
Author Topic: Super Jump Help For A Complete Rookie  (Read 159 times)


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Super Jump Help For A Complete Rookie
« on: January 18, 2006, 12:53:00 AM »

Ok I have DL many great videos on superjumping but I realy need some writen text on how to do some things if someone can help me out and clear up some q's for me.

1st off the crouching it that fact that you are stuck without crouching or the combination of making the wall shake as you walk into it? because some people say walk until it shakes but then in some of the vids I dont see them stay in the crouch position for long at all.

Second.....ive been trying to do this damn lockout superjump for the longest the one where you jump from the left ledge of the teleport elevator and land across on the other ledge wich is connected to the "crouching" spot. Now I did it once and flew all the way up and landed ontop of the tower with the teleport elevator. Now each time when I do it I bounce up high but not nowhere near as high as before, what is it that I need to do to get that height again? does how long you crouch into the wall affect the height or is it a matter of the landing spot? I try it crouching in the 2 other places by the sniper rifle but either no jump or not hi enough can someone tell me what i need to do.

 3rd thing...alot of the vids I DL with small tutorials on them some of them say I have to perform it while holding forward the entire time. Does this mean from the time I leave the crouching spot and start walking or does that mean while I do the final jump to land on the designated spot I have to keep holding forward? beacuse I see some vids where the guy just runs around and stops and lines himself up for the jump, but then other vids say hold forward the entire time...or is that rule for specific jumps you have to hold forward? I usually stop and line myself up for the jump on the lockout one ive been trying to that maybe why it jumps up high but not high enough?  Hopefully that all made sense.... please help.

Oh one last thing, hopefully this isnt asking to much but i am a newbie after all lol... the zanzibar jump where you land on the crack...can someone draw a simple sketch and an arrow showing me where to land cuz I can never get it either it dont jump or it falls threw the floor and dies! thanks for any help! dont get too mad at a newbie for all these q's now  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)


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Super Jump Help For A Complete Rookie
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2006, 10:56:00 AM »

You have to enable Xbox Pal setting to do some jumps for some reason.  Might be your prob.


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Super Jump Help For A Complete Rookie
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2006, 10:26:00 PM »

I had some problems learning them too..

add me on xbox live ill show you a few easy ones

gt: I3last x Radius


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Super Jump Help For A Complete Rookie
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2006, 11:02:00 PM »

Damn I wish I could but I dont have Xbox its soft modded and I havent really researched all the things I have to do for that with it modded. I do have the Xkai Link but I recently became a broke ass mofo and dont have highspeed internet. But if you could help me with those q's? like the holding forward you have to hold forward the entire time for all of them or is that just for certain ones. Cuz I swear some of the vids I see the guy pause for a second to line himslef up before he jumps. And my Question about why I bounce up high but not as high as I did once and made it all the way uptop on lockout?


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Super Jump Help For A Complete Rookie
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2006, 04:56:00 PM »

the absolute easist superjump in my opinion is the one in the base on zanzibar where u smash out the glass..

you know which one im refering to?

just smash out the glass.. crouch walk on to the left edge of that window.. let go of crouch and keep pushing forward.... when the screen shakes push A to jump and just keep holding forward the whole time and you will superjump.


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Super Jump Help For A Complete Rookie
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2006, 10:55:00 PM »

Yeah thanks, I can do that one with no problem also one on Foundation and I noticed the one on foundation doesn't matter if I let go of foward and it works.....anyone know why my lockout one doesn't jump high enough anymore? I only did it that one time and I shot up like a rocket. now when I do get it to work I fly up high but not nowhere near as high to reach the top of that teleport building what gives!!?  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/uhh.gif)


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Super Jump Help For A Complete Rookie
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2006, 08:09:00 PM »

k, here is the deal,1st you dont need to crouch till your screen shakes, you dont really need to crouch at all but it helps a **** load if you do. when you supper jump what is happening is your body is falling through a crack in the "floor" and the map cant let it so it rejects you and you go flying up in the air. when you crouch it is a glitch in its self because when you are ragular and standing it can let you fall and say the gardins killed you but when you crouch it thinks you are like a rock or something so it cant let a rock fall through the floor. 2nd you dont have to hold forword or any thing like that ( you can run into stuff, jump, meele, and soo on as long as you dont crouch agen you should be fine). 3rd where you land is crushul, if you land on the edge of the crack you are likely to go flying sideways, if you land in the middle you are likely to go up high, and i am not sure y you dont go as high sometimes.  so i hope this was some help biggrin.gif