
Author Topic: Accuracy File Edit  (Read 127 times)


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Accuracy File Edit
« on: August 26, 2004, 12:52:00 PM »

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Accuracy File Edit
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2004, 10:17:00 PM »

Get a hex editor, a good free one is XVi32 but the ones you pay for or, can download as shareware are a bit cleaner and easier to read through.  Anyway open up your xboxdynamic.umb file with a hex editor (this file can be found in the system folder)  In your hex editor do a search but be sure you click the bullet mark for "Text Seach."  What I did was searched for "auto-aim" the first result I came to wasn't where I wanted to be so, hit F3 to perform a second search and it should take you exactly where you would want to be.  You can adjust the auto aim precision and circle size.  As for me, I wanted it to be more like the PC so, I got rid of the auto aim circle and the regular aim reticule and now, all I have left is just a small dot which, I even made smaller lol.  I didn't use it for the benifit of aiming really however, should you want to, it's all there.  
Look (on the first page of this Rainbow Six 3 forum room for the Xboxdyanmic.umb thread (which is one of the top 5 or so rooms and check out what the dynamic.umb file is all about.  The auto-aim thing was in there as well.  Hope that helps, don't cheat !!! hehe turn it off like I did mine...

Oh yeah, be sure you keep the file size in the umb file the same as what it was.  If it changes in size too much you'll get crashing or freezing errors.  This game is installed to your HD right? or else you can't do it.  Least not of anyway I know of.