflash - Straight From MS
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2002, 05:40:00 PM »



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Newsflash - Straight From MS
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2002, 05:54:00 PM »

Sorry questioner, you are confusing the issue. The post makes it very clear that if you own or use a modded x box and it is detected then THAT X Box cannot be used to connect to LIVE. Your account remains open, and can be transeferred and used on another unmodded X Box

Which part of this are people having difficulty understanding? MS say at the moment, when they detect a chip, they zap the machine so it cannot connect, BUT ALSO THEY RESERVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE FURTHER ACTION - in other words, if the mood takes them they will kill your account so you cant connect even using a fresh box.

Essentially it would be bad PR and bad sport to kill your account first time round, so they zap a box and leave the account open, but only accessible by a new Box - a good half way house first measure.


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Newsflash - Straight From MS
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2002, 05:58:00 PM »

It's not a problem of understanding, it's a problem of credibility. Who exactly is posting this message and how high up the MS chain are they? Until the same info confirmed again and posted at multiple places you aren't going to see much of a reaction. I would hardly call the message from one tech support website poster as MS' official stance on the matter. If you call up tech support, you'll get 50 different official stances, as people have noted in this forum.


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Newsflash - Straight From MS
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2002, 06:00:00 PM »

QUOTE (pike @ Nov 16 2002, 12:54 AM)
Sorry questioner, you are confusing the issue. The post makes it very clear that if you own or use a modded x box and it is detected then THAT X Box cannot be used to connect to LIVE. Your account remains open, and can be transeferred and used on another unmodded X Box

Which part of this are people having difficulty understanding? MS say at the moment, when they detect a chip, they zap the machine so it cannot connect, BUT ALSO THEY RESERVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE FURTHER ACTION - in other words, if the mood takes them they will kill your account so you cant connect even using a fresh box.

Essentially it would be bad PR and bad sport to kill your account first time round, so they zap a box and leave the account open, but only accessible by a new Box - a good half way house first measure.

                                    No again this is WRONG.

Please go to the thread I started about this.

YES they are detecting mod chips. No it does NOT disable your Xbox or account.


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Newsflash - Straight From MS
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2002, 06:07:00 PM »

That's not a's one message. Where is this info in an actual FAQ form on the Xbox Live website? It might already be there, since I haven't looked, but if it's there, that just proves my initial point that it's nothing that we didn't know before.


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Newsflash - Straight From MS
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2002, 06:50:00 PM »

sounds legit to me.  Now we need to focus on how they "zap" it. if its server side then serial number changing may be all we have.

The forum is moderated also which lends creditability to it.


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Newsflash - Straight From MS
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2002, 06:54:00 PM »

the user Xbox Support 5 is not really a M$ support tech..  He;s just some n00b thinking he is cool