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Author Topic: What Shood They Have In Halo 3?  (Read 371 times)


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #30 on: November 10, 2005, 09:52:00 PM »

I would actually welcome a new REPLACEMENT vehical. Like an upgrade of the warthog (but remove the warthog).

A system like punkbuster so when you have an asshole who thinks he's so good he can kill his own teammates he gets booted. Also if a player is inactive in a game for so long he gets removed from the game and gets no points. And if he continues to do that he might be suspended for a day or a level or two removed from him.

And in xbox live, there should be a special "life line" packet that if is not recieved boots the player from the gme. That would stop all stand-byers in their tracks.


A first-person view option for vehicals (i.e. in a wathog, you would see your hands on the steering wheel.

Smoke grenades; COD2 style.

A sprint option very similar to Battlefield 2 for PC.

A variable throw for grenades. The longer you hold L the farther the grenades go.

Very much like to quick dodge or roll.

Human flying vehical similar to the banshie, but human.

Pelican for muliplayer. That way in big maps you could drop peeps off. Then have anti-air turrets on the ground that people get in and can shoot you down.

A parachute for if you're dropping from a high place (i.e. Pelican)

Banshie bombs in multiplayer, and bombs on the future human vehical.

A way to pick up and throw grenades back after someone throws it at you. You know the ones that are about to explode.  :P

No lunging in sword fights and in mele fights.

Claymores would be cool, the ones that you have to run over.

Jackel shields be in single and multiplayer.

Be able to lay down for better accurecy.

And maby, if bungie throw us some mercy and chooses to become THE COOLEST developer in the ENTIRE world, a public map editor. But thats not EXTREMELY necesary. We do have prometheous soon.


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #31 on: November 17, 2005, 05:25:00 AM »

I reckon the flood (if there still around) affecting the Covenent, eg. Flood-elites! or even flood-hunters, they'd be a boss on there own :s lol

I reckon they should involve the pistol more in Halo 3, I loved the pistol in halo 1, but they were soooooo rare in Halo 2, let alone getting hold of 2 :) hehe

Oh and hello everyone, this is my first post


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #32 on: November 17, 2005, 05:54:00 AM »

Welcome  :beer:

nick dude

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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #33 on: November 25, 2005, 04:23:00 PM »

I hope you know that they DO have Flood-Elites. They're the ones on Halo 2 with the energy shield.


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #34 on: November 25, 2005, 09:33:00 PM »

Every day, I wake up, and thank god that bungie has none of you idiots on the design team.  

Halo 2 is a masterpiece.  The flaws are few and far between.

Death In Darkness

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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #35 on: November 27, 2005, 06:39:00 PM »

Some stuff I would like in Halo 3 would have to be a couple things. First I would want a human type of sword that looks futuristic. Another thing I would like would be the ATV that was supposed to be in Halo 2 yet they took it out because they couldn't get the physics or something like that right. And my last request for Halo 3 would have to be I get to play as a grunt. Yeah I know what you're thinking, why the hell a grunt? Well I'll tell you why, haven't you always wanted to kick Master Chiefs ass with a grunt, I know I have. Well that's really all I want, oh wait and if the shotgun could have 2 diffrent things to switch between like pump, and some other type of thing, or maybe if the guns can also shoot out diffrent projectiles or something. Just something to think about.


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #36 on: November 28, 2005, 07:06:00 AM »

Think a primary and secondary fire on some weapons would be pretty cool eg. battle rifle + grenade launcher combo. But balancing them out would be a supreme headache. I think it'd be best to stick to the weapons they've already got and tweak them.


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2005, 10:58:00 AM »

1.No lunge with sword
2.Dedicated Servers
3.No cheating what so ever
4.No flood
5.A good SP ending
6.No useless weapons that take up space
7.New balenced weapons
8.A pelican in MP
9.Ability to change MC suit more.


