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Author Topic: What Shood They Have In Halo 3?  (Read 372 times)


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2005, 12:55:00 PM »

I think they should remove the god damn tracking rockets!
I mean it was hard enuf to survive with normal rockets but now they want them to follow you! AS IF IT MAKES THINGS BETTER!!!!

Also i am getting tired of playing in space. More earth battles (In Africa. hint hint....)


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2005, 12:57:00 PM »

nope, so many people noticed it that there were mods to increase the fov, but it also warped the picture a bit and made the gun stick out more...


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2005, 12:57:00 PM »

also a flame thrower would be nice.


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2005, 06:58:00 AM »

There is already heaps of topics on this (including one by me and it was better!!!!!) <_<  but ill add any way

Some things i reckon halo 3 needs are:

i reckon there shood be like a motorbike or dune buggy for humans with guns on the front like thye ghost, i agree with the bot thing coz one player multiplayer would actually be fun and if u have no ammo left or u have no gun u can punch!
The battle rifle should have autofire when not in zoom, there should be seating on tanks again, swords should come in red, plasma weapons should be reloadable and there shood be a human flying vehicle such as hanglider, small hovercraft or helicopter. Banshees shood be able to use fuel rods in multiplayer, there shood be fuel rod guns in multiplayer and there should be a multiplayer level in like a volcano or giant ship hanger!Wat about being able to hold a jackal plasma shield?

Also there shood be saving like not to the last checkpoint but to the actual bit wen u saved, snow warthogs, shood be able to drive shadows, smashable walls and rocks ( to a certain degree so peeple dont escape out of maps), the d-pad can control marine orders such as get in the car, move out, hold position like in starwars battlefront and more personalised marines.

I would like to see more varieties of marines like Asians or more African American or even Aussies!! There shood also be a tank like thing with a hunter's fuel rod cannon on it. (the new cannon that is!)If we go on earth again which is pretty much certain there shood be civilians running around or civilian vehicles making a rush out of the battle area!

bots wood be oresome if there was no one else to vs in multiplayer u could just chuck in a couple of bots even on ur team.
Also there should be like a forerunner vehicle with twin rotating sentinel beams on the front and it hovers higher than ghosts and spectres.
And ghosts can do bunny hops like over obstacles by pushing extra air into their air pocket holding the ghost up.
With the fuel rod gun on banshees in multiplayer it would be good if you could change that setting on or off. . I liked the jackels heads in halo 1 coz the have like armour on them. There shood also be like a big boss with all covenant around it and u and heaps of marines have to kill it. They really really need more Earth levels!!!!! Like everytime i saw a bus or tram in the city it had
"Halo 2......The Earth needs you!!!" written and drawn on the side of them and there was only 2 levels on earth!
there shood also be a grunt leader with like gold armour and breath tank and doesnt run away. They also better not have a cliffhanger ending again!!! :grr:
I dont really agree with flamethrowers because they would be to good in short combat and make the holder invincible until running out of ammo/fuel.
and combat training would be cool so you could improve in sniping ect.
You should also be able do sideway rolls to dodge shots and grenades and stuff!

Think thats all so yeah :D  got a bit carried away  ;)  also perry AKA shadow demon, ur a tool  :D


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #19 on: September 02, 2005, 07:42:00 PM »

One other thing that's needed:

user posted image

... the ability to see secondary weapons, instead of them just being pulled out of the ass.


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2005, 02:49:00 AM »

The reduced FOV at 70 deg (compared to halo1's 90 deg) is the single most irritating thing about halo 2 for me, and main reason i do not like it nearly as much as halo 1.

I too have wondered why on earth bungie ruduced halo2's FOV.  I first though it must have been to improve performance, but this is not the case because i have applied the increased 90 deg FOV hack to halo 2, and there is no performance hit.  The only prob with this, like skate said, is MC's arms and guns sticks way too far out (into the recticle), making it annoying as hell.

Here's my hopeful list for halo 3:

1) Increase back to 90 degrees Field of Vision. I Fing hate halo 2's tunnel vision.

2) No rocket lock-on on land vehicles; just lock-on for banshee.

3) Battle rifle with semi-auto single round burst; not 3 round bursts (more like halo 1's pistol). Need a human weapon like this, instead of the covey carbon.

4) Fall damage.

5) Smoother animation like halo 1.

6) More natural feel, like halo 1.

7) No lock-on/lunge melee.

8) Huge environments like halo 1's; where it makes you feel small in enormous infrastructures.

9) Leave bullet casings on the ground permanently, or longer like halo 1.

10) Lan coop

11) Grenades like halo 1 (increased throwing distance and blast radius)

12) I never thought of that until esc1 mentioned, but being able to see other MC's secondary weapon would be benefitial.

13) More to come, as they come to mind.........



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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2005, 02:57:00 AM »

remove auto aim/aim assist

Make MC move 2x as fast, with much faster left right left action. Those who are skilled would still be able to kill. Those who suck will be left at Rank 1.


