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Author Topic: Stolen Honor  (Read 2335 times)


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Stolen Honor
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2004, 09:05:00 PM »

yeah, i have to agree that movies like this probably don't have much impact. everyone knows they're just advertising. and by now most people have made up their minds anyhow, so do these things really matter much?


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« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2004, 09:38:00 PM »

this is the October surprise Rove was talking about. But Moore has offered f911 to Sinclair free of charge if it is ran before or after Stolen honor


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« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2004, 10:34:00 PM »

QUOTE (K98 @ Oct 18 2004, 02:31 AM)
This posts arguement ended right there.

I havent seen this but from what I have heard it's not close to it.

If they want to do this type of documentry (at least that's what you want to call it) it could've been done months before the election day.

Anyways freedom of speech comes to play here. They can show whatever they want on tv. Ecept if its nudity, language, vilence, but sometimes you need to show everything to get a point through. Kerry has done a few of these tactics to Bush also, it's not a one way thing here.

Ummm, you forgot censorship.  For example, showing anthing that is anti-war is restricted a lot.  Eg, showing flag drapped coffins and things like that.

Even though Fahrenheit 9/11 is an anti-Bush film, it does point out a lot of facts (although some of it might not be true)  from the Florida at 2000 election, war on Iraq, Bush with ties with the Bin Laden Family.  It presents a lot of points that you want in a documentry.

Stolen Honor has none of that stuff, you have a dozen or so POW's blaming Kerry why they were kept for so long.  They blamed Kerry because the interrogators showed the former POW's Kerry's testimony in Congress and stuff like that.

I mean that Iraqi POW's today are interrogated by US in Abu Ghraib.  Do you think most of those Iraqi POW's are going to be released today?  No, unless the war or what Bush is called 'Conflict' is over.  

That basically what happens in the Vietnam war.  The war dragged on, and they have a hard time to talk about releasing the POW's on both sides until the war is over.  Dumbasses like Nixon dragged on the losing war for years and he should be blamed for the POW's long stay.  Kerry should be praised because he try to bring the war to an end.

Stolen Honor is not a documentry, it is just a bunch of former POW's blaming on Kerry when Kerry wants to end the POW's long stay.


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« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2004, 09:17:00 AM »

QUOTE (K98 @ Oct 18 2004, 08:08 AM)
I would think if you were a POW and had to endure everything that happened to you, and Kerry said what he said I would be very angry. Fact is they were there, and we weren't. They know what they were shown and if they were beaten more because of Kerry's actions.

No, I don't blame on the POW's thinking for thinking Kerry cause of the problem.  Hey, the enemy has to do to defeat the enemy, both physically and pshchologically.  At the same time, US just drag on this losing war for such a long time.

Sorry but just dropping a war and coming home isn't an easy option. Thousands dead, and billions spent, then just leave. It was only a losing war on the homefront and in morale. The Tet Offensive was a huge disaster for the NVA, but a winner for killing US morale. I have seen if a few more years were committed the north vietnamese would of just ran out of people, and supplies. Russia no longer helped them. It's a tough call though to say we would of won if we would of stayed. Vietnam was a war fought in D.C. not in Vietnam. To many restrictions were placed on what the generals could do.

I doubt it if even if the US put more troops in the Vietnam, China and Russia will retalitate by sending troops and more money to fight the US (aka. Korean War.)  From China and Russia's perspective, they just have too much in stake if they have US interest in their own backyard.


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« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2004, 11:08:00 AM »

it does point out a lot of facts (although some of it might not be true)

God, I hate those facts that aren't true! Bastards!!!

It's impossible to tell what would have happened if we stayed in the war for longer. Hell, maybe because of Bush's enviromental plans, the hurricanes might have hit the Vietnam shore, and destroyed the whole North Vietnamese(sp?) army.
Back on topic, Why should this movie be restricted from playing on tv? The same stuff that is said on Stolen Honor and F9/11 is told on Fox, CBS, and all the rest of those stations, whether they're the truth or lies. If you want to watch it, more power to you. If you don't, this topic shouldn't even consern you, And if you base your vote on a movie made to create bad criticisim towards the oponent, you're an idiot.

PS. I haven't seen Nemt since that one thread that said he'd stop psting here. Didn't someone else say that if he stopped posting they would too? I'm gonna go find it so I can figure out who else was suppose to leave. laugh.gif
Here's his last post in the political forums Link I guess the arguement about if one person left, the other one would too was between 2 other people, or just at another point in time. Not sure what this has to do with anything, just remembered a regular in this forum was missing.


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« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2004, 11:25:00 AM »



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« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2004, 11:30:00 AM »

If you want to watch it, more power to you. If you don't, this topic shouldn't even consern you, And if you base your vote on a movie made to create bad criticisim towards the oponent, you're an idiot.
There is no valid arguement about why this shouldn't be shown. Much like F9/11. This just needs to be dropped.