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #38 on: December 16, 2005, 03:58:00 PM »

this is what i think. i think halo 3 should have offline bots, and a BETTER online system. more people capable online, like black hawk down. i also think that the environment should be destroyable. make the ground able to be blown, so you can make bunkers in the ground, and have a map editer, so you can make your own maps. make the maps bigger, different vehicles, you can edit your vehicles so you can change colors and add different features. also, you should add a character edit, so you can customize wat your suit is like (if your halo dude), and like sum 1 else said, you can strip from your costume if you are stuck, but it strips most of your defense until you can find another suit hanging up. if your the alien, i guess your screwed. also add different people variations. plus, add a feature that you can swim under water for a limited time. you also should add a stats ability, that applies to online, too. like, muscle, stamina, agility, no health, jumping, stealth, and movement speed. also add height, CUSTOMIZABLE ICONS, more than just 2 colors, and more weapons. make it to where you can gain access to the helicopter things, and you can parachute off of it, but it needs two people to fly it, and if anti-aircraft rockets hit it, then the people flying it can abandon, and the aircraft will just glide on until it is destroyed. a major stealth feature should be added, too.

also, add 3rd person view, if you wanna change it in options screen, or macro it to a button

i dont care if this game is postponned 4 these features, because it would just make it 10x better. and i stress, plz plz plz make online games to where you can make them like rainbow six 3, instaed of bungie hosting all of them. bungie has discouraged many from buying halo 2. plz take my features into consideration, and if you agree, any1, then copy and paste this post on different websites forums all over so we can get the point through. thank you


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #39 on: December 16, 2005, 08:44:00 PM »

oooh i got one flyable pelicans, the halo 1 pistol but even more powerful (im thinking around rocket launcher powerful) so that i can easily own, and no swords(word hors= noobs at halo 2)


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #40 on: December 20, 2005, 02:39:00 PM »

QUOTE(sQuIsHyFaCe @ Dec 16 2005, 09:15 PM) *
the halo 1 pistol but even more powerful (im thinking around rocket launcher powerful) so that i can easily own, and no swords(word hors= noobs at halo 2)

You're kidding, right?  

If people like you were in charge, the Halo series would be run into the ground very quickly.

This post has been edited by Granulated: Dec 20 2005, 10:39 PM


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #41 on: December 23, 2005, 01:01:00 PM »

yes im kidding. i still love the halo 1 pistol, but it made the game unbalanced.

Master X

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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #42 on: December 29, 2005, 11:53:00 AM »

QUOTE(Granulated @ Nov 26 2005, 01:04 AM) *

Every day, I wake up, and thank god that bungie has none of you idiots on the design team.  

Halo 2 is a masterpiece.  The flaws are few and far between.

Me too, all these ideas suck. Just let Bungie do what it does best.


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #43 on: January 08, 2006, 06:20:00 AM »

QUOTE(Granulated @ Nov 25 2005, 09:04 PM) *

Every day, I wake up, and thank god that bungie has none of you idiots on the design team.  

Halo 2 is a masterpiece.  The flaws are few and far between.


No doubt.

I due hope that some aspects of halo1, that where not in halo2, make there presence in halo3.


1) Increase the Field of Vision back to 90 degrees; halo 2's tunnel vision is the worst thing for me.

2) No melee lunge.

3) Battle rifle with one round bursts (not 3 bursts); more like the halo 1 pistol.  Making it require more precision and skills.

4) Leave the bullet casing on the ground for more the one sec.  I loved it in halo1 where after a big battle there was casing everywhere.


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What Shood They Have In Halo 3?
« Reply #44 on: January 08, 2006, 07:23:00 AM »

there should be finishing moves you can execute on the corpses.. instead of the traditional teabagging, maybe they can get creative in that aspect..  

a couple twisted ideas ive just thought up:

- master shief whips down his suit and takes a big dump on your defeated foe.
- master chief proceeds to rub one out until the victim looks like he's just been hit by a mayonaise truck.

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