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #22 on: September 26, 2005, 10:14:00 AM »

have like a belt where grendades would be you could like shoot them off...instead of now where they  pull the grenade out of a magic hat!


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2005, 10:45:00 AM »

Triple Wielding


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2005, 12:17:00 AM »

Well personally I don't like alot of ideas that you guys have mentioned but I am not trying to be an asshole. Its just what I think.

I would really like to see what happened to Dr. Halsey and Kelly, IF the remaining Spartans DID look for Halsey and Kelly while MC was defending Earth of IF the other Spartans were in fact searching for someone else like Ackerson (From the novels) to actually see if he did create something from all the information he grabbed from Dr Halseys computer (I am talking Spartan-III's or some form of hybrid). If you don't really know what I am talking about then read the books. I would also like to see alot more destroyable environments (Like Red Faction but not too bad). I don't really think any more human vehicles or Covenant vehicles are necessary in Halo 3. It would be cool to meet up with the surviving Spartans on Earth and defend Earth with them. It would be interesting if you could actually select which Spartan OR Elite/Hunter/Grunt you wanted to be to finish the game from where they were and what they did to contribute kind of thing. It would also be good if you were able to select a character from the newly formed Covenant Prophets/Brutes/Drones/Jackals and do the campaign from their side to see the WHOLE story of Halo 3.

Aside from that I would like to see far more multiplayer maps, more than 16 player limits in multiplayer, System Link/Xbox Live Co-Op, more ingame gametypes, and a vast more range of character bipeds you can select for multiplayer like Brutes, Hunters, Grunts etc. It would also be cool if you had special gametypes for certain races like a Juggernaut when you are a Brute or something and you have to bash Grunts or whatever. I would also like to see the old system that Halo used when you completed a level it would show you underneath each map what difficulty you finished it on. Halo 2 now has a little sucky way of doing that and if you complete it on say Normal first and then complete it on Legendary it vanishes on the stat screen back to Normal which really sucks so you end up having to make a profile just dedicated to Legendary and such.

Ohh yes I would also like to see that none of the characters have these stupid Magic Pockets where out of nowhere their weapon vanishes and out pops a new one, along with grenades. It kinda sucks for me so having something like a strap of some sort would be cool.

PS: Before I forget I would like to see what the significance of Gravemind is in the game because it is alot more significant than we probably think so that will be exciting seeing as they will probably already be putting that in the game.

Anyway thats my two cents.

This post has been edited by Helios: Sep 29 2005, 07:19 AM


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2005, 12:45:00 PM »

QUOTE(Helios @ Sep 29 2005, 02:52 AM)
I would really like to see what happened to Dr. Halsey and Kelly, IF the remaining Spartans DID look for Halsey and Kelly while MC was defending Earth of IF the other Spartans were in fact searching for someone else like Ackerson (From the novels) to actually see if he did create something from all the information he grabbed from Dr Halseys computer (I am talking Spartan-III's or some form of hybrid). If you don't really know what I am talking about then read the books. I would also like to see alot more destroyable environments (Like Red Faction but not too bad). I don't really think any more human vehicles or Covenant vehicles are necessary in Halo 3. It would be cool to meet up with the surviving Spartans on Earth and defend Earth with them.

Umm, those are the NOVELS. In the VIDEO GAME storyline, the PoA "escaped with the last surviving SPARTAN II."
QUOTE(Helios @ Sep 29 2005, 02:52 AM)
It would be interesting if you could actually select which Spartan OR Elite/Hunter/Grunt you wanted to be to finish the game from where they were and what they did to contribute kind of thing. It would also be good if you were able to select a character from the newly formed Covenant Prophets/Brutes/Drones/Jackals and do the campaign from their side to see the WHOLE story of Halo 3.

Take too long. Rather have them work on something else.
QUOTE(Helios @ Sep 29 2005, 02:52 AM)
...a vast more range of character bipeds you can select for multiplayer like Brutes, Hunters, Grunts etc."

Well, Grunts in MP would be alot like Oddjob from the N64 game "Goldeneye." So small, impossible to hit.
Brutes and Hunters would just be plain bigger targets.
On top of that, they don't have shields. So they would have to make a whole new HUD. And they'd have to include new camera tracks for each one.
The thing that Halo has different from every other Online Multiplayer FPS is that there are NO CLASSES. I'd like to keep it that way.
QUOTE(Helios @ Sep 29 2005, 02:52 AM)
It would also be cool if you had special gametypes for certain races like a Juggernaut when you are a Brute or something and you have to bash Grunts or whatever.

VERY good idea, but rather have them work on something else.
QUOTE(Helios @ Sep 29 2005, 02:52 AM)
I would also like to see the old system that Halo used when you completed a level it would show you underneath each map what difficulty you finished it on. Halo 2 now has a little sucky way of doing that and if you complete it on say Normal first and then complete it on Legendary it vanishes on the stat screen back to Normal which really sucks so you end up having to make a profile just dedicated to Legendary and such.

