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Author Topic: Halo: Combat Evolved  (Read 811 times)


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« on: October 21, 2003, 12:33:00 PM »

TITLE: Halo: Combat Evolved
PUBLISHER: MS Game Studios
DEVELOPER: Bungie Studios
DATE RELEASED: November 14, 2001
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 1-2 for Campaign, 2-4 for Deathmatch on one XBOX
XBOX SYSTEM LINK: Up to 16 players with 4 Xbox's: only for Deathmatch
XBOX LIVE COMPATABLE: No, the game was released before Xbox Live came out
GENRE: Action
ESRB: Mature: Blood and Gore, Violence (Content Suitable for ages 17 and up)
Retail Price: $49.99


Let me come right out and say I don't like Halo.  I don't particularly hate it, it isn't awful, but I find it to be tremendously overhyped and a symptom of a complete lack of developer interest in the xbox.  If Halo were released as a PS2 or GCN title by now, it'd be on the 19.99 "greatest hits" rack.  But, since it's all the xbox has going, they continue to gouge 50 bucks out of everyone because they can.

Graphics:  7/10 - look good, but lack variety

The graphics start out just great.  They look really impressive as you start to play.  All the grey walls of your space ship set a mood.  When you reach the second mission, and the graphics are the same - they're less impressive.  Eventually the quality of the graphics takes a backseat to the complete lack of graphic variety.  The levels are forgettable because they all look the same.

Sound:  9/10

The sound is great, here I have no real complaints.  The ambient sounds fit the environments, and the music fits the mood/action.

Gameplay:  5/10

It's an FPS.  On a console.  Better than most console ports, its actually playable.  The enemy AI is decent, the aliens duck, dodge and hunt you.  I'm probably not impressed by this game because I'm sick of FPS titles in general.

Replayability:  5/10

Multiplayer is the only thing this game has going for it once you complete the missions.  And unless you have a good broadband connection and are lucky enough to find folks close enough to you, it'll be mostly unplayable through tunneling services.   The multiplayer levels are too few, and the match types are standard fare in the FPS world - CTF, KotH, etc..

Overall 6/10 - It's just another title in the sea of mediocre FPS games.

If MS was serious about pushing its console, then this game would be old news by now, as I said.  It would be in the 19.99 "greatest hits" bin - instead that bin looks like the "greatest flops" bin with unprofitable xbox garbage like Simpsons Road Rage.  It was a big whoopty doo TWO YEARS AGO, but now it's simply yesterdays news.  It's getting pathetic to point to this game as proof of how great the xbox is.

Which would make one wonder, do I really dislike Halo, or am I disgruntled by MS's lack of interest in bringing top calibur titles to the Xbox.  A little of both, really.  I bought Halo at the xbox launch, and was tired of it within days.  A month after buying it, I stopped playing it completely.  

It's really just another FPS title to me, and I can't give it a good review or reccomendation at a retail price that's still 49.99.  It's a two year old game - it belongs in the classics bin, as I've said so many times.  If it was 20 dollars, it'd garner a better review from me.  

But it's not, and as such, I'm forced to compare it to all of the other titles for all systems that cost 50 dollars.  It simply does not measure up in my books.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2003, 03:01:00 PM »

XBOX SYSTEM LINK: Up to 16 players with 4 Xbox's: only for Deathmatch

You can play any game type on the system link, moron. Before you review a game, be sure to play it, idiot.

MS sells it at 50$ because hundreds of thousands of people are STILL buying it. They have taste.

It would be in the 19.99 "greatest hits" bin - instead that bin looks like the "greatest flops" bin with unprofitable xbox garbage like Simpsons Road Rage. It was a big whoopty doo TWO YEARS AGO, but now it's simply yesterdays news. It's getting pathetic to point to this game as proof of how great the xbox is.

Fact, you're a FANBOY...

of what console, I do not know. The greastest hits section is of games like PGR and AMPED. If you call those unprofitable peices of crap, you're really a big ps2/gc fanboy.

But it's not, and as such, I'm forced to compare it to all of the other titles for all systems that cost 50 dollars. It simply does not measure up in my books.

Looks like you don't have a very good book, then.

laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2003, 01:38:00 PM »

I think u should be shot for saying that halo is not a good game

Just one mans opinion


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2003, 12:20:00 PM »

QUOTE (JakeDaGreat @ Oct 24 2003, 07:01 PM)
XBOX SYSTEM LINK: Up to 16 players with 4 Xbox's: only for Deathmatch

You can play any game type on the system link, moron. Before you review a game, be sure to play it, idiot.

He copied that from my review and I said "deathmatch" instead of "split-screen" just to let people know you can not do coop over system link.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2003, 01:23:00 PM »

this review is full of inconsistencies , and a fan-boyish POV.

im surprised it actually got allowed on the board...

Sure, i can see that you hate halo, but for crying out loud! check your facts!


