
Author Topic: Aim Bots  (Read 123 times)


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Aim Bots
« on: June 06, 2004, 04:26:00 PM »

Technically.. AIMBOT does not exist.

However.. settings are easily tweaked in one of the core files for the game.. that allow you to improve Accuracy to such an extent that AUTO AIM occures. In fact.. auto aim is a bad choice of words.. as that isn't what happens. The Engine just interprets your "accurate" radius to be something ridiculous.

Ex.. firing in one direction and getting a head shot at 90 degreed. Clearly a tweaked file.

Alongside Accuracy.. other settings like speed, health, reload times, etc can all be "tweaked".

If you suspect someone is using this tweaked file.. simply don't play them.  A slightly tweaked file is impossible to detect.. while outrageous tweaked files are nearly always detected immediately.

Now.. your accusations aside.. some people have played alot.. and have attained incredible accuracy. (without cheating)

Practice with key weapons.. learn the nuances of each gun.. including reload mechanics and timing.. and lean the art of duck, run, and lean. Also.. AIM is important. Body shots are fun.. but games are one won and lost on Head shots. (whioch you can get with even the worst weapons in the game)


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Aim Bots
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2004, 04:00:00 PM »