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« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2004, 01:08:00 PM »

QUOTE (feflicker @ Oct 18 2004, 07:28 PM)
I watched this "documentary" last night...

It is pretty bad. They interview the wives of the POW's and they whine about how their husbands were put through hell because of John Kerry... Talk about ridiculous.

I have watched pretty much all the political documentaries that are out, and frankly I think this was the most biased of the bunch (even more than F911)...

I don't think it would be such a big deal if Sinclair wasn't OPENLY BIASED  dry.gif

Really, If you don't mind me asking, what city do you live?  I wonder if anybody know where and when this 'documentry' is showing.

After going to Stolen Honor's web site, I figured that this 'documentry' is about bunch of people blaming on Kerry on what happened when they were a POW.  If I want to hear whining for 1.5 hours, I can listen to my wife.

I wondered if this was the cause of why Bush is up in the polls for the past few days.

Most of the news organizations didn't say much about airing this so called documentry.  So that is a good sign.  The news about Cheney's flip-flop decision to be angry at Kerry about his Daughter seems to be of little interest now so we can hear more of the common mudslinging in the news.


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« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2004, 01:44:00 PM »

Really, If you don't mind me asking, what city do you live? I wonder if anybody know where and when this 'documentry' is showing.

I got it from the newsgroups...

You can also pay to see it on the stolen honor website...

EDIT: I believe the intended broadcast date is the 23rd...

There is no valid arguement about why this shouldn't be shown.

I respectfully disagree. You are not the authority on what is/is not a valid argument.

I actually think that Sinclair's handling of this is very socialist, and that they are actually trying to intentionally sway voters, rather than report the "news".


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« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2004, 01:51:00 PM »

Poor orcs.

Damn Aragornitler, if only he had given the inspectors in Isengard more time!!



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« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2004, 01:59:00 PM »



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« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2004, 02:00:00 PM »

I actually think that Sinclair's handling of this is very socialist, and that they are actually trying to intentionally sway voters, rather than report the "news".

And how is that a valid arguement to not show it? Does it break any rules, regulations or laws in effect? Is it in immediate harm of anyone or anyone's property? It's all just a media gimmick, which seems to be working. As far as being a canidate basher, this is just as bad as F9/11. It was made to sway voters, if it does, well be it, if it doesn't, then good for the people who stand strong against stupid crap like this.


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« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2004, 03:08:00 PM »

And how is that a valid arguement to not show it?

Oh, I wasn't really trying to make an argument. I watched it, so I obviously don't feel that strongly about not having it aired.

My problem is not the content of the show, everyone has the right to voice their feelings on the matter. My problem was with a broadcast company openly being biased and promoting propoganda. It is one thing when they do it secretly, but this is blatant...

There is a difference between this and F911... F911 isn't being backed by a media giant and fed through the public airwaves.

The thing I don't get is, WHO CARES ABOUT VIETNAME NOW! I don't see how Bush's guard service or Kerry's vietname service are relevant to the election. I think they both served honorably. They certainly did more than I have at this point in terms of military service beerchug.gif


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« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2004, 03:40:00 PM »

Well, actually, it may matter a lot.

The "October Surprise" may still happen.... in this case, Kerry's dishonorable discharge. Kerry's people have worked real hard to embed the isea that Bush went AWOL, though no evidence actually exists of this.

Bush signed form 180, surrendering any and all military records to the public.

Kerry refuses to sign form 180, and there's AT LEAST, according to the Navy, 96 more pages of information that has not been released. Additionally, Kerry's discharge was executed by a review board convended at the command of President Carter himself (you know, the guy who pardoned deserters and dishonorables), which does not happen for honorable or general discharges. Further evidence is in the fact that he's had all of his medals reissued (by pulling political favors) - the ONLY case this would be needed is under a dishonorable discharge, which revokes all medals.

The running theory is that Kerry's anti-war activity, before his discharge, placed him in line for treason charges under the Logan Act, for meeting the enemy (documented) and providing aid and comfort to the enemy (also documented), and he managed to plea it down, and under a new democratic president, was able to "minimize" the political damage.

So what does this mean 30 years later? Quite a lot.... what does it say if we elect a President who's (by his actions) legally a traitor, a dishonorably discharged veteran? There are a lot of current "Kerry voters" who would look at that particular information and see their candidate in an entirely different light, I might add.

Stolen Honor only treads ground already laid by the Democrats. If they did not want Kerry's past discussed, then they should NEVER have brought it up in the first place. They have no moral high ground here.



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« Reply #29 on: October 18, 2004, 03:53:00 PM »


Let me just say this: Things I did 5 years ago are not indicitive of who I am know. So why would things that happened 30 years ago when these guys were kids... That is my feeling... (For example, I don't care that Bush was an alcoholic, a Coke-head, etc. I know that isn't who he is NOW).
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