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« Reply #75 on: April 04, 2004, 03:34:00 AM »

First of all i believe that Jesus Christ as a man was probably a cool guy. More like a Bhudist then any thing else. I mean the whole passive resisitance and all. I think that the people that ruin Christianity are the Christians. Me personaly I am Agnostic. I believe In a higher power its just the details that bother me.  I grew up Catholic, but I have managed to recover and lead a somewhat normal life.  Lol. No offense to Catholics but I personaly had problems with all of those rituals and rules.  Most people just recite the words in church and never really give it much thought.  The one thread that goes through most religions is a common one. Treat others like you would want to be treated. Yes the secret to world peace really is that simple.

What I hate is this. Its twisting the words one says to suit your needs. Most religions do this. Actually most Mass groupigs of humans do this. Lemmings. They latch on to somehing no matter if it is right or wrong and they run with it. It does no matter if it is Micro$oft or th U$A. A few months ago. I made a peace sign and this guy comes over and asks me if I am a "peacenick". I said I believed in peace. He then proceeded to say how people like me make him sick. How i wanted "Our troops" to die. Now where in the world did he get and idea like this.  If I broke down and took his side and I got my wish the war would still go on and the more people would die.  On the other hand if I got my wish and peace broke out no one else would get killed.  BTW I support and end to the war instead of just peace.



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« Reply #76 on: April 04, 2004, 03:47:00 AM »

Well, I ABSOLUTELY agree with you saying "Treat others like you would want to be treated". When I say to people that's what it's all about they claim I'm a christian(at least christians claim I am), and OK it's christian, but it's also VERY logic. Sadly enough religions don't apply to this themselves.


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« Reply #77 on: April 04, 2004, 03:48:00 AM »

Well, I ABSOLUTELY agree with you saying "Treat others like you would want to be treated". When I say to people that's what it's all about they claim I'm a christian(at least christians claim I am), and OK it's christian, but it's also VERY logic. Sadly enough religions don't apply to this themselves.


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« Reply #78 on: April 04, 2004, 01:38:00 PM »

"God... Please deliver me from your believers"

This best sums up what I think.  I believe in God, I believe in Jesus.  I think God created something (be it the Universe or larger or whatever) which lead to life springing from the primordial seas of this planet (be it coincidental or not).  I don't think that there is a place that God made specifically for us to burn and suffer in torment for all eternity because with respect to Him, we are nothing, bacteria, zilch.  

The sum of our existance and the effect we have on ANYTHING is insignificant.  I don't profess to believe in any one religion, because God favors no person, only religions do that.  Call me naive, but I believe that all people are good to a reasonable degree, and evil and badness are the result of either 1) Overdeveloped sense of self or 2) Self-Preservation.  

I believe that orthodox, organized religion is the most ridiculous, most pretentious concept ever.  Sure, the 10 commandments are great guidelines to live by, but some mysterious father figure is not going to point you out and send you to be punished forever if you break these rules.

If you must summarize my beliefs, I believe in the "Grand Clockmaker" theory.  That God created everything and set it motion to observe, to watch for satisfaction or even entertainment.  I believe he does play a part in our lives, helping us, putting us in our place, to his satisfaction (our karma).  Eh, well, enough rambling, I gotta piss.


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« Reply #79 on: April 04, 2004, 06:41:00 PM »

Ok, I haven't read all the posts (too many for after 4am).

Anyway, I don't believe in god, but I do believe in reincarnation and other such STufF that science can't explain.

I have memories from previous lives, so for me to not believe in reincarnation would make as much sense as me not believing that I'm typing out this post.

As for the questions about where did it all come from (I mean EVERYTHING), well, there's always the possibility that whether god or not, the origins of existence are so far beyond human comprehension that we'll just ask ourselves that forever.

In science (lesson) a few years ago, we were talking about how the universe came into being and how there have been potentially infinite big bangs and will continue to be forever, because the universe (might) contracts after it stops expanding (like elastic) and eventually implodes which causes another big bang, but at the point in time when everything in the universe, including time is all together, the new universe that is created will have different physics and rules than the universe we live in.