Damn right. I have beaten the last level on Heroic now three times and it still says:
Highest Level
The Great Journey
on Easy
QUOTE(Helios @ Sep 29 2005, 02:52 AM)
Ohh yes I would also like to see that none of the characters have these stupid Magic Pockets where out of nowhere their weapon vanishes and out pops a new one, along with grenades. It kinda sucks for me so having something like a strap of some sort would be cool.

I'm getting sick of this. I can only name two games that have that. Tomb Raider and Brute Force (which majorly sucked).

Well, it's painfully obvious that no matter how this game will turn out, half the people who play it won't like it.


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2005, 02:24:00 PM »

the pockets thing is such a pointless gripe... its an fps game, and esp with as frantic as halo is, seeing thier secondary wouldnt give you much of an advantage... even more so as people watch the power weapons and communicate thier status...

nick dude

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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #27 on: September 29, 2005, 03:14:00 PM »

QUOTE(LinkWarrior @ Sep 29 2005, 01:20 PM)
Umm, those are the NOVELS. In the VIDEO GAME storyline, the PoA "escaped with the last surviving SPARTAN II."

Ummmm... What do you mean "Video game storyline"? The novels and games are in the same freakin' storyline!  And anyway, the first and third books take place in-between the first and second games, and in the first game they thought he was the last SPARTAN. In First Strike, they here a signal that the Master Chief knows as the all clear or whatever signal and revisit Reach. They find a large area where the covenant didn't glass the planet, and find SEVERAL Spartans. Some People... Just... Make... Me... So...  :grr:


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #28 on: September 30, 2005, 12:39:00 AM »

Yes if you bothered to listen to the dialog in both games they only EVER say that he is the last KNOWN surviving Spartan in Halo (Including the insctruction manual) and in Halo 2 they NEVER mention that he is the last known surviving Spartan. They only EVER say that he is humanities last hope which does not mean that he is the LAST. It could simply mean that he is the ONLY avaliable Spartan for the job because the rest are looking for Dr Halsey and Kelly or looking for Ackerson. Then again he might be the ONLY Spartan for the job because he destroyed Alpha Halo. And the novels are APART of the WHOLE Halo story. There is NO GAME STORY and then a NOVEL STORY because they are apart of the SAME story. You really need to read the novels ;) Also even BUNGIE and the writers of the books said that they are APART of the whole story and not 'fan fiction' novels. Eric Nylund and William C Dietz had VERY strict rules to follow when writing these novels. They had to follow the Halo Bible religiously through the whole process and they did a great job. Even Bungie said that they nailed it ;)


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2005, 02:02:00 AM »

Things that I would LOVE to see:

- Increased field of vision like everybody else has suggested
- Lose the Plasma Pistol completely, too weak in Halo 1 and too strong in 2
- Master Chief needs to walk a bit faster
- Sniper head shots should ALWAYS count as head shots (SOO inconsistent)
- Lose the sword lunge
- More consistent shotgun (like Halo 1)
- A partial shield system  (shield would automatically recharge at a fast rate, but only to about 75% and then slowly increase back up to 100%)
- ALL New levels, no rehashes
- Fix glitches before release (grabbing weapons through floors and walls, you knew it was in Halo 1, why didn't you fix it for Halo 2 until the update?)
- Lan and Live! co-op mode
- NO new vehicles (we have enough already)
- multiplayer bots with variable AI
- KEEP the auto-aim for the rockets so people think twice about getting in vehicles or on turrets - stupid noobs don't know how to use real guns
- KEEP the waypoint system, awesome idea and one of the coolest features of H2
- evasive roll ?? (anybody ever played Breakdown?) , kind of like that
- power weapons should respawn, ever tried playing Relic against a team of four who sit up on top of the rock by the Pelican with both sniper rifles?  With no weapon respawn, they camped the entire time
- ability to download custom game variants from Bungie as well as friends
- KEEP vehicle hijacking
- try to help balance out the huge host advantage
- find a way to automatically switch hosts when a person quits / no  blue screen
- try to prevent super jumping
- better anti-cheating methods
- better banning methods (if you HAVE to have a modded Xbox to play hacked maps, why are they being banned from just matchmaking instead of Live! altogether?)
- Better graphics (expected, because pixel movement will start mesing with your head in a snipers game)

What do you guys think? Any new ideas that I came up with or does this all look like same ol' ?  These are my personal opinions.  The biggest thing for me is the consistency as well as requirement of skill.  To me, the gap between "noob" and "pro" lessened substantially between Halo 1 and Halo 2.  Hopefully, Halo 3 will require skill and not a lucky noob combo, sword, or vehicle.  And I don't know how many times I can shoot somebody in the face and it counts as a body shot.  So aggravating, just as bad as the shadiness of the current shotgun.

Basically, I care about multiplayer.  Don't change the weapons around TOO much, but give us some new features, better graphics, and more consistency and we will buy it.  Hell, we're all brainless noobs, we'd buy it just because it's called Halo 3.

This post has been edited by Textbook: Oct 20 2005, 09:08 AM
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