
Author Topic: Using Phone Headset For Xbox  (Read 211 times)


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Using Phone Headset For Xbox
« on: August 28, 2005, 05:30:00 PM »

I wanna know if i could use a cellphone headset for xbc but i guess im just asking what you plug a headset for xbc into... does anyone know if this will work or not?


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Using Phone Headset For Xbox
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2005, 05:45:00 PM »

Yup. At least the one I have does. My friend's pitbull pup chewed up just my headset. So I'm using a cell phone headset (same as for most house phones.) They're pretty much all the same AFAIK. Try it and find out.

TIP: Make sure it gets pushed in all the way. I had a friend who tried to use one with his and couldn't get it to work because he didn't push it in all the way (it was a bit of a tight fit.)


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Using Phone Headset For Xbox
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 05:50:00 PM »

where do i plug it in on the computer, cuz ya know it has a smaller plug and everything

This post has been edited by UGCREBEL6: Aug 29 2005, 12:52 AM


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Using Phone Headset For Xbox
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2005, 05:59:00 PM »

I guess I didn't understand the question. I thought you were asking if you could plug a cell phone headset into the xbox communicator instead of the one that comes with it. I don't know of a way to do what you're asking.


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Using Phone Headset For Xbox
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2005, 06:00:00 PM »

lol damn i guess it wont work then.... wait the communicator is just like a headphone jack though right... not like a smaller jack like a headset


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Using Phone Headset For Xbox
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2005, 06:13:00 PM »

Below is a diagram of a mono mic headset plug (what the XBOX communicator and cell phone headsets use.) These plugs are smaller than stereo headsets.


Below is a diagram of a stereo headset plug (like what portable CD and MP3 players have.)


Hope that helps a little. Sorry for the quick plain pics.

This post has been edited by LostIt: Aug 29 2005, 01:14 AM


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Using Phone Headset For Xbox
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2005, 08:22:00 PM »

do xbox communicators plug into ur computer through a microphone jack in the back? or headphone jack


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Using Phone Headset For Xbox
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2005, 01:55:00 PM »

no no no no, to use a mic on XBC you plug the mic into your xbox communicator adapter thing.
 there would be no point into plugging a headset into the computer, XBC wouldn't do anything with it


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Using Phone Headset For Xbox
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2005, 02:00:00 PM »

i went a bought a head set for a phone it has one ear piece and a speaker thay hangs it worked for about a week and then i coulnt hear jack so it wasnt so great


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Using Phone Headset For Xbox
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2005, 02:30:00 PM »

alrite thanks camdog