
Author Topic: Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army  (Read 254 times)

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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« on: December 09, 2004, 01:58:00 PM »

I understand that Rumsfeld was "setup" (not the point), but why have they not requested more Armored Humvees?

I just don't get I missing something here?



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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2004, 03:13:00 PM »

it's all by design... every war that America gets involved in is purposely designed so-that we get our asses kicked after a long period of time..

same shit happened in Vietnam.. That war could have been won, but the powers that be had planned for failure.. 55,000+ Americans were killed off because of the sole purpose to get American's hooked on narcotics that were being shipped over from the `Golden Triangle' of southeast asia.

just look at the bullshit with rounding up the National Guard personnel to be shipped to Iraq. It's all by design.. You get our military involved in bullshit wars overseas for the corporate global elite, meanwhile when the next staged terrorist attack happens in America, guess who will come to our rescue..

the fucking U.N. and NATO troops who will treat Americans like prisoners....

Lock and Load!!! Get ready for a revolution...


This post has been edited by psybersoma: Dec 9 2004, 11:14 PM


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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2004, 03:21:00 PM »

the revolution will not be televised  :ph34r:


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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2004, 03:26:00 PM »

Lock and Load!!! Get ready for a revolution...

Aren't you one of those idiots who preach gun control and is a liberal? Get ready for a revolution where you can fight with sticks and knives because if you people had it your way oridinary people shouldn't be armed.

The humvees question could be answered by the army won't pay them if they made more. So why make something if you can't sell it.


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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2004, 03:31:00 PM »

geezus.. ok yes I am a staunch LIBERAL.. I want to take away you guns...meanwhile I am armed to the teeth with my own assault weapons..



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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2004, 03:44:00 PM »

to expand on psybersoma, think about it this way, crime rates go up and employment is at a margin that is undesirable, so you start a war to get some of those "punk kids" off the streets. If they happen to die, oh well taco bell that is just less people to contribute to the overpopulation problem. Rich bureaucrats(sp?) get richer because war means $$$ and they feel better at the end of the day because their dividends are doubling and the streets are safer because all the rufians are dead or fighting. Same as it was in vietnam.

Inorder for the end results to be achieved you need to make sure soldiers die, so crappy equipment has been the trend since vietnam when m16 rifles where frequently jamming on the frontline.



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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2004, 03:51:00 PM »

QUOTE (pepsik @ Dec 10 2004, 12:16 AM)
to expand on psybersoma, think about it this way, crime rates go up and employment is at a margin that is undesirable, so you start a war to get some of those "punk kids" off the streets. If they happen to die, oh well taco bell that is just less people to contribute to the overpopulation problem. Rich bureaucrats(sp?) get richer because war means $$$ and they feel better at the end of the day because their dividends are doubling and the streets are safer because all the rufians are dead or fighting. Same as it was in vietnam.

Inorder for the end results to be achieved you need to make sure soldiers die, so crappy equipment has been the trend since vietnam when m16 rifles where frequently jamming on the frontline.

:rotfl: Did you think maybe for a second it was because that was the first time the M16 had ever been used in combat? The shittier, communist alternative, the AK-47 was good for those types of conditions (didn't jam up as a result of sand, water, foliage, etc.); because it is a 3rd world piece of shit (you better start praying after that first shot). :rolleyes: Did your father serve in Nam?


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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2004, 04:08:00 PM »

nope, my buddies dad was a sniper for the special forces in nam, he said he traded his m16 for an ak the first chance he got. My other friends dad was on a riverboat in nam. I served in the navy, and have a few friends who pounded some ground for the army and marine corp, plus a few more friends who are still pounding that dirt.


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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2004, 06:12:00 PM »

QUOTE (FektionFekler @ Dec 10 2004, 12:23 AM)
:rotfl: Did you think maybe for a second it was because that was the first time the M16 had ever been used in combat? The shittier, communist alternative, the AK-47 was good for those types of conditions (didn't jam up as a result of sand, water, foliage, etc.); because it is a 3rd world piece of shit (you better start praying after that first shot). :rolleyes: Did your father serve in Nam?

as a matter of fact..yeah my dad did serve in Nam. He was a Ranger that went on classified missions into Cambodia. He did his 2 year tour and came back alive. Got some shrapnel imbedded in his back in the process.

the M16 jams because it's milled to tightly which is why it's been known to jam due to any little debris that gets into the bolt and upper receiver..

the AK-47 was milled with enough play in the upper receiver so that sand and debris wouldn't jam it. Of course the AK-47 has a bigger cartridge that provides far more gas pressure upon firing off a round that it rams the bolt back in a fashion that clears any dirt and debris easily out of the way..


The unProfessional

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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2004, 07:06:00 PM »

Of course an armor company could "boost" output if the army wanted to.  They stand to make loads of $.  Then again, spending more on the military would just everyone more up in arms about the cost of the war in Iraq.

Maybe the armor is too expensive, maybe it's not very good, maybe they're buying from elsewhere, maybe you're a raving lunatic who posts random copy-paste bull shit.

You know, I could boost performance on army computers quite a bit... but they haven't asked me... they must want really slow computers... weird.

This post has been edited by The unProfessional: Dec 10 2004, 03:07 AM


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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2004, 09:08:00 PM »

The shittier, communist alternative, the AK-47 was good for those types of conditions (didn't jam up as a result of sand, water, foliage, etc.); because it is a 3rd world piece of shit (you better start praying after that first shot).

The Kalashnikov desing is proven to be one of the best gun operations ever designed. They are pretty damn dependable and I have first hand experience with that as I own a mak-90 chinese variant.

Whoever said the ak-47 is milled is right except for the fact that the milled version was dropped in favor of a stamped receiver shortly after. It was known as the AKM and those are the guns are the ones used in Vietnam, terrorism, and whatever else. Then there's the ak74 which shoots a different round but is the same operation.


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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2004, 12:07:00 PM »

more news on soldiers getting in trouble over "aquiring" armor to deliver fuel.

6 Court-Martialed for Scrounging Equipment

Associated Press Writer

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- At a time when some U.S. troops in Iraq are complaining they have to scrounge for equipment, six Ohio-based reservists were court-martialed for taking Army vehicles abandoned in Kuwait by other units so they could carry out their own unit's mission to Iraq.

The soldiers say they needed the vehicles, and parts stripped from one, to deliver fuel to Iraq, but their former battalion commander said Sunday the troops should at least have returned the vehicles to their original units.


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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2004, 12:55:00 PM »

I think Bush Administration's shortage of armor on vehicles is like the flu vaccine this year.  I was planning to get the shot this year but I can't.  Over the weekend I got hit by the flu bug.  So I have to suffer because Bush's dumbass policy.


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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2004, 01:25:00 PM »

I was planning to get the shot this year but I can't.

I got my flu shot. :D If you took some intiative and got it early, you wouldn't ahve had any problems. :rolleyes:

So I have to suffer because Bush's dumbass policy.

Again, perfect case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.


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Armor Supplier Says It Could Boost Output If Army
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2004, 02:40:00 PM »

if you got a flu shot last year, you shouldn't get one this year. they are the exact strain, well give or take 2%.  :lol:

back to the subject, I think it's BS to court martial 6 men for getting armour from abandoned vehicles, just so they can make their fuel deliveries. Bureaucrats need to stop making decisions from the corporate centers and allow the soldiers to use rational thinking in a warzone.