
Author Topic: Who Is A Beta Tester And  (Read 79 times)


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Who Is A Beta Tester And
« on: October 19, 2002, 12:08:00 PM »

QUOTE (N00bvin @ Oct 19 2002, 05:43 AM)
You really never know who you're playing though... no real communication.

                                    thats what gets me. if im going to be playing against someone else as if we were in the same living room, there would have to be some sort of communication. i would just feel like a computer opponent if you couldnt hear each other talk. sure, you know your playing someone else, but i dont think it would feel like it. i cant say how much more fun Whacked! is with all the laughing and yelling throughout the game.


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Who Is A Beta Tester And
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2002, 11:35:00 PM »

QUOTE (N00bvin @ Oct 19 2002, 12:43 PM)
I just want to know is it a similar experience?  I have been playing Live 2003 and Madden 2003 today and I have to say it's pretty fun... much better than playing with myself (um... did that come out right?).

There is a noticeable loss in control though... you have to anticipate your button presses a little.  It seems like they also cut down on framerate as well to make lag a little less noticeable.

I know LIVE will be better by default because of the comms, but I just want to know if it translate to being about the same...

Damn, EA once again!!!  I would have loved to play Madden on my XBox against others!!!

BTW, I JUST found out that many USB network adapters work with PS2... I have been into the Xbox scene so long I missed out on a couple of things.  I went to go get a USB adapter... but whaddya know, they happened to have the actual PS2 first party adapter.

Setup is super easy, and getting in a game is easy as well.  You really never know who you're playing though... no real communication.  A times I was playing a season vetern, and got my ass handed to me... other times I think I was playing a 5 year old and handing his ass to him (just kidding, I know most current 5 yr olds could beat me...).

The adapter also has a place for a standard HDD... man, c'mon hackers get to work... I want to be playing PS2 games off of an 80 gig HDD by Xmas!!! smile.gif

                                    Sounds like you were playing against dial up users.  I have yet to play Fever or 2k3 on Live but I haven't heard anything bad but I have played a fair bit (or tried to anyways) of 2k1 and 2k2 on the Dreamcast.  It's the lag that is slowing you down.

I always selected a player in the back when I was on defense and just let the computer AI goon the guy.  No matter how quick my reactions were the lag made me 2-3 seconds slower.

But anyways, yes it's dial up lag you had there.