I don't know if I believe that, but whether I do or not, it's kind of worthless talking about, because no one can ever disprove it.


The other thing I used to ask myself when I was younger was what's at the edge of the universe, ie, where does it end, and what's after that?

Again, I think the answer is so profoundly beyond anything we are mentally or physically capable of even coming close to understanding.

In the end, what's the point in thinking about all this religious crap, just be good to everyone and never do something which you feel is wrong, relax and the world will be a better place. So smoke some weed, play StepManiaX and enjoy life instead of questioning it.

wireless g

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« Reply #80 on: April 04, 2004, 08:33:00 PM »

is there a god ?


is their a creator ?


and it's name is evolution


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« Reply #81 on: April 04, 2004, 11:37:00 PM »

QUOTE (wireless g @ Apr 4 2004, 11:33 PM)
is there a god ?


is their a creator ?


and it's name is evolution

Interesting theory...  unsure.gif


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« Reply #82 on: April 05, 2004, 06:49:00 AM »



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« Reply #83 on: April 14, 2004, 08:14:00 AM »

there must be some sort of supreme being out there.  just the fact that we can think and act for ourselves gives it away.  on top of that, i've experienced so-called "miracles" in my family.

my mother was somehow cured of malignant melanoma (brain tumor) while pregnant with me.  she's still here.  when the doctor re-examined her, he found nothing.  the guy turned white and asked her "what did you do!?"  she replied "i prayed."

my oldest bro had an enlarged heart and was supposed to be dead by his early 20s.  he went to some healing service - or something like that - and said he felt different after the minister prayed for him.  this was back 14 years ago.  today, he's happily married and 29 years old.... and healthy as ever.

...... go figure.


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« Reply #84 on: April 14, 2004, 10:20:00 PM »

QUOTE (parkerbender @ Apr 5 2004, 12:49 PM)
there used to be a god but mel gibson killed him to make a million bucks!

 uhh.gif How is the Son of God, God?


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« Reply #85 on: April 14, 2004, 10:45:00 PM »

How is the Son of God, God?

Technically Its like this. Jesus(Emanuel) was/is the avatar of God. The place holder of God. He never actualy said he was God. He spoke of his father in heaven. think of reality as the internet and heaven/divinity as the "real" world. Jesus Christ was the IM handle of God. hope that clears things up. if you believe in that sort of thing. According to catholic teaching God has multiple personalities,the Holy Trinity. Then Jesus would just be one facet of God.  just a though wink.gif


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« Reply #86 on: April 14, 2004, 11:36:00 PM »

QUOTE (notit @ Apr 15 2004, 12:45 AM)

Technically Its like this. Jesus(Emanuel) was/is the avatar of God. The place holder of God. He never actualy said he was God. He spoke of his father in heaven. think of reality as the internet and heaven/divinity as the "real" world. Jesus Christ was the IM handle of God. hope that clears things up. if you believe in that sort of thing. According to catholic teaching God has multiple personalities,the Holy Trinity. Then Jesus would just be one facet of God.  just a though wink.gif

I know who Jesus is. I was kinda wanting to know how he came to the conclusion that Jesus is God. I do see your point, but your forgetting the Catholics are basing the trinity on one verse. Can't think of it right now, but it will come to me.

I'm going to have to brake out my Bible again to night and do some studying. But there are many things that clearly out line Jesus (the master worker) as the Son of God and not just one of his personalities.


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« Reply #87 on: April 15, 2004, 12:14:00 AM »

Oh ok. Personaly I like the pesonality of Skippy the mentaly retarded walmart greater.


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« Reply #88 on: April 15, 2004, 12:17:00 AM »

All right, get ready to do some reading here.

What does the bible say about God and Jesus?
If people were to read the Bible from cover to cover without any preconceived idea of a Trinity, would they arrive at such a concept on their own? Not at all.
What comes through very clearly to an impartial reader is that God alone is the Almighty, the Creator, separate and distinct from anyone else, and that Jesus, even in his prehuman existence, is also separate and distinct, a created being, subordinate to God.

