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Author Topic: Katrina  (Read 831 times)


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« Reply #45 on: September 03, 2005, 07:05:00 AM »

You guys that are blaming the president for this are so ignorant its laughable.  The idiot governor was in charge of this from day one.  She was the brainchild that decided to put all of these people in the stadium with no cots, no food, no water, and minimal bathroom facilities.  It was also her job to let the federal government know what she needed and when.  She didnt ask for help until wednesday to save face.  Get your heads out of your asses.  Did you know that the levys were updated under this administration and not Clintons?  So in effect, you could say that Clinton is to blame? Hell no, but thats about the same as saying its Bush's fault.  They ALL handled this poorly.  Now we got liberals coming out and using this as yet another political strategy to mar Bush.  Some people have no shame. The mayor of the city is liberal, the governor is liberal, the senators are liberal, yet its a republicans fault LOL.  And tell me when the federal government is just going to rush into a state without the state's consent.  Heard of states rights?  Thats the basis of our form of government.  If you knew shit about it and had an ounce of sense, youd know that.  The city handled this poorly, the state handled it poorly, and when they hesitated for days, people want to blame Bush.  And because they hesitated the place became a warzone where the "refugees" began shooting at cops and people trying to save them.  Did they think that they could assemble troops and deploy in 10hrs with some sort of a plan in place? Laughable.  Now we got idiots like "the reverend" Jesse Jackson saying that this is all racism.  Does good ol jesse know that the mayor is black?  Does he know that the mayor bumped all of the tourists in front of the line to get them on the buses first?  Ahead of all of the black people?  Who's doing shit wrong here?  Maybe the blacks will figure out who represents them now.  And it damn sure isnt some democrat willing to do some CYA rather than help the helpless.  I dont know how you people have the intelligence to mod an xbox if you cant even see through this shit.  Amazing.


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« Reply #46 on: September 03, 2005, 07:36:00 AM »

She didnt ask for help until wednesday to save face.
And tell me when the federal government is just going to rush into a state without the state's consent. Heard of states rights? Thats the basis of our form of government. If you knew shit about it and had an ounce of sense, youd know that.

http://gov.louisiana...ief Request.pdf
Dated August 28th.
You are right though, its not just Bush's fault, its incompetence on all levels.  You could see that even the local gov't had no plan at all from the beginning, when they stuck 20k people in the superdome, not having any idea of whether the the roof would rip off, or even if the the entire structure might collapse.  It certainly doesnt excuse Bush for playing golf and strumming on a guitar while people drowned in their own homes though.

Its crazy that there are STILL 2 thousand people in the superdome, and thousands more throughout the city.

Edit: why do you  have "the reverend" in quotes?


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« Reply #47 on: September 03, 2005, 08:04:00 AM »

Why is it in quotes?  Well, basically because he touts himself as "the reverend jesse jackson" when in reality he is just a political activist, or as he is called in my circles, a nut.  He began the Rainbow Push Coalition and has done NOTHING but show up in front of tv cameras when it suits him.  Being the political activist that he is, is how he gets paid.  Its the same with good ol Al Sharpton.  They capitalize on photo ops and paid speaking events to call people racists and thats all they do.  Any way that they can attack Republicans or any conservative cause is the opportunity for them to make cash.  Have you seen the Cindy Sheehan photo?  The New York times and other liberal rags cropped out all of the cameras to hide the fact that it was a staged event.  I'll find the photos and show you what I mean.  Its all about money as usual, and normally theres nothing wrong with that, but its what these guys do to make cash.  Then you have the congressional black caucus that had a press event the other day and instead of saying "we are coming together to raise money for our people" or something respectable like that, they said that Bush was killing there people.  Then the prize Martin Luther King juniors son came up to the mic and started talking about how blacks should be able to steal the tv's and nikes because they were oppressed by the white man and that if that was how they needed to make money, so be it.  Its all a sham.  Then rap genius Kanye West gets up in front of America and says how Bush hates black people.  The irony is there, that the telethon raised millions of dollars before he spoke, and after he spoke, the donations dropped off like a wrecking ball through the ocean.  I guess some of the people cant always fall for this tripe.  Ok, thats enough.  You only asked about Jesse Jackson LOL.  Anyways, your a smart and respected person in the scene and I dont mean to attack, but Im just getting dizzy from hearing this stuff.  Its all made to fuzzy up the truth of what really happened.  There are lots of people to blame here, but lets do that after the work of saving people is done.  I dont even really blame the governor or anyone in particular.  Our nation has never seen this before, and mistakes are going to be made.  Its unforgivable, but thats the hard truth that some people cant come to grips with.