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2003, 02:32:00 PM »

Halo, like all games, is not for everyone. While it's true it does show it's age in some ways, to many it's still quite entertaining much the same way that Goldeneye was for the N64.
As to it's pricing, it's purely supply and demand. Halo has a great deal of following, making it still popular. Many of the titles that go to the $20 greatist sellers have seen eather sales tapering off or a sequil reliced. After Halo 2 comes out I'm shur it will drop in price.
Eather way an opposing opinions about a popular title are most intresting and informitive.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2003, 05:55:00 PM »

I actually didnt like halo either. I'm not sure what all the hype was about, seemed as good as any other fps to me.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2003, 07:10:00 PM »

QUOTE (u0f @ Oct 27 2003, 02:44 AM)
I actually didnt like halo either. I'm not sure what all the hype was about, seemed as good as any other fps to me.

get 16 friends together and try it.  or u can just try halo pc but it is much better when everyone is in the same room and their all friends.  a couple other things that made this game great is that u can mod so much stuff in it.  try shooting 60 rockets out of a assualt rifle in 10 seconds.  or try flying ghosts that shoot missles.  its amazing.  i know the creator didnt intend for it to be moddable, but since it is it makes it so much better


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2003, 10:37:00 PM »

If MS was serious about pushing its console, then this game would be old news by now, as I said. It would be in the 19.99 "greatest hits" bin - instead that bin looks like the "greatest flops" bin with unprofitable xbox garbage like Simpsons Road Rage. It was a big whoopty doo TWO YEARS AGO, but now it's simply yesterdays news. It's getting pathetic to point to this game as proof of how great the xbox is.

I actually only bought my Xbox(choice of any game package) a couple of months ago & i knew exactly which game i was gonna leave the shop with, so Halo is hardly old news to those who haven't played it yet.

only real complaint with it that i have is that certain levels towards the end are far to long, forcing you to devote a whole afternoon/evening to completing a level so you can get a damn save point.


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2003, 10:12:00 AM »

QUOTE (EgoX @ Oct 27 2003, 07:26 AM)
dont believe half of what you see and none of what you hear

just pointing out the double negative, doesnt change the first bit of advice but completely changes the second...


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2003, 12:11:00 AM »

QUOTE (stratjakt @ Oct 21 2003, 08:22 PM)

 If Halo were released as a PS2 or GCN title by now, it'd be on the 19.99 "greatest hits" rack.

In U.k it is £19.99 but not in the Greatest Hits section in the Top Ten still where Halo 2 will be. This would be eactly the same if Halo was released for Ps2 or Gc its not about what console its released on its about the quality of the game.I own a Ps2 and if it was released onto Ps2 i would still  have it and still like it as much. Just Because ur a
FANBOY of Ps2/Gc doesnt mean you can diss Halo. happy.gif

Halo Pwnzzzz Joo


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2003, 06:49:00 AM »


On a positive note,

I love the game. I'm not a big and never have been a fan of fps games on consoles, it just doesn't take the place of a keyboard and mouse, and I still think it doesn't. Coming from a long history of Unreal Tournament and Quake Arena PC playing, console fps games still misses some elements of a PC fps game, ie. speed. But...

As an console fps game, Halo is on the top of my list not just because it's an fps game but it has alot of good game elements. The interactivity between the character and the vehicles, storyline is good, gameplay is smooth and a good choice of weapons. I've played through the game once already and now doing it again in Heroic difficulty level, much harder.

I've got a PSOne, DreamCast, PS2 and Xbox and would have to say Halo is one of my favorite games, plus, as a "Mascot" game, it's a must play game for all Xbox'rs.

Can't wait for Halo 2!



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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2003, 10:15:00 PM »

you really should be shot for such comments. Halo is the best game ever. "."


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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2003, 02:22:00 AM »

I agree with stratjakt... first time I played halo was a year ago... It was the day when I had bought my xbox and two games, dead or alive 3 and Halo.
I really had great hopes for Halo, I played through the entire game but it really never appealed to me... even worse... I hated it!.. the first thing I noticed was that the game was'nt running in more than 30 frames per second!! I mean... when you buy a gaming console you expect it to be running in 60 FPS or more... soo I found this game kind of laggy.
Secondly the enemies where boring and the landscapes where even worse... bored the shit out of me... even though I finished the game cause I spent alot of money on it.

Some weeks ago I invested in a gamecube and the game metroid prime... this game totally rocks!! the game runs at a constant 60 frames per second, the graphics are awsome, the weapons and tools are kickass and the storyline is amazing!
but the best thing was that I only spent about $20 for metroid prime.

Soo far I have only been playing good games on the gamecube... the games on XBox was kind of a dissapointment I thought... there's one thing the xbox rocks at though... and that's all the homebrewed software (emulators, mediaplayers, linux etc...).



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Halo: Combat Evolved
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2003, 12:03:00 PM »

All those calling this reviewer a fanboy and saying he should be shot are fanboys themselves...

Don't get me wrong, I love halo, but he does have a few good points.  For example, although it is an exceptional game, it was a launch title!  that WAS like 2 years ago, and so you'd think that by now a few equally impressive titles should have been released.
Instead we're mostly stuck playing garbage and waiting for halo 2

The price thing pisses me off too, because if there were some better tittles that people might be motivated to buy, maybe halo's price could drop to near that of any other 2 year old game.

PC games that old are worth like 10 bucks
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