God Is One, Not Three
The Bible teaching that God is one is called monotheism. And L. L. Paine, professor of ecclesiastical history, indicates that monotheism in its purest form does not allow for a Trinity: “The Old Testament is strictly monotheistic. God is a single personal being. The idea that a trinity is to be found utterly without foundation.”
Was there any change from monotheism after Jesus came to the earth? Paine answers: “On this point there is no break between the Old Testament and the New. The monotheistic tradition is continued. Jesus was a Jew, trained by Jewish parents in the Old Testament scriptures. His teaching was Jewish to the core; a new gospel indeed, but not a new theology. And he accepted as his own belief the great text of Jewish monotheism:

Not Equal to God
Another scripture the churches use is John 5:18. It says that the Jews wanted to kill Jesus because “he was also calling God his own Father, making himself equal to God.” Who was saying that Jesus was making himself equal to God? Not Jesus. He clears this up in the very next verse (19) by stating: “The Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he beholds the Father doing.” So Jesus did not claim that he was almighty God or equal to him. He was showing the Jews that they were mistaken, that he was not God, but that he was the Son of God, and as God’s spokesman, he could not act on his own initiative. Imagine the almighty God of the universe saying that he could do nothing of his own initiative? So the Jews made a charge, and Jesus refuted it.
Thus, from the testimony of God in his own inspired Word, from the testimony of Jesus, and from the testimony of the disciples of Jesus, the overwhelming evidence clearly shows that almighty God and Jesus Christ are two separate personalities, Father and Son. That evidence also clearly shows that the “holy spirit” is not the third person of any Trinity but God’s active force. It is futile to take scriptures out of context or to try twisting them to support the Trinity. Any such scriptures must be harmonized with the rest of the Bible’s clear testimony.

Why Did the Trinity Develop?
The Trinity has pagan roots. It is not a Bible teaching, but it was adopted by Christendom in the fourth century. However, long before that, there were trinities in ancient Babylon, Egypt, and other places. Christendom thus incorporated a pagan concept into its teachings. This was instigated by Roman emperor Constantine, who was not interested in the truth about this matter but wanted to solidify his empire made up of pagans and apostate Christians. Far from being a development of a Christian teaching, the Trinity was evidence that Christendom had apostatized from the teachings of Christ and had adopted pagan teachings instead.
Why would such a doctrine develop? Certainly, God’s interests are not served by making Him, His Son, and His holy spirit confusing and mysterious. And it does not serve the interests of people to be confused. Instead, the more people become confused about God and his purposes, the better it suits Satan the Devil, God’s opposer, the ‘god of this world,’ who works to ‘blind the minds of unbelievers.’ (2 Corinthians 4:4) Since such a doctrine makes it appear that only theologians can understand Bible teachings, it also suits the religious leaders of Christendom. This helps them to maintain their hold on the common people.

Yet, the truth about this matter is so simple that a child can understand it. A little boy knows that he is not the same as his father but that they are two separate individuals. Similarly, when the Bible says that Jesus is God’s Son, that is what it means. That is the simple truth, while the Trinity doctrine is not. It is a lie. So it must originate with “the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Rev 12:9) But the simple, refreshing truths about God, his Son, Jesus Christ, and God’s powerful holy spirit free people from bondage to false teachings rooted in paganism and authored by Satan. As Jesus said to sincere truth seekers: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) Taking in accurate knowledge of liberating truths, as well as acting on them, “means everlasting life.”—John 17:3.

Got some more in depth info on the Trinity. and will post that tomarrow or some thing.


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« Reply #89 on: April 15, 2004, 12:33:00 AM »

Catholisism is very much " christian paganism" if you will.  It comes from the ideals of the roman empire that adopted it as their main religion. I mean romans were god thiefs. Or more like god borrowers. They simply went with whatever worked that week. So has the "Holy Roman church".  To this day More and more saints keep getting added to the roster. It is one thing to admire people who Have contributed to your cause and quite another to deitify them. There are prayers dedicated to the "saints" themselves and last time I checked # one law was "Thou shalt not have any gods before me"

I agree with you rms2001. I was just trying to ilustrate better for some. Theology is kind of my hobby. I also collect bibles and other religious texts. Not that i claim any of them for my self. I believe in a higher power. I am just not sure what it is though. dry.gif
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