Oh and I read the pdf, and that is all relevant.  What isnt is the fact that she later said that (on CNN) she asked for 40,000 troops to assist in securing the city and holding order.  Complete BS.  She asked Wednesday, not monday.  The troops started arriving on Wednesday evening.  How much faster did she think theyd begin arriving?

Here is what the papers showed you
user posted image

Here is what they didnt show


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« Reply #48 on: September 03, 2005, 08:20:00 AM »

Hmm wouldnt let me add the second image, here it is.

user posted image


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« Reply #49 on: September 03, 2005, 08:23:00 AM »



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« Reply #50 on: September 03, 2005, 08:30:00 AM »

QUOTE(Juniorman030790 @ Sep 3 2005, 02:50 AM)
The fucking government has their shit together you uneducated fuck. They have all patients evacuated from all hospitals. The national guard and other things are evacuating about 90,000 people and hour from that hell hole!


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« Reply #51 on: September 03, 2005, 08:35:00 AM »

And Heet, even though cindy sheehan has nothing to do with this hurricane, it wasnt the "The New York times and other liberal rags" that cropped anything - they all use AP and Reuters photos;  The one they printed is shown here.


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« Reply #52 on: September 03, 2005, 09:09:00 AM »

no, i was saying how the jesse jackson look alikes jump on photo ops and give false representation.  I was replying to your question.  "reverend jesse", "reverend al". Same thing.  And yes, it was the mayor that gave the order to jump the tourists in line.  Both pictures were available at the time, they CHOSE to use the smaller one.  It was even mentioned on CNN, which really surprised the hell out of me.  And ya, calling members idiots isnt needed, maybe misinformed?  Of course you could say the same about my views so.....................


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« Reply #53 on: September 03, 2005, 09:10:00 AM »


I like that name <3


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« Reply #54 on: September 03, 2005, 09:31:00 AM »

Heet, my point was that he IS an ordained minister, regardless of anything he says.  By putting quotes around reverend, you are implying that maybe he doesnt deserve that title.  Its not much different from people who use quotes around president george bush - implying that he doesnt deserve to be in that office.
Choosing a different photo is different from "cropping to hide" something.  Although I still dont see what that has to do with the hurricane, except that you wanted make to comments about the 'liberal rags'... for some reason.  BTW, is the washington post one of those papers you include in the 'liberal rags' group?

Wong Hung Lo

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« Reply #55 on: September 04, 2005, 11:38:00 AM »

QUOTE(Heet @ Sep 3 2005, 11:15 AM)
Have you seen the Cindy Sheehan photo?  The New York times and other liberal rags cropped out all of the cameras to hide the fact that it was a staged event.  I'll find the photos and show you what I mean.  Here is what the papers showed you


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« Reply #56 on: September 04, 2005, 12:35:00 PM »

Ya thats epic.  I guess she can quit disgracing and discrediting her son's service now.  I really doubt she will though.  She will most probably write a book, or appear in speaking events and tv commercials.


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« Reply #57 on: September 04, 2005, 11:19:00 PM »

I posted this in the kanye west thread, but I guess it most deservedly goes here.

Go to, just under "Developing Stories", there is a link called "some refuse to leave".  Go have a look at that.  I couldnt stop laughing.  Although it is sad that they are covering the same areas over and over waiting for these morons to decide if they want to leave yet while others are dying waiting to be rescued.  The irony of this disaster is more unimaginable than the destruction it caused.


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« Reply #58 on: September 05, 2005, 03:55:00 AM »

QUOTE(Heet @ Sep 4 2005, 11:30 PM)
I posted this in the kanye west thread, but I guess it most deservedly goes here.


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« Reply #59 on: September 05, 2005, 04:02:00 AM »

No the real pussies are the ones who never tried to join.  Try again.

Im glad that ive gotten to you so much that you feel that you need to attack me personally LOL.
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